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by Sue Duris
We are in the age of information overload, with a plethora of blogs for every topic imaginable. We don't have time to read everything. And we need to maximize value: We read content to learn, after all. Which is why marketers must create purposeful content.
by Jeff Herzog
Facebook presents a robust opportunity for your to reach potential and current customers. If used correctly, it increases brand awareness and advocacy, lowers service costs, and drives loyalty and incremental sales.
by Veronica JarskiCoreyO'Loughlin
Yahoo's leaked memo regarding telecommuting got us thinking about misconceptions about it. MarketingProfs boasts a remote workforce, so we know what the misconceptions are... as well as the realities.
by Nasheen Liu
Content has always been, and will always be, the very foundation of marketing. Yet we are challenged with meeting the constant demand for consistently compelling content. These tactics will help you supply such content.
by Meghan Keaney Anderson
Few things are as antithetical to good inbound marketing as purchasing a list of email addresses and blasting them with your latest campaign. You risk significant business damage. Here's what to do instead.
by Verónica Jarski
To gently poke fun at the perfection of some Pinterest boards, I created the following infodoodle for your viewing pleasure. Enjoy!
by Sid Smith
The final installment in this series answers three questions: What are the keys to successful nurture campaigns? What's an example of a typical nurture sequence? How do I select a marketing automation vendor?
by Tim Riesterer
Salespeople's lips moving—that's how deals get done. The entire deal rides on what you have to say even more than what you have to sell. So here's how you'd better the three deadly sins of sales messaging.
by Ann Handley, Nick Westergaard
As storytelling becomes more and more part of marketing, another trend is coming clearly into focus: Brands are becoming more visual. Businesses that aren't ready for this visual revolution will get left behind.
by Sid Smith
This installment of our series answers two questions: Are blogging and social media viable lead nurture tools? And do all demographics respond well to lead nurturing?
by Verónica Jarski
Wat marketing words or expressions make you cringe? We put the question to our MarketingProfs Facebook group, and some of the best answers inspired the following slide show.
by Cathy Caldeira
Get this content marketing and PR tactic right, and you'll gain authority in your market, you'll improve your search engine optimization (SEO), and you'll spark conversations that can generate leads. Take these three steps to get started.
by Verónica Jarski
Figuring out which mobile approach to take can be complicated. Fortunately, Mutual Mobile has created an infographic that guides you to your destination through the process of elimination, so you know what you want (and what you don't).
by Ann Handley, Tim Washer
In an inaugural segment of our video series, we take a look at a fundamental question: In our newly social age, is it incumbent on brands to be always at the ready, prepared to respond—with content or with creative—to events as they happen, in real-time?
by Jeff Foster
Just what the title says... along with an infographic and a host of examples, illustrations, and explanations.
by Todd Hemme
When you see a screen displaying some type of message, image, or video, you are seeing a digital sign. These design tips will help you with your first digital display, and these marketing tips will help you create an ongoing digital display strategy.
by Angela Natividad
Find out how Twitter's getting into e-commerce and why Vine may unseat Instagram as the go-to app for live events. Learn how to use Vine for campaigning, how to maximize content marketing with Pinterest's Secret Boards, and what elements leaders need to create a social business. #Skim for social transcendence!
by Ann Handley
On this Valentine's Day, we're sharing a fun holiday song created and performed by one of our MarketingProfs PRO members, Chuck Kent, president of Creative on Call. Enjoy!
by Jeff Fissel
You might already have your video marketing strategy figured out, but technology is always changing. Learn whether your video platform is future-proof, and get tips on making sure your video platform and enterprise videos remain accessible and useful as technology advances.
by Peg Fitzpatrick
As publishing evolves, writers need to expand their skill set to succeed. They must "own" the marketing and sales introduction of their books. What used to be done via a whirlwind multicity book tour is now done mostly online: more efficient, yes, but also a lot of work!
by Sid Smith
This installment answers two questions: "What's the difference between inbound and outbound marketing? (and which is better?)" and "With so much content to create, where do we focus our efforts?"
by Pawan Deshpande
Some common questions arise as you begin to implement a content marketing program: How often do I need to update my content? How often should I be publishing? What is too much? How do you find the time to publish?
by Anthony Piwarun
Online marketers near and far resolved in January to get to the top of search results this year. If you're still stumped, here are a five simple yet effective tactics to employ during the rest of 2013.
by Dmitry Dragilev
Video has become one of the primary ways people consume information and companies market products. Clearly, marketers need to create engaging, fun videos as part of their marketing efforts. But where to start?
by Verónica Jarski
You took time to create your presentation slides, so why is your audience wincing at the sight of them? Here are three common mistakes you may be making with your slides.