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by Verónica Jarski
As Vine and Instagram Video battle for users, one thing is clear: People go crazy for online videos. Here's an infographic explaining why consumers watch product videos and their effect on business.
by Barry Feldman
You can master many tasks as a social media marketer, yet remain amazingly mediocre. That's because the world's best social media marketers possess more meaningful skills, including these 10 traits.
by Tom Bentley
Samuel Clemens created the cherished celebrity known as Mark Twain as surely and craftily as he created Huck Finn. The man had "platform" a century before the concept had circulation.
by Verónica Jarski
Why are cats and bacon so absurdly popular on the Internet? Why aren't, say, puppies and ham as popular? Check out the following infographic to find out more about the startling popularity of cats and bacon and how marketers can harness that popularity.
by Angela Natividad
Social moves so fast, you won't believe how it's changed this week. Check out Twitter's new media blog, dedicated to innovative social promotions in real time. See why an IKEA product got lots of online love—to IKEA's great dismay. And find out whether branding can actually give meaning to life. ...
by Jaime Brugueras
Can a computer really understand and interpret your customer's needs? We know computers can win in Jeopardy! and chess, but can they compete on personal interaction? In business to customer communication, it seems a computer just might, in many instances.
by Verónica Jarski
After we published the first buzzwords slide show, 15 Marketing Buzzwords to Stop Using Now, we received illustration-worthy comments from readers. Who could resist doodling a sequel to the anti-buzzwords slide show? Not me!
by Ernest Nicastro
The typical business communications mistakes I read and hear rarely reach the level of farce or slapstick. They're more missteps that detract from your message. Here are three of them to avoid.
by Tobin Dalrymple
Apple just unveiled iOS7—a radical transformation of the world's most popular smartphone and tablet operating system. Apple is preparing for a rapidly evolving mobile world, and so should marketers. Here's how.
by Ann Handley
If there's a bible for this new media world in which we do business, it's David Meerman Scott's The New Rules of Marketing and PR. A revised and updated edition (its fourth!) of the classic is out this month. David and I had a chance to sit down and talk ...
by Ayaz Nanji
Fully two-thirds (67%) of bloggers say paid sponsored/branded content is their most profitable revenue generator, according to a recent report from Zig Marketing. Moreover, though 90% of bloggers say they use an advertising network, only 17% say it is their biggest revenue source.
by Verónica Jarski
Some 91% of B2B marketers use content marketing, and 86% of B2C marketers do. And no wonder: Customers and clients, and potential customers and clients, respond more favorably to content than they do to advertisements and overt selling.
by Sam Decker
The new world order of media and advertising demands that brands find new ways to drive consumer engagement. They must now look for ways to optimize paid, owned, and earned media. And the Holy Grail is to integrate all three sources of media into a single, consistent brand experience.
by Jennifer Robinson
If you're a B2B marketer, you've likely felt the frustration of trying to give Sales the materials it needs. You even ask what they want and follow their direction to the letter—and they STILL don't use what you create. Why?
by Verónica Jarski
Are your company's Pinterest boards getting attention? If your company's images aren't being liked or repinned, you may be at a loss at what viewers really want when they go on Pinterest. Check out the following infographic to see the traits of the most popular pins.
by Verónica Jarski
Kerry O'Shea Gorgone recently talked to Andrea Weckerle, author of Civility in the Digital Age in a recent Marketing Smarts podcast. As I listened, I took sketchnotes, which I'm sharing here in a slide show.
by Rocky Walls
Although online video might not be the easiest marketing technique to take on, more businesses are carving out time and resources to ensure it's on their list. Why? Because its benefits are so many.
by Pawan Deshpande
As summer approaches, some of us will hit the gym in hopes of being swimsuit-ready. The more we exercise, the easier it becomes. That's because we're building up our endurance and creating a habit. Content marketing is the same way. When we stretch our creative muscles and get into the ...
by Jay Pinkert
Many see content marketing as just that—marketing. But smart marketers know that what they're delivering is a great story—so long as it's a true story, even if it's not perfect...
by Philip Paranicas
Self-selecting customers are prospects and customers who have chosen to follow your social media initiatives. They selected to be part of your life. So, aside from Likes and views, what's the real value of these social media buffs?
by Verónica Jarski
How popular has branded content marketing become this year? According to recent research, brands and agencies continue to increase their spending for branded content marketing. Check out the following infographic for details.
by Aaliyah Madadi
You know the importance of SEO, but building a program can be overwhelming. If the thought of SEO makes your head hurt, here's a tried and tested guide on how to create and execute a killer SEO keyword strategy.
by Danny Groner
No matter what you're selling or promoting, video should be a consideration. Technology is no longer a hurdle, but coming up with the right message, tone, and approach can be. Here's a brief intro to bring you up to speed.
by Verónica Jarski
All the talk about the importance of content marketing isn't just talk. Some 91% of B2B marketers use content marketing, and more than two-thirds of CMOs plan to increase their content marketing budget in 2013.
by Michelle Rebecca
You want return visitors who are engaged by your blog content, because they are the folks most likely to convert to customers. The following "secrets" will help you turn casual visitors into loyal fans.