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Community Management: How-to articles covering the latest marketing tactics, tips, and strategies.
Know When Customer Feedback Matters and When You Should Ignore ItLiz GreeneWhether positive or negative, customer feedback provides valuable information to any business. But understanding when to respond to negative comments and when to ignore can be tricky.
Seven Traits of Successful Community Managers [Infographic]Verónica JarskiBehind every successful online community is an effective community manager. Use the following criteria to find, recruit, and select the right community managers for your organization.
How Creative Collaboration Has Evolved [Infographic]Verónica JarskiTechnological advancements keep making creative collaborations easier and more efficient. Here's a look at the history of creative collaboration and where it's heading.
Community Trolls: Types, Motivations, and SolutionsDan SullivanUnderstanding causation—including the underlying motivation of various troll types—and the impact trolls seek and have on other people, is essential to understanding how best to handle them.
Four Ways CMOs (and All Marketers) Can Get Closer to the Customer VoiceTyler DouglasAsking for customer input isn't enough to ensure candid feedback in the post-Snowden era. So how can you make your customers comfortable enough to be honest with you?
Community Managers: Salaries, Skill-Sets, and Experience LevelsAyaz NanjiCommunity managers are less technical and more seasoned than is often portrayed, with an average of eight years of work experience and three years of community management experience, according to ...
Facebook Graph Search, a Pinterest Campaign, Dropify, and More: This Week in Social Media #SocialSkimAngela NatividadFacebook's Graph Search tops this week's buzz list. In campaigns, we've got VSP and fashion icon Diane Von Furstenberg's #PinToGiveAndGet (remember Pinterest? It's still hot...). And you'll love this week's ...
Online Branded Communities: Best-Practices, Top-Performing Brands and SectorsOver the past year, America's top brands have made few improvements in how they use online branded communities to reach their customers: A dwindling proportion is using a strategic approach ...
For Effective Company Web Events and Presentations, Learn From the PoliticiansEric VidalWhether you like politicians or not, you've got to hand it to them: On either side of the aisle, they know how to connect with others and win hearts and ...
Social Is Shifting Beyond MarketingLarge US companies are reframing their approach to social media, shifting from social marketing to social business, and that shift is affecting the ownership of social media responsibilities within the ...
Community Management: Podcasts containing in-depth interviews with smart marketers from all walks of life.
Why Brand Communities Are the Future of Marketing: Jordan Kretchmer of Livefyre on Marketing Smarts [Podcast]by Kerry O'Shea GorgoneJordan Kretchmer, founder and CEO of Livefyre, discusses research on social media trends and Forrester Research's prediction that brand communities will take on greater importance in 2015.
From B2C and B2B to H2H (Human to Human): Bryan Kramer Talks to Marketing Smarts [Podcast]by Kerry O'Shea GorgoneB2B and B2C marketers both need to create marketing communications that speak H2H (human to human). Social strategist and author Bryan Kramer shares a communication framework all marketers can use.
Building Your Brand's Community: Dan Sullivan of Crowdly Talks to Marketing Smarts [Podcast]by Kerry O'Shea GorgoneCrowdly founder Dan Sullivan shares insights about community management, brand advocacy, influencer outreach, and the psychology of trolls.
Marketing Lessons From Lady Gaga: Author Jackie Huba Talks to Marketing Smarts [Podcast]by Kerry O'Shea GorgoneBest-selling author and online marketer Jackie Huba shares marketing lessons from her book Monster Loyalty: How Lady Gaga Turns Followers Into Fanatics.
Social Media and the Future of Publishing: Amy Maniatis of National Geographic Talks to Marketing Smarts [Podcast]by Kerry O'Shea GorgoneNational Geographic has dominated print media for 125 years, and now the organization is staking its claim on social networks and photo-sharing sites. EVP and CMO Amy Maniatis discusses brand management, the power of content, and the importance of emerging ...
Content, Social, Sales, and Community: Highlights From a Year of Marketing Smarts [Podcast]by Matthew GrantWe covered a range of topics on the Marketing Smarts podcast in 2012. In this episode we share some highlights on creating compelling content, allowing social media to humanize your organization, building community, and navigating the sometimes tricky relationship between ...
Small Town Rules: Author Becky McCray on Marketing Smarts [Podcast]by Matthew Grant"There will be times when your income is zero and you just might as well plan for that right now," Becky McCray told me. She is a resident of Hopeton, Oklahoma (population 30), cattle rancher, liquor store owner, and co-author ...
Nice Companies Make More Money: Andy Sernovitz on Marketing Smarts [Podcast]by Matthew GrantGetting people to talk about your company in a positive way is far simpler than you think. In the end, it's as obvious as being nice or providing thoughtful customer service. The problem is that many companies fail because they ...
If We Humanize Business, Can We Escape the Matrix? Maddie Grant Guests on Marketing Smarts [Podcast]by Matthew GrantIn this week's episode of Marketing Smarts, author Maddie Grant explains why the new world of communication afforded by social media requires that organizations shed their mechanistic perspective—and become more human.
How Community Management Can Help Your Business Grow: Rachel Happe [Podcast]by Matthew GrantThere is no question that communities are going to play a bigger and bigger role in the way we all do business. The question is, Is your company ready for it? Rachel Happe of the Community Roundtable offers insights.
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How-to Articles
AI Meets RCS: The New Standard for Mobile Messaging Engagement by Alex Campbell
Three Priorities and Best-Practices for B2B Marketers in 2025 by Mario Peshev
How to Improve Your Conversion Rates With Digital Accessibility by Chad Sollis
How to Ensure Digital Transformation Success: Take a Data-First ... by Ashley Cruz
10 Common Mistakes B2B Marketers Make When Measuring TAM by Angela Hill