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by Eric Kintz
My blogging friends here at sent me an advance copy of their new book, Marketing , and I like their Spencer released their updated on the length of CMO tenure, where they show surprising results that the average tenure has dropped again this year to 23.2 months, the lowest among ...
by Sara Holoubek
Last week, I realized that my client was in serious logo
Not that there was anything wrong with the current; he simply didn't like it. Since his firm was young, and I was new to the situation, I entertained some of his
"Change it? Don't change it? Change the name? ...
by Paul Barsch
Surely, like most Americans you fear public speaking. Sorry to disappoint, but this particular post won't offer any constructive advice on how to overcome nervousness, trembling hands, or itchy
I have, however, taken the liberty of producing working titles and summaries for the top 10 worst marketing speeches that you ...
by John Jantsch
The current issue of Business screams across its cover Click Fraud - The Dark Side of Online
Now, I know this is a hot topic and some advertisers have been able to prove that anywhere from of the clicks coming to their sites are being generated in fraudulent manners (meaning ...
by Andrea Learned
If it didn't yet seem official enough for you, the findings of the US Census Bureau "2005 American Community " make it Unmarried people lead 50.3 percent of U.S. households, while married couples lead 49.7
Sure, the definition of single may be a gray area (some are co-habiting or partnered ...
by Jim Kukral
Wendy Davis over at Mediapost about hearing magazine editor Chris Anderson speak at an event today. She "Your brand is what Google says your brand is, not what you say your brand is," Anderson told staff at Universal McCann this morning in a discussion about his book, The Long Why ...
by Tom Ehrenfeld
Five years ago I published The Startup , a book which reflected my lessons about
I wrote the book to be a What Color Is Your for people launching businesses, a personal guide to help take the next step
After publication, I launched a to promote the book and eventually, ...
by Lee MarcStein
"Listen to the music," they sang. And why should direct marketers listen to the
Because the great composers are masters at creating tension to bring you along into the piece and then putting you at ease within specific movements. It is this dueling dialectic that creates great direct mail as ...
by Lewis Green
The Happiness Quotient is defined and measured based on meeting people's wants, needs and desires, which may or may not tickle their emotional sides
Those who question the thesis in earlier comments are We cannot, nor should we try to, control people's emotions. That is not what The Happiness Quotient ...
by Elaine Fogel
How many business cards have you collected in your inventory? Hundreds? Maybe
If you haven't discarded them (after scanning them into business card software), try this
Take out 10 random business cards from your collection and for each one, score two points for each of the criteria below. If a ...
by Spike Jones
The boys and girls over at MediaPost that is planning to launch a "no-holds-barred blog" by the end of the
What does that mean? Either that Verizon wants to start a dialogue with their customers or that it's open season on one of the nation's largest wireless carriers. They claim ...
by Tom Ehrenfeld
As several recent books, most notably Joseph Badaracco's lovely Questions of , have pointed out, managers can draw meaningful lessons from great literature and apply them to the practice of
I fully agree, and find the mention this week of three great works of art confirmation of this
A recent ...
by Eric Kintz
New technologies are enabling a subtle shift that marketers have yet to recognize and adapt to .... I call it "dissociative identity
Marketers have recognized the need for a fundamental re-design of marketing practices linked to the technology-driven explosion of media vehicles, from the Internet, to cable TV, blogging or ...
by Lewis Green
A crowd of motorcycles, from Triumphs to Harleys to Hondas, cool quietly in front of in one of Connecticut's most upscale, suburban town
West Hartford is not for the weak of wallet, and neither is Starbucks. But inside the cafe sit bearded, braided and bold men, proud of their colors ...
by Karl Long
I had heard a week ago from the blog of Shel (of For Immediate fame) that a PR agency called had set up an office in , and my immediate reaction was somewhat
With , American , and the Starwood Hotel opening, I ignored it as a sort of "me ...
by Ted Mininni
Verizon Wireless and LG Wireless's much-anticipated new chocolate phone was recently unveiled to lots of oohs and
Now that the phone has come off the fashion runway, and cell phone connoisseurs have had a chance to handle the new beauty, the comments are coming in. And they seem to be ...
by Mike Wagner
by Ann Handley
Blogger Kevin Hillstrom publishes an occasional series of short Q&A interviews with interesting people he run across in the blogosphere. This week, he chats it up with
Check out Kevin's post, in which I do my best to answer Kevin's Four " about career, blogs, and the future of
by Alain Thys
When I'm in a cynical mood, I sometimes like to compare corporate innovation to teenage
Everyone talks about it, yet at the moment of truth the earth doesn't really move. When I'm really cynical, I think the failure rate in innovations is actually doing our youth a
Still, taking a ...
by Eric Ward
Is there anyone left in the Web marketing world who thinks reciprocal links are still
Most of the talk and posts I read on the forums say that reciprocal liks are Don't work. Cause search rank
It's too bad, really, because lost in all the commotion is the fact that ...
by Lewis Green
The buzz today among marketers, brand developers and those who love coffee circles around the announcement that raised its drink prices by a , its first price increase in two
So what's the big
Starbucks built its reputation on brand image, the Third Place Experience. An intangible. And intangibles are ...
by Gavin Heaton
by Lewis Green
But maybe you can replace it; however, I have my doubts. About what, you ask? The American Automobile , of
I begin with this simple It is stupid to create products and services based on sales data (the what) rather than on consumer wants and needs (the who). Focusing on ...
by Tom Ehrenfeld
Last month's release of the new Captain Underpants reminded me of how very much I adore the Web site for this silly kid's book
My youngest daughter (and okay, her father) find this series absolutely hilarious. Yeah, it's mired in the potty, but it's also far smarter than one would ...
by Ann Handley
Allen Weiss President and Founder of , published a post here titled Thought Leaders & Too Big for Their
Allen wrote, "My sense is that all of this thought-leader stuff is really just for selling something. The same goes for the word 'guru.' That's fine, I guess, if you want ...