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- "This happened once before, when I came to your No - The Beatles, "No Reply" from Beatles When asked to define social media, here is one way I have done "Social media is about effectively using online media to enable create conversation." Of course, the next question is usually "How ... more
- Finally! A terrific Business Week highlighted a potentially devastating problem in one of its recent articles, dubbed Feeling Trashed on the recently, and I just had to comment on The article's points, and its examples, can be summed up by this sentence at the end of the first "Smart companies ... more
- Yesterday's Wall Street reported Ikea To Pluck Ads Focus on Love of House to Combat Market . Smart move by The home-furnishings giant is hoping its "Home is the most important place in the world" campaign will help homeowners fret less about the effects of the housing slump and think ... more
- Here's how it plays out in many companies, state agencies and other entities today. The would-be client sends out a confusing, ambiguous document that suggests that they might be open to working with an outside vendor. They ask you to answer 328 questions and you must number them in the ... more
- What's the most common mistake companies make in crafting collateral? What are the keys to creating content that reflects a company's credibility? And how does a company stop talking about itself... and focus on its customers? Here, the author of "Writing Copy for Dummies" shares his insider secrets and ... more
- Senior managers don't take content seriously because people who write content don't come across as being serious. If content professionals want more respect, they need to present content as a science, not an I have spent most of my adult life writing content, or else advising people on how best ... more
- A hotel manager looks out in the lobby and notices a guest with a Hermes tie. Another is carrying a Prada handbag. In an instant and through "the power of the glance," the hotelier decides these folks "look right" and are worth giving special attention. Unfortunately, this hotelier has probably ... more
- Few things are more important in life and in business than communications that are clear and concise. And, I think I can safely say, few things are more scarce in life and in business than those kinds of communications. That said, while few I know seldom have problems speaking, many ... more
- I have the opportunity to work with large companies in the implementation of their social media programs. Much of my most recent corporate work has been with 's Ken Kaplan, who is the broadcast and new media manager for Intel's Global Communications He and I have discussed lately how important ... more
- As our customers' real-life and online lives continue to intersect, social networks are becoming the glue which holds it all together. Take , which started as a sort of online frat party. Now it's poised to become the equivalent of a bazaar, part of an online industry of web applications ... more
- All too often, when we talk about social media, undue attention and focus gets placed on the technology. It's easy to understand why. Technology is sexy and exciting, and it's fun to write about it with an exclamation point after it (Twitter! Facebook! There's nothing wrong with getting excited about ... more
- Certainly by now you've is being heralded as the key to business success in coming decade. "No matter what business you're in, your future will be shaped, even determined, by innovation," writes Michael Michalko in A Handbook of Creative Thinking For those of us in the design and creativity business, ... more
- I'm having a tiff with Ford Harding, the rainmaker guru to professional service He wrote a blog , claiming that, especially in small professional service firms, marketers and business developers cannot succeed at fulfilling all the conflicting roles that are required of them, so they inevitably sink to performing the ... more