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  • by John WallChristopherPenn
    What is Marketing Automation? What are the 4 methods of measuring website traffic? Find out in the latest episode of Marketing Over Coffee, a weekly audio program that covers classic marketing tactics and what's new on the technology Direct Link to Show length Implementing Marketing Stop answering your phone, use ... more
  • by Andrea Learned
    Congratulations! Now is the time to reap the benefits of your many years studying up on marketing to women. We are seeing bits and pieces of evidence that men are beginning to shop more like Perhaps men started with skin and hair care products because they could easily use what ... more
  • by Jim Kukral
    You're a marketer at the top of your game right? Heck, you may even blog here at MarketingProfs , so the answer to that is yes, you are. Even if you're a reader here, you're probably a marketer who wants to learn more about marketing. So where's your online video, ... more
  • by Elaine Fogel
    What would you do if you received a client gift (shipped by the seller, not the sender) and the price tag was still on the item? Would you tell the sender? Or is that like telling a stranger that he has toilet paper hanging from his Well, that happened to ... more
  • by Mack Collier
    A new by Strategy Analytics claims that roughly one out of every 6 people on the face of the earth will be using social media in 5 years. The report also adds that there are currently approximately 373 million people using social "It is clear that user generated media will ... more
  • by Drew McLellan
    Tis the season. (Be it Christmas, Hanukkah, or Kwanzaa. Or any combination thereof!) The gifts have started to Popcorn tins, fruit baskets, chocolates and more. And at my agency, we're getting ready to deliver our holiday cheer to clients and special business partners as By about December 20th, as I ... more
  • by Ann Handley
    Jeffrey is clearly losing his battle with social networking addiction. But, he writes, "The good news is that I am not The beds at the rehab facility are full, he says, "and the waiting list for admittance is growing faster than a line of geeks at an Apple store the ... more
  • by Paul Barsch
    Have shown in study after study, that multi-tasking isn't helping us be more productive, but in fact, is making us dumber. Are some Web 2.0 tools, with their promise of instant connectivity, notification, and collaboration adding fuel to the There is a lot of excitement about staying up-to-date and making ... more
  • by Elaine Fogel
    Want to send a free printed postcard to U.S. military personnel stationed overseas, to show your support and appreciation? Well, through the partnership of and , a nonprofit organization (along with print shops and other corporations), you can choose a thank-you card design (compliments of Boys and Girls ) and ... more
  • by Toby Bloomberg
    Recently I've been hearing buzz about... let's called them the Gotham of communities. I don't think I need to name names but drop a few initials MS .. FB .. YT .. some people have been saying there is no need for any more. I believe that in this highly ... more
  • by Ted Mininni
    What better testing ground for new concept gourmet mini-supermarkets than Southern California? That's what British supermarket giant thought, too. Fortune Magazine reporters Matthew Boyle and Michael V. Copeland recently about this new phenomenon in an article that appeared on "Tesco reinvents the 7- Eleven" documents the launch of convenience stores ... more
  • by Paul Dunay
    Imagine an event where all the content is delivered online, either "live" or recorded. This "virtual event" is delivered with an easy-to-use, game-like interface, and it includes features for social networking. (MarketingProfs held such a virtual event last , and it's poised to announce a second one , a company ... more
  • by Lewis Green
    In addition to borrowing the oft-used title above, I am using the insights of writers and listeners much more tuned into listening than am I -- including Swami ; Brenda , a prolific Minnesota author and columnist; and Terry , CCSE, CPBA, Performance Consultant, Reiki Master, Image Plus. In saying ... more
  • by Tangerine Toad
    The other day, I came across a t-shirt that read "I'll pay more for good design." Now granted, I found it on a site I'd gotten from as I was looking for Hanukkah gifts, and the store was in Brooklyn and all (For those of you not in NYC, there's ... more
  • by Suzanne Lowe
    In the traditional view of business competition, I should hate David . He targets the same types of clients that I do -- professional service firms -- and his work is designed to help them achieve the same goals -- marketplace But I just can't do it. Here's a guy ... more
  • by Paul Williams
    Successfully doing something that has never been done before (innovating) is sort of like shooting an arrow at a target while blindfolded. You know where you want to go but until you draw back on the bow string and launch, you can't be certain where the arrow will You get ... more
  • by BL Ochman
    These days, everyone and her dog is a social media marketer, or so they tell us. But who's really an " ? And who's full of hot air? How do you tell the experts from the snake oil Let's define Social Media is helping companies to add tools including blogs, ... more
  • by Jennifer Jones
    At Marketing , I interviewed the CEO of who talked to me about a new product they recently announced. Isolating conversations around products, brands and issues is tough to do, but CEO Rob Crumpler demonstrated their new ad targeting feature which I found very elegant and easy to Crumpler explained ... more
  • by Harry Joiner
    For whatever reason, I have awesome dreams. True   I dreamed about the 1989 #3300ff;" Loma Prieta two days before it actually happened.  Now, I'm not telling you this because I want you to believe that I have special powers.  You know better.  Plus, any self-respecting cynic could have predicted ... more
  • by Paul Dunay
    PR professionals have been on the front end of all media relationships for a very long time. But the advent of new media poses some challenges for even the best PR To get some advice on how PR pros should handle new media, I conducted an interview with Cece Salomon-Lee. ... more
  • by Suzanne Lowe
    Harvard's John Quelch offers a summary of his study regarding B2B brands, on his Harvard Business Online blog post here. His post, titled "How to Build a B2B Brand," cites five characteristics of leading global B2B brands. They The CEO is a willing brand cheerleader, loves the brand heritage and ... more
  • by Valeria Maltoni
    If so, it's a sure sign that your organization is not doing its homework. One of the main causes of disconnect is that B2B companies work out of sync -- the vendor sales cycle does not match closely the buyers'. I was reading a digest of a recent insight report ... more
  • by Elaine Fogel
    According to a new survey of the Marketing Executives Networking , conducted by Anderson , of respondents say the most important marketing trend for 2008 is a concentration on marketing basics. That includes specific concepts such as customer satisfaction, customer retention, segmentation, brand loyalty and ROI. Guess what number two ... more
  • by Ted Mininni
    According to a Financial Times article, P&G sets 'greener' products , "Procter & Gamble has set itself a target for environmentally targeted products, marking what senior executives describe as a major evolution in the corporate philosophy of the world's largest consumer products Wow! This is an interesting proposition, and if ... more
  • by Ann Handley
    In this season of retail frenzy, Web metrics bigwig Jim points to an shipping confirmation email that he calls "unmeasureably good." It's worth noting for two 1. A little humor and personality can be refreshing; 2. It's from , the online music store that has some seriously incredible music, but ... more

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