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  • by Mack Collier
    One of the biggest areas that most company blogs seem to struggle with, is how to position its content. The natural inclination for many companies is to use a blog as strictly a promotional vehicle. But of course, readers are looking for information and content that will inform and entertain ... more
  • by Elaine Fogel
    Variable data printing allows companies to personalize their consumer communication. It's a nice touch and certainly gets my attention more than, "Dear Customer." But, when changed my surname to "Forgel," my positive first impression went downhill First of all, some background info into my previous customer relationship with I applied ... more
  • by Elaine Fogel
    I was standing in line at JC , waiting to pay for my half-price bras (good deal) when I overheard the conversation of the three people ahead of me. One couple was discussing a woman's recent experience shopping for a car. What I learned in five minutes was very telling ... more
  • by Jim Kukral
    Did you watch The Sopranos finale? If you're like , you did watch, and you were not so happy about the ending. Which is exactly how I felt and still do, In a nutshell, the season ended into nothing. In other words, nothing happened. Nobody (Tony and family) got wacked, ... more
  • by Ted Mininni
    A recent McDonald's ad caught the eye of Business Week writers recently. "It's Not a McJob, It's a McCalling" caught my eye since internal branding and team building are ever hot topics these The ad in question depicts an executive woman who "A high school kid takes a job at ... more
  • by Lewis Green
    Yes, it can. My two most recent clients hired because of what they read on my blog and at my Web site. That is significant because for marketing to be accepted and effective, it must result in sales. I know some disagree, and that's one of the great things about ... more
  • by Jill Griffin
    April 19, 2007 was a red-letter loyalty day. I got to stand with my fellow board members and close the trading session at the New York Stock Exchange. Luby's, Inc. (LUB) celebrated 25 years as a public traded company, with a closing stock price of $10.13 for the day. This ... more
  • by Shelley Ryan
    The funniest thing happened today. Well, maybe more embarrassing and goofy than funny. I write email messages to 4,000 of our Premium Plus members each week to announce our upcoming virtual seminars, and this time I screwed up the subject line. It brought an unexpected Despite my rather cryptic subject ... more
  • by Matthew Grant
    How's this for a story? At the beginning of the the U.S. -- along with a lot of the "developed" world -- was in a recession. Then, thanks to some technological revolutions involving personal computers, cellphones, and something called "the Web," things really heated Seen as key to differentiation, people ... more
  • by Laurel Delaney
    It all happens It's a glimpse of the future. What do you more
  • by Jim Kukral
    Just another example of how not to treat a customer in today's connected world, or put your brand in peril. Jackie & Ben do a wonderful job outlining the series of that lead up to a horrible public relations nightmare for buys digital camera, gets box home, nothing in box. ... more
  • by Allen Weiss
    I just received an email touting a download of some research that purported to give me proven strategies for success. Here's an interesting Can any strategy be proven to be Sure, you can set up a strategy and see if it succeeds or not. But could you gather data from ... more
  • by Andrea Learned
    Let's say you are searching for an appropriate cause that your brand can passionately and authentically support (i.e. it needs to be a fit with what you already stand for). The cause should also be one with which your women's market will identify. What is the first thing that comes ... more
  • by Mack Collier
    Over the weekend I listened (once again) to a podcast that Ben McConnell and Jackie Huba with Maker's Mark CEO Bill Samuels, Jr. In the episode, Samuels gives the fascinating account of what the distillery's marketing mindset was, which they dubbed "marketing without This philosophy was grounded in the idea ... more
  • by Ted Mininni
    The New York Times ran a great story recently, titled Marketers Struggle to Get Folks to Stay Put for the . Apparently, the major TV networks are experimenting with ways to keep the viewing public in their seats, rather than dashing off during the commercials to head for the fridge ... more
  • by Paul Williams
    We marketers are problem solvers. Our role is to support companies, clients, and customers by solving their business problems. We're asked to help drive sales, increase traffic and build These challenges, and others, are solved through our ability to combine ideas in new and meaningful ways. That's Creativity is sparked ... more
  • by Paul Barsch
    Sign twirlers, also known as human ," are everywhere as I drive down a busy boulevard in my hometown of San . Some twirlers are dressed in bright colors, some are actively twirling their signs–while others look like they could care less. Is sign twirling an effective form of Sign ... more
  • Case Study: How a Nonprofit Developed Marketing Materials That Spoke to Its Culturally Diverse Audience, Bringing in New Members
    by Jennifer Natsu
    A nonprofit health-plan provider serving lower-income San Francisco residents was designed for and by the residents it served. The health plan said it took "pride in speaking the language" of its local residents—but the community has large Hispanic, Vietnamese and Chinese populations, as well as other ethnic groups. more
  • by Jeanne Bliss
    Seems the movie theatres have decided that it's best to have the foxes watching the hen house. In an interesting move, Regal Cinemas has decided to build customer loyalty by giving their best customers devices to tattle on fellow movie Here we see the idea in all its . It ... more
  • by Cam Beck
    There are few things that irk me more than when people misrepresent or otherwise unjustly disparage the quality of the people serving in uniform. MSNBC recently published an that typifies this a form of subtle disrespect, even if it was written in good Apparently, in business, former members of the ... more
  • by Nedra Kline Weinreich
    A few times recently I've felt that brief wave of sadness and longing in the pit of my stomach that signals a nostalgic episode. Something will trip a bunch of connected neurons and suddenly I'll be transported back in time, feeling for a split second like my Nostalgia can be ... more
  • by Ted Mininni
    Every major brand is grappling with the issue of intellectual piracy. While infringements on property rights are a problem around the globe, the Chinese are especially guilty of rampantly "borrowing" ideas or adapting successful product and entertainment ideas, making them their own without much The U.S. Government, tired of China's ... more
  • by BL Ochman
    How often do you allow yourself to go unwired is the question of the day at Jeff blog. Interesting question I just spent the weekend unwired, and it was great. It's something I rarely ever do, if only because the email pile-up is too awful to contemplate on a regular ... more
  • by Toby Bloomberg
    Here is your challenge. Create a process that involves millions of people worldwide. Then to make things extra interesting throw in a dash of global politics for good measure. What would you For the Health and Human Services Department the challenge was to involve multiple stakeholders in the conversation about ... more
  • by Laurel Delaney
    Last week I gave a talk on Surviving in the Global and one of my keynote slides really resonated with the audience. It was a question I posed to the What does your global sphere look And what I mean by that -- which I explained at great length to ... more

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