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Web Content: How-to articles covering the latest marketing tactics, tips, and strategies.
The Top Sites Driving Referral Traffic, by Content CategoryAyaz NanjiGoogle and Facebook dominate referral traffic to all types of online content, but the proportion of visits driven by each varies significantly by topic, according to recent research from
Five Ways to Make Your Marketing Copy a Whole Lot More EngagingNick UsborneWriting better copy isn't difficult, but it does take a reset of how you think about marketing copy. Follow these five steps to find your brand's authentic voice and connect ...
When Great Content Isn't Enough: Remember Technical SEO If You Want Your Content to RankHamlet BatistaContent is king, right? Well, not so fast. Technical SEO is vital, too. Follow these tips to make sure your content can be easily discovered online.
Four Agile Practices for More Efficient Content ProductionAndrea FryrearContent creators have a tough gig. Too often, our colleagues view us as short-order content cooks who can whip up content at a moment's notice. Fortunately, there's a process designed ...
The Three Content Types That Most Influence E-Commerce PurchasesAyaz NanjiConsumers say detailed product descriptions, images, and customer reviews are the three content types that most influence their purchases on e-commerce websites, according to recent research from Clutch.
The Surprising Place Where Text Content Is Thriving: Video in a Mobile-First WorldBecky BrooksTo account for shifts in consumer behavior, marketers have to adapt their video marketing approaches to a mobile-first world in which text and video are forming a symbiotic relationship.
The Actionable Guide to Building an Effective Content Team (And How to Nurture It)Mayowa KoikiThe need for high-quality content cannot be overemphasized, which is why you need a team that knows how to implement your content strategy. Here's how to build and nurture a ...
The Right Words at the Right Time in the Right Place: Three Platforms to Publish Your Content OnLaurie DavisArticles are a fundamental tool in your content marketing toolbox. Here are three places your articles can find a home, each of which serves a different purpose and offers unique ...
30 Pro Reporting and Interviewing Tips for Content MarketersDavid SparkHere are some top tips for interviewing and reporting from journalists themselves—everything from rebooting a failing interview to getting the soundbites you want.
Nine Ways to Invite More Engagement With Your ContentKristian JønssonWe are all after content that converts readers into customers, gets shared, builds backlinks, and ranks high in search results. But you can't get any of these results unless your ...
Web Content: Podcasts containing in-depth interviews with smart marketers from all walks of life.
Social Media and the Future of Publishing: Amy Maniatis of National Geographic Talks to Marketing Smarts [Podcast]by Kerry O'Shea GorgoneNational Geographic has dominated print media for 125 years, and now the organization is staking its claim on social networks and photo-sharing sites. EVP and CMO Amy Maniatis discusses brand management, the power of content, and the importance of emerging ...
Think Like a Producer, Not a Publisher: Andrew Davis on Marketing Smarts [Podcast]by Matthew GrantMarketers need to think and act more like executive producers, those people behind the scenes of movies and TV shows who spend all their time "trying to find the resources to create the right kind of content for the right ...
Getting Content Strategy Right: Michael Brenner on Marketing Smarts [Podcast]by Matthew GrantThe "S" word can be intimidating, but failure to articulate a clear strategy (and goals!) for your content marketing will undermine its effectiveness. Here, Michael Brenner discusses how SAP defines—and implements—its content strategy.
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How-to Articles
AI Meets RCS: The New Standard for Mobile Messaging Engagement by Alex Campbell
Three Priorities and Best-Practices for B2B Marketers in 2025 by Mario Peshev
How to Improve Your Conversion Rates With Digital Accessibility by Chad Sollis
How to Ensure Digital Transformation Success: Take a Data-First ... by Ashley Cruz
10 Common Mistakes B2B Marketers Make When Measuring TAM by Angela Hill