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Marketing Articles: Content

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  • by Scott Baradell
    I goof off almost every day. In fact, when I'm very busy, as I have been lately, I work very hard to incorporate some goofing-off time in my Usually it's just a few minutes here and there, between projects or during a fit of writer's block. Nevertheless, this time is ... more
  • by Gerry McGovern
    Too often we are managed by the technology. Endlessly busy, it's easy to forget just exactly why we are doing all this Are you an email slave? Are you a crack-berry? Are you so focused on the small screen, that you are missing the bigger picture? Have you no time ... more
  • by Paul Barsch
    So you think you know how you are going to vote on Tuesday? Chances are both the Republican National Committee (RNC) and the Democratic National Committee (DNC) know which way you're leaning as This just politicians, and the marketing strategists running their campaigns are finally getting it–niche marketing is available ... more
  • by Elaine Fogel
    When a private company publicizes the results of its own research study, how do we know it's for real and not just As a contributing writer to The Business , my editor recently asked me to write an article based on the results of a study conducted by a private ... more
  • by Eric Frenchman
    There are two interesting articles over . One looks at Evan Tracey's (of TNS Media Intelligence) prediction that political ad spending will hit $2 billion for this campaign cycle surpassing the 2004 election by The second looks at how political ads have been going negative. Both articles should have been ... more
  • by Lewis Green
    English, of course. But maybe not for From a article titled " U.N. English isn't good "Divina Frau-Meigs, who teaches at the University of Paris III (Université de la Sorbonne Nouvelle), called for 'setting up a culture whereby you can use your own language, and that will be considered part ... more
  • by Toby Bloomberg
    Social Media Is Active Sharing That's Mike Murphy, Chief Revenue Office at definition and it works for me. Mike was the guest speaker at a recent event where he shared his views and about social media and insights about how the 18 to 24 demo views This is the "Let ... more
  • by Ted Mininni
    My favorite section of Business , published a provocative article on October 10th. Is Your Brand Headed for Extinction? was written by the self-described girls of , a marketing and design strategy firm that specializes in marketing to girls ages 15 to In the article, the authors make a number ... more
  • by Lewis Green
    Whatever happened to communicating to an audience of one? It's one of the first concepts that every writer It goes like Write as if you are telling a story to a single person. Imagine that person sitting and enjoying the words jumping off the page and coming to life in ... more
  • by Tim Jackson
    As a competitive cyclist for well over half my life, I constantly find myself comparing everything else in my life to specifically, I've never really considered myself to be overly competitive, but I might be kidding myself. My wife claims that I am very, very competitive (that's probably just because ... more
  • by Andrea Learned
    Based on the number of emails I received in the past 24 hours from friends, family and colleagues, there should be no one in the free world (and beyond!) who hasn't seen the article in the Sunday New York What Do Women Want? Just My favorite point? The "just ask" ... more
  • by Andrea Learned
    "Organic" is the hot label now. But just how much does a company have to change about their products to be allowed to use that distinction? Is it really all boiling down to marketing pitches with no Mark Morford's column earlier this month for the San Francisco 's Notes & ... more
  • by Eric Ward
    Google's has a sort of new Custom Search service. As I read about it, my link building antenna started Why? Because I'm a content , and in my field vertical engines new link and publicity opportunities. There are many vertical engines as well as tools to create them. is one ... more
  • by Suzanne Lowe
    Late last week, I promised I would write stories that wove marketing into my daily post-rotator-cuff-surgery physical therapy sessions. I had to wait several days, suffering through excruciating arm stretching, in order for inspiration to hit. Yesterday, I had three Number As I've encountered numerous physical therapists, I noticed that ... more
  • by Leigh Duncan-Durst
    I've talked about The Power of Persona and how using personas can foster a more tangible understanding of a target audience's needs, desires, pet peeves and behavior. Here's more detailed information on how to create personas and apply What is a persona? Personas create "real life" scenarios that support customer ... more
  • by Eric Frenchman
    I'm probably going to get nailed from both sides of the political spectrum for this post, but I like my Google results to be as pure as Last weekend a left-wing liberal blogger (you know the kind) who Ned Lamont beat Joe Lieberman in the CT Senate Primary, posted his ... more
  • by Lewis Green
    Anita Campbell posted an interesting article on her blog, Small Business , two days ago entitled It Takes A Million-Dollar . Here are a few "Women own half of the businesses in the United States, yet less than have revenues greater than $1 Million," said Senator Hillary Clinton at last ... more
  • by Paul Barsch
    I've cajoled, poked and prodded. I've shouted from the hilltops. The silence was Last year, I wrote an article for the newsletter titled Who Comes Good to Great in which I argued that too often marketing professionals are focused on "the WHAT." tradeshows should be reviewed, t types of direct ... more
  • by Jim Kukral
    Sing it with me, to the theme from TV's Bad blog, bad blog, watcha gonna Many thanks to Ann for starting up the conversation around the blog honor I threw together last week. There's some great conversation beginning to happen about this topic (check the comments on Ann's post) from ... more
  • by Mack Collier
    If your blog accepts comments, then you have four alternatives when you receive a negative comment on your One of the biggest concerns companies have over starting a blog is how to deal with negative comments. If your blog accepts comments, then you have four alternatives when you receive a ... more
  • by Lewis Green
    Stop and think before you delete! If you don't, you risk killing your brand and ultimately your In today's marketplace, ignoring the e-mail inbox could shorten your business lifespan by killing your brand Think about Would you intentionally ignore your clients and send messages saying you don't care about them ... more
  • by Ted Mininni
    Kudos to rocker Bono and Bobby Shriver, son of Sargent and Eunice Kennedy Shriver, for conceiving Product RED, "...a global initiative whose primary objective is to engage the private sector in the fight against AIDS in Africa by chanelling funds from the sale of (RED) products to the Global to ... more
  • by Harry Joiner
    It sounds like a late night infomercial "Now! Make $300 a year working from your kitchen table in your Yesterday's Washington has Fraud Estimated at #3300ff;" an interesting about about click fraud -- and what Google and Yahoo are doing about it.  Google estimates that less that 10 percent of its ... more
  • by Gerry McGovern
    Like all great self-service organizations, knows that you should never keep the customer The July 2006 like-for-like sales for Starbucks were lower than expected. This was rare for such a high-performance company and resulted in an 11 percent decline in the share price after the news was According to Starbucks' ... more
  • by Roy Young
    I gave a presenation to 40 mid-career marketers "in transition" the past week on the topic of Seven Types of Marketing Which One Are It was clear this group could relate to my explanation about why marketing is undervalued, and the steps I recommend for getting a seat at the ... more

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