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It's easy to send "just one email with the same content to everyone in your database," writes Matthew Johnson at the Vision6 blog. "But how do you send that same email and make it relevant to everyone in your database?"
The short answer is: You can't.
And that's why you need conditional ...
by Dave Calibey, Sky Calibey
When Peter Parker practices his heroics as Spider-Man, he captivates the citizenry and the press alike. By emulating his superpowers, you too can masterfully connect with customers and followers online.
Are your blog analytics looking a little anemic? To put some zing in your listless blog and boost readership, consider these five ideas, inspired by Joe Chernov's Eloqua blog post, "Six Sure-fire, Can't Miss Ways to Increase Blog Views."
Publish original content only. Doing so helps establish your blog—and your business—as ...
by Verónica Jarski
What can marketers learn from Olympians? Plenty. Here's an illustrated look at seven major tips we can learn from Olympians.
by David Bratvold
Although content marketing continues to prove its effectiveness, and it's used by nearly 90% of marketers across all industries, creating relevant, fresh, and intriguing content that engages your community remains as difficult as it has always been. Or does it?
We have short attention spans, and we don't have a ton of time to learn. Plus, the success models of companies like Kickstarter make it clear that the case-study video plays a pivotal role in today's business success stories.
So how do you make a crowd-pleaser video that gets real results? ...
by Eric Didier
Looking at the evolution of social media over the last few years, you can plainly see that it's now being driven by imagery. Consider Facebook's Timeline (and its acquisition of Instagram) or the rise of Pinterest. However, we forget that email, too, is a social medium. So now is a ...
by Verónica Jarski
Take a look back at MarketingProfs chief content officer Ann Handley's interview with Scott Rosenberg, author of Say Everything: How Blogging Began, What It's Becoming, and Why It Matters.
by Rick Corteville
Only a few Games ago, trying to take advantage of the Olympics if you weren't a sponsor was as difficult as teaching a Los Angeles Kings "fan" the meaning of icing. But in the case of the 2012 London games, you can... without investing serious sponsor-level cash.
by Christian Gulliksen
If SEO had one rule, it would be that the rules can change at any moment. And Google's newest algorithm changes—Panda and Penguin—have sunk many an SEO program. So how can you survive Google's algorithm riptide?
by Karl Fendelander
Google recently entered the semantic search sphere with its Knowledge Graph update. Semantic search changes the way a search engine "thinks" about a search term. What does Knowledge Graph mean for searchers?
by Heather Rast
Is your brand's message getting lost in today's data deluge? Learn how to maintain a consistent brand voice, and how to ensure your messaging cuts through the data noise.
by Dave Cutler
Aer being laid off in February 2011, I had to devise a strategy to differentiate myself in a job market crowded with talented and creative individuals.
Only one in five B2B marketing and sales professionals (20%) say their demand generation campaigns are fully effective, whereas 80% say they are ineffective to semi-ineffective, according to a survey from Corporate Visions.
Simple truth: You might create the best marketing videos around, but if you can't convince users to stop and click, your work is all for naught.
And although Web videos have become extremely popular, there are still countless potential viewers who choose not to watch them. (Just think: Someone could be ...
by Phil Fernandez
Today's revenue-focused marketers need to be experts in inbound marketing. Learn why effective inbound marketing requires relevant, compelling content that is tailored to prospects at each stage of the buying cycle.
Despite the widespread use of social networks among US companies, only 11% have fully integrated social media into existing business programs, according to a study by InSites Consulting. Moreover, only 38% of companies say they share the outcomes of social interactions with the entire organization.
A fact wrapped in a story is 22 times more memorable than the mere pronouncement of that fact, according to cognitive psychologist Jerome Bruner, as cited in an Insight Demand presentation. To help your content linger in the minds of readers—who are your potential prospects, after all—remember the following six ...
by Roger Katz
Today, brands are building social campaign experiences that spread from one brand loyalist to her friends—creating a powerful social loyalty loop that cultivates new brand loyalists. Learn four ways to fuel such a loyalty loop.
by Peter Kim
"Social business" is a phrase you can't escape these days if your work even remotely touches on social media platforms or collaborative technologies. But what does "social business" mean?
by Verónica Jarski
On this Free Friday, we're inviting you to the free "Topic Inbound metrics for B2B Marketers" seminar.
by Jonathan Gebauer
ExploreB2B (with the help of CMI and MarketingProfs) has put together an Infographic that answers the "Why, What, How, and Where" of B2B content marketing.
by Guest Blogger
Sce late February last year, the SEO world has been taken over by a couple of endangered species from the animal kingdom, Panda and Penguin. Those two updates focus on the quality of search results.
by Verónica Jarski
As in dating, telling your company's story requires a little planning, talking, and listening. You can unearth the good stories about your company by asking yourself the right questions.
by Debbie Williams
What's the key to effective blogging? Strategy. A solid blog editorial strategy will help you create relevant content regularly to attract readers and convert them into customers. Learn six steps to creating a strategy that gets results.