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by Ayaz Nanji
The popularity of whitepapers as a B2B content marketing format is declining in relation to more interactive, easily digestible formats such as video, according to a recent survey.
by Angela Natividad
Summer's nearly over, but the social space is just warming up. Get the latest on Geek Week, Twitter, Facebook, Jeff Bezos's WaPo buy, Yahoo's absorption of Rockmelt, and responsive design. Skim up to geek out!
by Ayaz Nanji
Top-performing brands on YouTube understand that consistent and frequent content production leads to increased views, according to recent report by Pixability.
by Barry Feldman
Want to get frighteningly good at content marketing? Take a trip with me to the dark side. Off we go... venturing into some scary territory: the human psyche. Who knows what we'll find...
by Verónica Jarski
If you spend time on social media, you know that the digital world loves animals. Whether the animal is cute, ugly, or grumpy, no one minds. Here's a look at the most popular animals on social media.
by Verónica Jarski
On a recent Marketing Smarts podcast, Jill Foster, founder and blogger for LiveYourTalk (and a MarketingProfs B2B Forum keynote speaker), gave tips for introverts heading out to conferences and meetings. Here's a peek at a few suggestions.
by Katie Hollar
For most software purchases, you identify a business process that could be accomplished more efficiently with the help of technology. Then you buy it. Then you use it. Then your life becomes easier. For marketers, however, it's not that simple. (Of course not, we're marketers!)
by Ayaz Nanji
The majority (60%) of marketers and content creators say one of their biggest digital copywriting challenges is that "people just don't get what good copy is," according to a recent report.
by Verónica Jarski
Thanks to content marketing and website optimization, many small businesses are winning more leads at a lower cost than their larger competitors. Here's a look at how small businesses are doing it.
by Verónica Jarski
Time to prepare for the holiday season (which isn't as far off as you think)! The Email Marketing Holiday Calendar infographic by ExactTarget offers planning tips for July through December.
by Angela Natividad
It's gonna be a long summer. To tide you over, we've got a cat with a British accent, some branded coattail-riding on the royal baby, updates to Tumblr and Adobe Social analytics, and—finally!—a way to 'Net surf from your (non-Smart) HDTV. That's just the start. Skim to stay cool.
by Ayaz Nanji
Americans viewed a record 20 billion video ads in June 2013, and Google Sites, driven by video viewing at YouTube.com, ranked as the top online video content property for the month, according to recent data.
by Vladimir Gendelman
Inaccurate myths surround the print industry, leaving many with the wrong impression. That misinformation can lead to missed opportunities and a weaker marketing presence for your brand.
by Angela Natividad
You'll look forward to the next "hump day" after this week's top viral video. We'll also look at how social affects—maybe even calms—riled-up crowds. Learn how to embed Instagram pics and videos, and check out two new analytics tools: A/B testing capabilities on Google Analytics, and Awe.sm. Finally… ever wonder ...
by Verónica Jarski
As Vine and Instagram Video battle for users, one thing is clear: People go crazy for online videos. Here's an infographic explaining why consumers watch product videos and their effect on business.
by Barry Feldman
You can master many tasks as a social media marketer, yet remain amazingly mediocre. That's because the world's best social media marketers possess more meaningful skills, including these 10 traits.
by Tom Bentley
Samuel Clemens created the cherished celebrity known as Mark Twain as surely and craftily as he created Huck Finn. The man had "platform" a century before the concept had circulation.
by Verónica Jarski
Why are cats and bacon so absurdly popular on the Internet? Why aren't, say, puppies and ham as popular? Check out the following infographic to find out more about the startling popularity of cats and bacon and how marketers can harness that popularity.
by Angela Natividad
Social moves so fast, you won't believe how it's changed this week. Check out Twitter's new media blog, dedicated to innovative social promotions in real time. See why an IKEA product got lots of online love—to IKEA's great dismay. And find out whether branding can actually give meaning to life. ...
by Jaime Brugueras
Can a computer really understand and interpret your customer's needs? We know computers can win in Jeopardy! and chess, but can they compete on personal interaction? In business to customer communication, it seems a computer just might, in many instances.
by Verónica Jarski
After we published the first buzzwords slide show, 15 Marketing Buzzwords to Stop Using Now, we received illustration-worthy comments from readers. Who could resist doodling a sequel to the anti-buzzwords slide show? Not me!
by Ernest Nicastro
The typical business communications mistakes I read and hear rarely reach the level of farce or slapstick. They're more missteps that detract from your message. Here are three of them to avoid.
by Tobin Dalrymple
Apple just unveiled iOS7—a radical transformation of the world's most popular smartphone and tablet operating system. Apple is preparing for a rapidly evolving mobile world, and so should marketers. Here's how.
by Ann Handley
If there's a bible for this new media world in which we do business, it's David Meerman Scott's The New Rules of Marketing and PR. A revised and updated edition (its fourth!) of the classic is out this month. David and I had a chance to sit down and talk ...
by Ayaz Nanji
Fully two-thirds (67%) of bloggers say paid sponsored/branded content is their most profitable revenue generator, according to a recent report from Zig Marketing. Moreover, though 90% of bloggers say they use an advertising network, only 17% say it is their biggest revenue source.