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- As someone who has dedicated themselves to marketing for the past 20 years, you might find it surprising to hear that I really don't like certain marketers. These are the door-to-door solicitors that pass through my neighborhood every so often, and always come by right at They are peddling all ... more
- Putting People First posted about a survey that strategy consultancy McKinsey just with executives about Web 2.0 technologies. Although they found significant interest, execs still shy away from Only of the companies surveyed said they were investing in blogs, compared to for web services, for peer-to-peer networks, and for social ... more
- Kris Hoet at Belgium's Cross the Breeze wrote recently looking for answers to eight frequently asked from advertisers, dealing mostly with social media and online marketing. He and Phillipe from Bad Idea, are looking for input on various issues, including How far should I go in the dialogue with the ... more
- A front page story in Monday's New York covers the weeks-old story of threats against blogger Kathy , and describes the blogosphere as a nasty, wild and wooly place filled with vitriolic bloggers. At least they didn't characterize Sierra as a "cute kitty" the way did in their one-dimensional coverage ... more
- There are many excuses for why people don't spend the time and the diligence targeting possible buyers one-by-one for their services and products.Let's look at the excuses (and, yes, they are excuses) outlined Cleaning up prospecting lists. Deciding one-by-one which companies out of these 30...300...3,000 we should target for lead ... more
- ...Is not delivery. Or spam. Or open rates. Or click-throughs. Instead, the biggest threat to email marketing is the failure of marketers to "market" email as a communications vehicle to senior This is not just the opinion of this blogger who frequently blames marketers for not educating their senior management ... more
- Is it 5.2 million or 500,000? How many inhabitants really "live" in Second ? For that matter, what constitutes "living?" And who really cares? My guess is that the inhabitants don't care too much. But the marketers Of course it is the marketers who care, making them the first official ... more
- I'm a huge fan of Anu Garg's A Word a Day . Since way back in 1994–ancient in Web publishing!–it has offered an uncomplicated value a single vocabulary word each day–defined, deconstructed, and placed in context (historical, literary, or both). Each week is usually built around a (sometimes whacky) theme–like ... more
- If you missed there was an excellent article in the March 20th MarketingProfs newsletter dubbed Premium Store The Hottest Trend in . The authors, Nirmalya Kumar and Jan-Benedict E.M. Steenkamp, hit the nail on the head in this retailers have developed, branded and positioned private label brands so effectively, that ... more
- Good and great companies don't sell price, they sell value. Still, too many businesses approach sales as if it is pricing combat between the seller and the buyer, and it is the seller's duty to win at all costs, especially by discounting. This results in two discounting to any level ... more
- Talk about letting customers and shareholders down. Robert , the former CEO of Home , is walking away with a $210 million severance package. Not bad for a company whose stock fell during the boss's six-year And this occurs concurrently with Home Depot's policy of cutting payroll hours, reducing overtime ... more
- "What do women want?" may seem like the eternal quandry, but it doesn't have to be -- especially with regard to consumer behavior. Sometimes it is the easiest answer that escapes our over-thinking brains. (Now, as far as what women want in relationships, there are gazillions of books to choose ... more
- The top concerns on the minds of senior marketing executives are "integrated marketing communications" and "marketing accountability," according to a recent by the Association of National . Guess which one of these two jumped to #1 from #4 last The ANA asked over 100 senior marketers to select from a ... more
- An interesting story in the Houston says that Austin-based Whole Foods Market will be opening a spanking new store smack-dab in the middle of London this coming June. Does anybody out there doubt that Whole Foods CEO John Mackey has any plans for global expansion With the Continent a Chunnel ... more