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  • by Andrea Learned
    This just As per , is launching Forbes Life Executive in October. I am all for better serving the businesswoman reader, but am wondering if entire new magazines need to be created to do Forbes is an established, well-read publication. What about just working to make its content and delivery ... more
  • by Ann Handley
    This turns one year old this week. I've already celebrated the occasion–back in January, on the one-year anniversary of its conception, with an article Seven Lessons from a Blogging , that ran in the MarketingProfs newsletter. But since then,I've noticed a whole bunch of birthday posts or mentions on other ... more
  • by Laurel Delaney
    Debra Guzov of Guzov Ofsink LLC , a New York-based international law firm, takes the personality of each new marketplace into account when building the company's global "To establish our brand overseas, we selectively market by going to conferences domestically and overseas where we will be able to target particular ... more
  • by Harry Joiner
    One of the best things about being a #3300ff;" recruiter" marketing who specializes in multichannel ecommerce is that I get to deal with some of the smartest people on earth.  Honestly, they're amazing.  There's just so much happening in the multichannel marketing arena, what with all of the changes in ... more
  • by Gerry McGovern
    The shift from organization power to customer power continues, as customers use the Web to organize themselves like never The Web gives organizational tools to the customer. The ability to organize 100 or 10,000 people used to be the exclusive domain of nations or well-funded private companies. Not "The power ... more
  • by Lewis Green
    Sometimes I think those of us who run marketing firms or work in a marketing department forget that although we are the beginning of the sales process, we also need to be involved in the middle and the end. For at the end of the day, our bottom lines and ... more
  • by Andrea Learned
    Even after writing and speaking about marketing to women for all these years, I must admit I still have trouble confidently deciding which of these words to "female" vs. "woman" or "gender" vs. "sex." Of course, for some inexplicable reason, I have never taken the time to look it up ... more
  • by Lewis Green
    I'm a Baby Boomer. In fact, I'm on the leading edge, having popped into this world in 1946. Although at 12 lbs. exiting a 90-pound mother, it was Iess a pop than a . And I'm still causing thuds -- the good kind, I On Wednesday, March 21, CK posted ... more
  • by Stephen Denny
    Dear I won't go political. Not here, not anywhere. We keep our political rants well away from our marketing discussions just like we keep our peas from touching our carrots. Usually. Sometimes, succotash happens. But someone has to give a great big "Wow, did you see that?" to the 1984 ... more
  • by Andrea Learned
    Just as I put the final touches on "Marketing Through Storytelling" for MarketingProfs (tomorrow, Thursday, noon eastern time), I read Steve Miller's story in on the how some 30-second ads are evolving into several minute videos. He points to two examples I will be using Thursday, as well - the ... more
  • by Jeanne Bliss
    Now, I love! has essentially hired a Chief Forgiveness A fellow named Fred Taylor Jr., with the formal title of Senior Manager of Proactive Customer , spends his 12-hour workdays finding out how Southwest disappointed its customers. He then fires off homespun letters of apology and "touches" to ease the ... more
  • by Harry Joiner
    As my regular blog readers know, before becoming a #3300ff;" recruiter" marketing I owned a B2B inside sales consultancy called "Reliable Growth."  Essentially, I taught companies like NCR and Aflac how to research, identify, and develop new business with a phone, an internet connection and a fax Telemarketing was the ... more
  • by Andrea Learned
    Anyone who has talked with me in the past few months knows that I am basically a walking evangelist for Michael Pollan's book, The Omnivore's So, stop right now and go buy it or get it from the library (but you will probably have to highlight a few sentences, so...). ... more
  • by Gerry McGovern
    If the Web were a film, its plot would be much more like that of Lord of the Rings and much less like , Dirty Harry or Die . It would be much more about a cooperative group of friends striving together to achieve a shared goal. It would disdain ... more
  • by Elaine Fogel
    Telling a good story is at the core of good marketing or branding. But what happens when the story is tongue-in-cheek and the audience doesn't "get it?" Has the average audience become When average consumers or business people believe the message and the message or story is bogus -- just ... more
  • by BL Ochman
    Eric , CEO of search giant , told an investors group this week that the market for targeted advertising is at a very early stage with lots of innovation still to come, according to Internet Discussing the inefficiency of random ads in traditional media, Schmidt noted, "It's a constant barrage ... more
  • by Andrea Learned
    Why is all the travel time, rich food, lack of exercise and not-your-own-bed annoyance of going to conferences worth the effort? For me, it is because the speakers usually bring life to information that, while interesting in its own right, might not otherwise strike me or inspire real Good speakers ... more
  • by Lewis Green
    For those of you too young to remember or who don't follow baseball, before Yogi Berra, Leo Durocher was known as baseball philosopher. Although the phrase was taken out of context, he is best known for the "Nice guys finish last." Not inspired this blog in a post in which ... more
  • by Ann Handley
    Anyone else feel a little bemused at the news of ABC ordering a pilot of a TV based on Geico's cavemen First of all, good for - .... it is a case study of marketing done well, and yet another example of blurring line between advertising and entertainment. Geico is ... more
  • by Andrea Learned
    Last week I attended an incredible multi-disciplinary conference on the topic of "community" called The From the perspective of residential community developer John L. Knott, Jr. of the Noisette to that of fiction english tutoring founder Dave ...and that of renowned organizational expert Margaret among many others, we audience participants ... more
  • by Laurel Delaney
    Great brands transcend geography. But to build a great global brand, you must understand the vital role that your company's electronic "face" plays in your success, says Marilynn Mobley, Senior Vice President of , the world's largest PR firm, as well as a "People all over the globe turn first ... more
  • by Toby Bloomberg
    What do get when you do your job well? Not your organization... but ? A raise? A promotion? The employee of the month parking spot? The satisfaction of knowing you did your best and moved the brand forward? All good Recently I had an interesting email volley with Tim Jackson, ... more
  • by Ted Mininni
    Someone has finally come along and done it. It took years, but Business Week has stepped up to the plate with its first-ever ranking of 25 client-pleasing After all of the justifiable griping of consumers as well as multiple contributors to the Daily Fix blog, there may be something positive ... more
  • by Mark Levy
    Case studies are like condensed action films—full of characters, plot, and conflict—in which, thanks to your help, the clients get what they want. Part of a case study's persuasive power comes from its energy. It should be exciting to tell and hear. Many of us, though, bore with ours. The reason? ... more
  • by Alain Thys
    If advertising is so effective, why are , airport billboards and business magazines free from ads in which agencies promote themselves to business audiences? I always ask this question "tongue-in-cheek," but lately the cheekiness is waning. Ad-effectiveness is plummeting all-round and both brand owners and consumers are nearing the point ... more

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