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- Imagine the following situation. A man sees an attractive woman at a party. They talk and decide to have a few dates. After giving all the right signals for being a loyal, caring, trustworthy and relationship-oriented guy, he convinces her to spend the night. The next day he is gone ... more
- A Jackson Pollock painting is auctioned and sold in November 2006 for $140m. Michael Graves' teakettle 9093 sells briskly for $145, while its limited edition predecessor sells for $25,000. Al Yeganeh's seafood soup sells for $30 a quart. What gives and what do all these examples have in Perusing the ... more
- It seems to be that searching the web is getting stranger and stranger. Oh, not because of the various sites you might run across, but because is now taking over the world as the most prestigious and informative Go ahead, type in marketing, or finance, or philosoply, cooking, or even ... more
- We are entering the anticipation zone for 2007 Superbowl Ads, and I'm wondering how a brand can really do something that gets attention. Shall we turn our attention to consumer-generated ideas and new media First, let's The New York media columnist, Stuart Elliott, wrote a helpful article on the good, ... more
- Alright, I'm a big boy and I've long since learned that the mainstream media will almost always regard direct marketing with condescension. (Rare Malcolm Gladwell's brilliant 2001 profile of Ron in the New Traditional brand advertising earns grudging respect for the occasional commercial that bows before Baby Boomer vanity (Chiat's ... more
- Breaking news! This just in... if you haven't heard. Simple No kidding, it does. SHOCKING, I know. Yet, inevitably, in classic link-bait fashion, somebody with a vested interest (darn consultants!) is trying to reinvent what we all have known by making up a lame Introducing... Simplexity! From Market researchers believe ... more
- In this season of reindeer games, a couple of blogging "games"–or, more specifically, memes–have been bouncing around blogs over the past few weeks. The two memes underscore two fundamental strengths of blogs and blogging–community and collaboration–which is what links The first is 5 Things You Didn't Know About A blogger ... more
- Cell phone service providers are desperate to find new revenue streams, so it's not surprising that is making the step to have banner ads appear on news, weather, sports and other websites that users visit via their Verizon mobile Of course, marketers are salivating at this possibility. Nobody really knows ... more
- Any web site can benefit from running on a blog platform such as , just from the SEO (search engine optimization) benefits ...which tag clouds which provide keyword-rich text link navigation (when using Ultimate Tag Warrior RSS feeds, which really help with link building and garner you visibility in the ... more
- During this season of and its blur of endless, repeating television, radio and print ads, the occasional nod to social responsibility seems daring, and effective, in its For example, yesterday morning I heard a story on Vermont Public about the Local First effort. LFVT is one of many similar organizations ... more
- Big new around the blogosphere this TIME magazine gives the individuals behind "User-Generated Content" an early Christmas present by naming them -- well, YOU -- as the most important persons of 2006. Bloggers react to TIME's cover story by channeling Sally Field ("You like me! You really like me!!), which ... more
- Most organizations do not properly understand or manage content. They fail to realize that quality content is now key to productivity, cost effectiveness, sales, and customer Frederick is regarded by many as the father of modern management. His work at the turn of the 20th century had an extraordinary impact ... more