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Marketing Articles: Content

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  • How to Keep Your Content Marketing Shelves Stocked
    Just like a shop owner who tracks his sales and restocks the shelves accordingly, content marketers need to be on top of their content. Otherwise, they end up with empty shelves, disgruntled customers, and fewer coins in the coffer. That's why smart content marketers use an editorial calendar to plan, produce, ... more
  • Five Ways to Create Your Prospects' Favorite Website
    by Sonja Jobson
    Your prospects have a huge array of websites to choose to visit—and buy or learn from. You have to give them good reasons to choose yours. So how do you turn your website into your prospect's favorite online business destination? more
  • Five Principles for Multiscreen Storytelling [Slide Show]
    by Christian Gulliksen
    Customers learn about brands through an array of devices and media—often simultaneously.That's why your brand needs a strong multiscreen storytelling strategy. Social@Ogilvy offers five principles for getting it right. more
  • Four Tips for a Terrific Headline
    "It's time to master the headline, to get it right where the copy counts most by paying attention to those critical words that appear at the top of your email messages," writes Marco Marini at Email Critic. Headlines also appear at the top of your landing pages—and regardless of their location, ... more
  • Nine Ways You Can Use Virtual Events to Train, Communicate, and Sell
    by Tricia Heinrich
    Webinars can be great lead-generation tools. But virtual communications can also help you build communities, communicate with customers, train sales teams and partners, measure the success of campaigns, and launch products. more
  • Seven Rules to Cultivate Deep Mobile Relationships
    by Brent Hieggelke
    For marketers, mobile apps present an unprecedented opportunity to always be a mere arm's length away from customers. And we can know more about them than ever before. But how do you ensure a lasting mobile relationship? more
  • Five Tips From Leading Companies for Online Video Marketing
    by Edgardo Nazario
    Customers are now using video to educate themselves on products and services before they buy, and that extends across both the consumer and business-to-business markets. Here are five tips from five companies that are making online video work for them. more
  • The Evolution of Business Video [Infographic]
    The history of the business video dates back to the 1970s, when AT&T created the Picturephone. The device transmitted an image only once every two seconds—slow speeds that would make any Internet user cringe today. The way we access and share visual creations has changed a lot since those early ... more
  • Are You Ready for the Brave New World of Converged Media? [Slide Show]
    by Christian Gulliksen
    We marketers often place media in three categories: paid, owned, and earned. But customers tend to ignore such distinctions. They're looking for the "right" media. How do you give them what they're looking for? These slides from the Altimeter Group can help. more
  • How to Optimize for Local Search With Post-Venice Citation-Building Strategies
    by Zach Thompson
    The importance of local search has been growing. But with the recent release of Google's Venice update, local search has become more important than ever. If you don't have a strategy for local search optimization, you're losing business. more
  • How to Pin With Purpose on Pinterest
    Visual content is crazy-hot these days, and the hottest place for sharing it is Pinterest. Traffic to the virtual pinboard site has shot up exponentially in the past year. But how effectively are businesses sharing their visual content on Pinterest? Unfortunately, not very. Most companies grab images from wherever they ... more
  • Viral Video Adoption Climbs as Social Levels Off
    Marketers' use of social media and mobile marketing has steadied over the past year, whereas the use of viral online video (e.g., use of YouTube) has continued to grow, according to the ANA (Association of National Advertisers) 2012 Digital and Social Media Survey. more
  • Three Ways to Keep Your Search Rankings Healthy
    As Google continues to personalize search results, the data you see in ranking reports might not mean what you think. Why? They only tell you what rankings would look like in a non-personalized search. Most of your customers, meanwhile, see rankings driven by their behavior—so your Web page might rank ... more
  • What Types of News Go Viral on YouTube?
    Though professional news organizations contributed more than one-half (51.2%) of the most popular news footage posted on YouTube during the 15 months ended March 2012, over one-third (39.2%) of such content was uploaded by private citizens, according to a report by Pew. more
  • Advanced Email Segmentation
    If you're still wondering about the value of segmentation, consider these numbers from eMarketer, as reported by HubSpot: "39% of email marketers that practice list segmentation see better open rates; 28% see lower opt-out and unsubscribe rates; and 24% see better email deliverability, increased sales leads, and greater revenue." HubSpot's Corey ... more
  • Eight Content Marketing Lessons From a Zombie Apocalypse Guide
    by Verónica Jarski
    To inspire people to prepare emergency kits for real-life disasters, the CDC brilliantly crafted an imaginative and educational "zombie apocalypse" campaign, generating some 80,000 Likes and 2,500 tweets. Here's how. more
  • Paid Video Viewing on Tablets, Phones Up; Viewing via Computers Down
    As paid video content becomes more available via different channels, tablet and wireless phone viewing of paid video has increased from 2011 levels, while viewing via PC/Mac has decreased, according to the J.D. Power and Associates 2012 US Residential Pay-to-View Study. more
  • Content: Fuel for the Marketing Automation Engine
    by Sid Smith
    Without content—reports, webinars, and follow-up emails—your expensive marketing automation software will be a big flop. Learn why content is the fuel that makes any marketing automation system run smoothly. more
  • Six Steps to Attracting 1,000 Daily Blog Visitors
    by Danny Iny
    Is blogging useless nowadays? Not if you're blogging the right way. When done right, blogging can attract a huge pool of prospective customers. Learn how to go from 0 to 1,000 daily blog readers in six steps. more
  • How to Segment for Maximum Relevance
    It's easy to send "just one email with the same content to everyone in your database," writes Matthew Johnson at the Vision6 blog. "But how do you send that same email and make it relevant to everyone in your database?" The short answer is: You can't. And that's why you need conditional ... more
  • Use Your Spidey-Sense to Enhance Your Web Presence
    by Dave Calibey, Sky Calibey
    When Peter Parker practices his heroics as Spider-Man, he captivates the citizenry and the press alike. By emulating his superpowers, you too can masterfully connect with customers and followers online. more
  • How to Boost Your Blog's Readership
    Are your blog analytics looking a little anemic? To put some zing in your listless blog and boost readership, consider these five ideas, inspired by Joe Chernov's Eloqua blog post, "Six Sure-fire, Can't Miss Ways to Increase Blog Views." Publish original content only. Doing so helps establish your blog—and your business—as ... more
  • Think Like an Olympian: Seven Marketing Tips From the Olympics [Infodoodle]
    by Verónica Jarski
    What can marketers learn from Olympians? Plenty. Here's an illustrated look at seven major tips we can learn from Olympians. more
  • Three Steps to More Original Content for Your Website: Crowdsourcing Matures
    by David Bratvold
    Although content marketing continues to prove its effectiveness, and it's used by nearly 90% of marketers across all industries, creating relevant, fresh, and intriguing content that engages your community remains as difficult as it has always been. Or does it? more
  • Five Tips for Case-Study Videos That Get Results
    We have short attention spans, and we don't have a ton of time to learn. Plus, the success models of companies like Kickstarter make it clear that the case-study video plays a pivotal role in today's business success stories. So how do you make a crowd-pleaser video that gets real results? ... more

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