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- I'm alive, but man -- what an insane last couple of weeks, both personally and professionally. I'll be blogging about the executive search-related issues after they get resolved, but not On the personal front, my wife gave birth to our new baby daughter, Vivian Marie, on June 18. Mom and ... more
- Your client is a large retailer, Cooper's Pharmacopia. Among their customer group, they are very well known and established. They have done a good job of consistently branding themselves. Both their logo and tagline achieve high marks on recall research. They are the market They have also "owned" a signature ... more
- Briton Richard is taking on the huge problem of plastic waste in his country, and the impact of his efforts is creating a ripple effect --not only in Britain, but around the world. In a terrific Business Week article entitled Richard Liddle's War on , the sustainable designer explains how ... more
- Many of my readers know I publish a newsletter called The Marketplace as a companion to my book, Marketplace Masters, How Professional Service Firms Compete to . The focus of my May 2007 issue was social ...arguably the strategic springboard for professional service firms' embrace of social media .... blogging, ... more
- Product placement became a hot topic a few years ago with the influx of placement on TV reality shows, taken to its most blatantly obnoxious peak by Donald Trump on NBC's The Product placement has been around for decades, perhaps getting most noticed by marketers back in 1982 when Steven ... more
- I recently presented to a conference audience of amazing people in the philanthropy "business" in Cambridge, MA. A number of them were women who had been young during prime feminism-emerging times in the so the comments from the audience were all the more One woman spoke of continuing trouble convincing ... more
- Here and elsewhere, you've read posts from various blog consultants trying to drag you into the social-media swimming pool. If you're like most companies, however, you're kicking and screaming all the way -- clutching the patio umbrella with both hands as you protest, "But will it help my bottom In ... more
- As more companies across the globe become data driven and adopt analytics to improve decision making, marketers are focusing on "price" as a way to immediately improve top line revenues and Dynamic , or pricing based on supply and demand, seasonality, or other events is popular with online auctions and ... more
- Innovative ideas - the kind that can transform your company - are inadvertently being demolished. When first presented, many ideas meet wrecking-ball comments such "How's that going to "Good luck getting that "We don't have time for something like that." And the "Doesn't work... Trust me... We tried that years ... more
- My inner book addict has loved since the day Jeff Bezos launched it. I've grown to rely on the site even more as a you-name-it-we'll-ship-it shopping resource because of the buyer feedback mechanisms. However, those have evolved into something a little scary lately. Visitors not only rate your rating, now ... more
- A noteworthy article appeared in the June issue Shelf , an influential online e-zine. The article, P&G Design's strategic value is vital to , features excerpts from a keynote speech given by Claudia Kotchka, Procter & 's Vice President of Design Innovation & Strategy at the Fuse's Brand Identity & ... more
- As I've mentioned times here on MPDailyfix.com, I'm a believer that your brand is the experience your customers have with your One of those "things" that is important in an experience with your brand is For Father's Day, I requested a trip to one of my favorite restaurants called PF ... more
- The financial services industry has been male-dominated and focused since the beginning of time (or, whenever it officially became an industry), and that is becoming a bit of an issue as the number of women with high net worth increases. They are not so easily sold "Let me take care ... more
- As Colonel Nathan Jessep in "A Few Good actor Jack Nicholson practically spits out the "You can't handle the truth." When I read John Schmeltzer's June 11th in the Chicago Tribune about McDonald's newly launched public relations move toward "transparency" with moms, that's what I Can McDonald's really handle the ... more
- The Republicans are waking up to the importance of blogs and video in what's already being called the YouTube . "It is critical that Republicans not let Democrats continue the [Internet] edge," Committee Chairman Sen. John Ensign (R-Nev) wrote. "They have had an edge on But the truth is that ... more