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by Suzanne Lowe
I'm having a tiff with Ford Harding, the rainmaker guru to professional service
He wrote a blog , claiming that, especially in small professional service firms, marketers and business developers cannot succeed at fulfilling all the conflicting roles that are required of them, so they inevitably sink to performing the ...
by Lewis Green
Is too much of a good thing a bad thing? The answer to that lies somewhere between black and white, in the very depths of
The easier question to answer is When many of us are doing the same thing, do customers and clients benefit? The obvious answer is yes, ...
by Paul Williams
So you ...A ...A sales ...A ...A [_ _ _ _ _ _
But is that
Why be A, when you could ...THE ...THE sales ...THE ...THE [_ _ _ _ _ _
There is a BBQ rib chain in the U.S. that bills themselves as "A Place for Ribs."* ...
by Michael Rubin
Over on the WOMMA Facebook , Shannon Stairhime has started a conversation about the Mattel . In the post, Shannon asks for evaluations of Mattel's performance in building consumer trust. Here's my It was a great apology. WOM success? Not even
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Over on the WOMMA Facebook ...
by Scott Baradell
I love journalists. Hell, I used to be a pretty good newspaper man myself. But let's be Reporters are known to occasionally flip the script on their
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I love journalists. Hell, I used to be a pretty good newspaper man myself, and the blogosphere has given ...
by Elaine Fogel
Americans love their coffee. In fact, they consume 400 million cups of coffee daily - the equivalent to 146 billion cups of coffee per year - making the US the leading consumer of coffee in the world. So how can a small American coffee company stand out among all the ...
by Ann Handley
Are you on Facebook yet? Maybe you should
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Last month, in , writer and entrepreneur Jeff that question, adding, "Maybe you should
Jeff went on to explain why he has abandoned in favor of –because of Facebook's rich and flexible platform and overall experience. Pulver found ...
by Jennifer Jones
I recently joined at the suggestion of Jeremiah Owyang. Jeremiah will soon be joining Forrester from PodTech, where he'll be covering Facebook as an analyst. He has been a big believer in the power of Facebook as a social site for some time. I am becoming more of a believer ...
by Andrea Learned
I am that not-so-rare a woman who drinks beer. No need for a stereotypically feminine bottle or tap - I like it just as it is. When I do drink beer, it is usually in mixed company at one of the local brewpubs -so, while Heineken might not be available ...
by Ted Mininni
Whoever heard of multinational consumer product companies divesting themselves of category leading brands? Rumors have been flying for some time in business circles about CPG giants Kraft and P&G doing just that. In a recent Advertising Age article, Billion-Buck Brands on the , it seems this is more than just ...
by Elaine Fogel
As part of its "Disinfect to Protect" campaign, Lysol recently launched a promotion that rebates families $5 for visiting their pediatricians. Now, I've heard everything. By buying two different Lysol products, you can now save 5 bucks on your kid's next annual
OK, call it my socialized medicine sensibility as ...
by Jeanne Bliss
Louis Vuitton has created a Tribute Patchwork priced at $52,500. It is created by dissecting 14 already pricey Louis Vuitton bags and rebuilding them into one bag as an iconic symbol of the
Here's a photo, below. What do you
Milton Pedraza, chief executive of market-research firm The Luxury Institute, ...
by Lewis Green
Even the best bread goes stale in a few days. After a year of blogging and sharing marketing ideas, is it possible bloggers go stale, as well? I think the answer is yes. But does that mean we should shut the doors on our blogs and fade quietly into the ...
by Gwyneth Dwyer
Yes, of course spam is a nuisance, but it can also be a source of inspiration. Take five minutes to scan your junk folder, and you just may find the marketing headline you need. Or at least the start of
I harvested 25 headlines with potential. (All of them up ...
by Jennifer Jones
YouTube's success illustrates just how viral video is. Live, interactive video is even more interesting and has good potential for marketers, in my opinion. Chris Yeh, CEO of , was a recent interview on Marketing Voices, a show I host for
We spent some time together talking about how with ...
by David Reich
There's been some heated discussion lately about licensing of public relations
I first heard of it a week ago, in a story about the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) making a push to have PR pros be licensed. (Will we have to be leashed and get rabies shots,
The ...
by Gavin Heaton
There has been a feast of BSP (blogger sensory perception) this week over two converging topics -- and "participation"... and I have been fascinated by the Drew points out that a number of corporations are banning the use of Facebook during work hours. One of those companies is Telstra -- ...
by Sara Holoubek
Mom. It's one of the first words any of us learns. The concept is universal; motherhood precedes every living being on this planet. So who, I ask, decided that motherhood should suddenly become fashionable? Or that it was at one time unfashionable? And how is it possible that something so ...
by Jeanne Bliss
Nuts, this is nuts! Anyone who's an early adopter of the iPhone is likely also to be a big user of their phone. So get ready for the bill coming your way - it might be in a Here's the nutso-cuckoo U-tube of Justine Ezarik, who's a graphic designer in ...
by Jim Kukral
Everyone hated ads on blogs too... years ago. Believe me, I know. I wrote an ebook about how to make money blogging years before bloggers were making money. "Blogging isn't about money," people wrote to me. Countless emails like that. Now look around
So are ads in video now bad ...
by Joseph Jaffe
YouTube this week caved to pressure to turn its consumer-friendly platform into just another intrusive ad vehicle. While some users have reacted positively, most are not
* * * * Doctor to I have good news and bad What's the bad You have 1 month to live, give or take ...
by Jeanne Bliss
Has recognized that they need to go back to the "olden times" of providing people on the phone to talk to customers. The New York pays homage to the
I agree. With the world of automation, what was considered to be a move into the future has actually exhausted and ...
by Mack Collier
Let me know about a Twit from concerning several evangelists for the V1, a three-wheeled alternative energy vehicle, organizing s and attacking a blogger that they felt painted their beloved V1 in a negative
While this movement to "defend the honor" of the V1 no doubt made its evangelists feel ...
by Valeria Maltoni
Technology spoiled us. We're used to things being always on and for the most part, they are. Last week users found themselves unable to login in to their accounts – and thus make or receive calls – for the better part of two business days. When I about it on ...
by BL Ochman
So this is what mainstream media (MSM) means when they say "the company was not available for comment at press time." Pretty reckless of Whole PR department if you ask
The video below, about shopping at Whole Foods, is part of a what appears to be a called The WTF!!? ...