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Telemarketing: How-to articles covering the latest marketing tactics, tips, and strategies.
The B2B Exemption to the Telemarketing Sales RuleRichard B. NewmanThe FTC's Telemarketing Sales Rule applies to everyone. Yes, there is a specific exemption for B2B calls, but marketers must understand the law and use caution.
Healthcare Marketers' Secret Weapon: The Phone [Infographic]Laura ForerHealthcare marketers have unique challenges—but also unique solutions. One channel that is often overlooked by other marketers can be beneficial to those in healthcare: the phone. Check out the infographic ...
Why Decreasing Inbound Call Volume May Help Your BusinessJenn HorowitzMore isn't always better. Large call volume could be the result of telecom spam and fraud, faulty routing, or an inefficient marketing strategy that's eating into your ROI.
Three Ways to Make Your Phone Presence a Key Driver in Your Marketing MixTristan BarnumThe voice channel is not going away any time soon, so spend time considering your options and planning, and be strategic about the branding and marketing opportunities your phone presence ...
Listen Up, B2B Marketers: 12 Steps to More Sales From Inbound CallsEric HolmenAs a B2B marketer, you're responsible for driving leads. But what happens when you overlook a valuable channel, such as inbound phone calls—which are excellent for generating leads? Nothing good...
Outbound Marketing Strategies Are Still EffectiveHenry SchuckThere's been plenty of speculation about the death of outbound marketing in recent years. In fact, however, outbound marketing still efficiently drives leads and sales.
How to Properly Close the Loop... and the SalePeter GraceyFirst impressions matter a great deal. That's why you need to structure your sales calls to establish rapport and drive toward a sense of trust and camaraderie with your prospects. ...
How to Evaluate and Select a B2B Teleprospecting PartnerKathy RizzoMany marketing organizations are now placing an emphasis on the role of teleprospecting as a component of their B2B lead generation strategy. Here are seven steps (and an RFP outline) ...
Five Ways SMBs Can Track the ROI of Social Media AdsIrv ShapiroBefore SMBs embrace new advertising opportunities offered by social networks, they need to seriously consider how to go about measuring the ROI impact of such ad investments.
Science + Structure + Metrics = A Winning Formula for Positive Teleprospecting ResultsPeter Gracey"Science + structure + metrics = successful outcomes" might not be the formula that immediately comes to mind for improving your teleprospecting results, but following it step-by-step is a great ...
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How-to Articles
AI Meets RCS: The New Standard for Mobile Messaging Engagement by Alex Campbell
Three Priorities and Best-Practices for B2B Marketers in 2025 by Mario Peshev
How to Improve Your Conversion Rates With Digital Accessibility by Chad Sollis
How to Ensure Digital Transformation Success: Take a Data-First ... by Ashley Cruz
10 Common Mistakes B2B Marketers Make When Measuring TAM by Angela Hill