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  • by Leigh Duncan-Durst
    There's no doubt, our sense of smell is powerfully tied to memory recall. Now more than ever, scent technology is being used to reinforce the customer experience environment. But what happens when the experience fundamentals are missing and scent technology actually works to reinforce a bad customer I had an ... more
  • by Andrea Learned
    Let's say I am your average skeptical technology consumer. What do you think might happen if I read media coverage about the launch of a new operating system that seems to gloss over whatever the system does and presume, no doubt, that my jaw will drop and I'll only be ... more
  • by Andrea Learned
    The keys to transparent marketing include narrowing your focus and getting to know your customers intimately. Drive-through latte stands in the Seattle area are taking that to the bank. Says an AP contributed article on , there are now several chains with female baristas serving up coffee in The guys ... more
  • by Paul Barsch
    Would you pay more for a diamond dug from the ground over a similar and sometimes more flawless diamond produced in a lab? Some marketers are betting you will. Welcome to "Gem There's a fight brewing between producers of lab-grown diamonds and diamonds dug from the ground–and marketing is in ... more
  • by Laurel Delaney
    Global small business owners know face-to-face meetings with international customers help cement quality professional relationships. But the practical aspects of planning international travel can be a bit of a maze. So how do you plan your trip? Where do you You can start from home on the Internet by checking ... more
  • by Stephen Denny
    Dear First, a confession. When I wrote the memo on Killing Giants, Part ", I didn't actually have a "Part 2" in mind. I was just hoping that things would progress along and new thoughts would quickly come to mind. Thankfully, a few good questions - .... one spurring a ... more
  • by Ted Mininni
    Recently, computer-generated TV ads have hit the airwaves depicting a baffled consumer wading through multiple pages of her monthly invoice from her financial services firm, questioning a number of fictitious-sounding fees. Ms. Consumer then whips her glasses off and gives her incredulous take on "You've got to be kidding me! ... more
  • by Jeanne Bliss
    According to we've all been "googled" this past year. Google has landed the top spot as our favored Who doesn't rely on this new way of living our life? Even my 72-year-old mom (bravo to her) uses Google News alerts to help me stay on top of my So now ... more
  • by Gerry McGovern
    If there's one thing that we hold in common as a human race it's that, when we're on the Web, we're cheap. (Even the Swiss are Go on, admit it; you're cheap. Breathe in deeply, and then as you breathe out slowly, "I'm cheap." Now "I'm cheap." Now really "I'm ... more
  • by Andrea Learned
    In this run up to the Super Bowl, there has been a lot of media discussion about the influence of female fans on the success of sporting events, in general. In a recent , Heidi Dawley, mentions a by Initiative Sports Futures that finds that more and more women are ... more
  • by Lewis Green
    "We all got along fine before the existence of social media (at least the digital kind), so how is it making what we do better or worse?" Our friend David Armano asks the right question over at . But what is the right answer? Does one To David's question, I ... more
  • by Andrea Learned
    This past November, I gave for humor in marketing, one example of which was the Miller High Life "Man Laws" campaign (created by Crispin, Porter & , Miami). I am now sorry to report that the effort, though apparently popular and engaging for customers, did not result in the increased ... more
  • by Eric Frenchman
    Interesting article in Monday's Wall Street titled Candidates Face New Winning the Netroots which really highlights why the 2008 election is pointing towards a much greater use of online advertising in securing the White In summary, it talks about how the Democratic Presidential wanna-be list has to work the very ... more
  • by Ted Mininni
    The Ocean Spray cooperative has been the subject of business school case studies in the recent past -- with good reason. Called a "paragon of manufacturing efficiency" by The Economist a while back, Ocean Spray could also be called a "model of marketing The cranberry had already had a long ... more
  • by Harry Joiner
    As a #0033cc;" recruiter" marketing , not a week goes by that I don't get a call from a VP of HR looking for a VP of Marketing who is a "servant leader."  Servant leadership seems to be all the rage these days.  Every company wants servant leaders, but few ... more
  • by Sara Holoubek
    A few days ago I was thinking about some of the 20th century's greatest advertising campaigns, trying to imagine what they would look like if launched in 2007. What would the Marlboro Man's MySpace page look like? And how many friends would he have? How many "Where's the beef?" video ... more
  • by Suzanne Lowe
    In the last two weeks, I've heard from two global professional service firms about their desire to rebuild their marketing function. They've begun the process Selecting and interviewing a well-rounded group of senior leaders and influencers in order to determine what these internal clients want and In both cases I've ... more
  • by Lewis Green
    Now that I have your attention, here's the I just finished reading All Marketers Are by Seth Godin (Portfolio, 2005). This is my first Seth Godin book. Why this one? For exactly the reason Godin says that the title of this book would It's outrageous, and I had to see ... more
  • by Andrea Learned
    In yesterday's New York Book Review, Joe Queenan wrote a hysterical about the glowing adjectives used to describe novels. The piece was "Astonish Queenan describes, with much humor, how he currently buys only books that have the word "astonishing" in the reviews as part of his self-screening process. A while ... more
  • by Laurel Delaney
    Following up on my , here are five final ways to find new (or hidden) global 1. Acquire companies in different parts of the world to lay the foundation for future growth and leadership in a variety of industries. If you can afford to make the financial investment, this is ... more
  • by Gerry McGovern
    Do people search using basic, simple, old words? But when they arrive at a Web site, are they moved to action by more emotive, sophisticated The Web is the land of the word. Getting your words exactly right can mean the difference between success and Frank Luntz is a bit ... more
  • by Spike Jones
    Even the most innovative, out-of-the-box (man I hate that phrase) ads aren't pushing sales anymore. Let me back I'm sure that by now you've seen those different Volkswagen where the people are just driving along talking about random things and suddenly get in an accident? The first time I saw ... more
  • by Lewis Green
    Our jobs and our businesses make every effort to get inside our heads and eat away whatever common sense we may possess. If we allow those nemeses to conquer our heads, the heart may soon follow. The old boxing maxim is "kill the body and the head dies." Perhaps the ... more
  • by Jeanne Bliss
    Companies deliver customers a defaulted, unplanned experience... THEN Why don't they like us The truth the experience many of you are delivering to your customers today is likely a blueprint of your organization Think about it. Sales does their own thing, then marketing. Service is not connected, and of course, ... more
  • by Laurel Delaney
    A question that is asked of me often is "How do I develop trust in the global marketplace?" Nobody knows this topic better than Dr. Marsha Firestone, founder and president of the Women Presidents' Organization (WPO), a nonprofit membership organization of women presidents running multimillion-dollar "Recently, we celebrated five very ... more

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