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Copywriting: How-to articles covering the latest marketing tactics, tips, and strategies.
Five Subtle Mistakes That Are Limiting Your Marketing Response RateTim CarrIf your marketing campaigns aren't performing as well as you'd hoped, it may be that they're falling on deaf—or even alienated—ears. Here are five mistakes you need to stop making.
Five Ways to Make Your Marketing Copy a Whole Lot More EngagingNick UsborneWriting better copy isn't difficult, but it does take a reset of how you think about marketing copy. Follow these five steps to find your brand's authentic voice and connect ...
How to Write Funny: Four Lessons in Marketing Humor From the Greatest Email EverAnn HandleyDone right, humor sells. But you probably don't sell a product or service that's inherently funny. So how can you create funny content that's just right for your business?
Five Tips to Help You Level-Up Headlines and TitlesLiraz PostanGet your readers past the headline and into the content with these helpful tips for leveling-up your headline game.
The Ultimate Grammar Cheat Sheet for Writers [Infographic]Laura ForerThis cheat sheet goes beyond common spelling mistakes. Keep it handy to make sure you're using "affect" and "effect" properly, to help you refrain from splicing commas, to identify those ...
How Long Does It Take to Create a Piece of Content?Ayaz NanjiMost marketers say it takes between one and six hours, on average, to create a piece of content, according to recent research from coSchedule.
The Most Effective Number in Article Headlines [Infographic]Ayaz NanjiWhich number in headlines for list-based articles/blog posts is correlated to the most social shares? To find out, Venngage examined the performance of 121,333 "listicle" articles/posts from brands and publishers.
Content Writer vs. Copywriter: What's the Difference?Pam Berg, Katie RottnerWhen it's time to outsource copywriting or content writing to bolster your marketing, you need to be clear on one thing: Should you hire a copywriter or a content writer? ...
Boost Your Email ROI by Improving Your Copy's ReadabilityTrisha RandolphAs an email marketer, you test subject lines and calls to action for optimal performance, but are you submitting your copy to the ultimate test? If you're not testing it ...
The 20 Most Effective Numbers in Facebook Post HeadlinesAyaz NanjiList-post headlines that include the number 10 garner more engagement on Facebook, on average, than headlines that include other numbers, according to recent research from Buzzsumo.
Copywriting: Podcasts containing in-depth interviews with smart marketers from all walks of life.
Whose Content Is It Anyway? Better Marketing Through Improv: Kathy Klotz-Guest on Marketing Smarts [Podcast]by Kerry O'Shea GorgoneKathy Klotz-Guest, business storytelling strategist and author, shares insights from her new book, Stop Boring Me! How to Create Kick-A** Marketing Content, Products and Ideas Through the Power of Improv.
Everybody Writes... Especially Marketers! Ann Handley Talks to Marketing Smarts [Podcast]by Kerry O'Shea GorgoneMarketingProfs Chief Content Officer Ann Handley shares insights from her book, Everybody Writes: Your Go-To Guide to Creating Ridiculously Good Content.
People Respond to Stories: Rohit Bhargava Talks Likeonomics on Marketing Smarts [Podcast]by Matthew GrantRohit Bhargava, author and social media strategist, thinks business books need to be useful—to help you solve a problem you're facing. So it has to speak to you from the get-go, draw you in, and convince you it's going to ...
Why You Should Consider Hiring a Brand Journalist: Joe Chernov of Eloqua [Podcast]by Matthew GrantWhy should you hire a brand journalist? In this episode of Marketing Smarts, Joe Chernov, Eloqua's vice-president of content marketing, explains why hiring a brand journalist can make all the content you produce better.
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How-to Articles
Embracing Mobile SEO: How to Optimize Your Site for Mobile-First ... by Emily McLaughlan
The Hidden Cost of Internal Competition: How Collaborative ... by Lisa Sharapata
How Marketers Can Use AI Responsibly and Ethically by Kishore Kothandaraman
The AI Teammate: How to Collaborate With Artificial Intelligence ... by Andy Springer
AI in Marketing: Three Strategic Steps CMOs Should Take Now by Mark Emond