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  • by Ted Mininni
    Apparently marketers aren't cutting it, according to a recent study. Marketers aren't making a mark with consumers when they launch new products. An intriguing article in MediaPost on March 6th, New Product Messages Aren't Making Intended points to data collected by Information Resources, Inc, New Products magazine, comScore and Schneider ... more
  • by Ann Handley
    BL Ochman has been running an interesting series of interviews with "top bloggers" at her place recently, including Doc , Mack , and this week, . She asked us to identify the top tools we use to keep from drowning in the "information tsunami" that is the internet, What tools ... more
  • by Paul Dunay
    Http:// more
  • by Paul Barsch
    What does your mobile phone usage say about you? Probably a lot more than you think. Mobile phone operators are using advanced analytics to "mine" call detail records hoping to use the information to improve service quality and create more personalized and relevant offers. But that's old hat compared to ... more
  • by Michael Rubin
    Let's pretend you've paid good money to see a major new theatrical production in your city. It's not going well, and after a while, you get bored and antsy. What is your first A. Heckle, "Get real actors!" or "I could do that B. Get up and politely walk C. ... more
  • by Valeria Maltoni
    Imagine this scenario -- it really happened. A young woman's dog poops on a subway train in South Korea and she refuses to clean it up. Someone happens to be there with a camera to post the snapshot on a popular blog. The story ends up on , and suddenly ... more
  • by Ted Mininni
    "Research from The Nielsen Co. here shows that more than half of U.S. consumers would give up all forms of convenience packaging if doing so would benefit the environment," according a new article in Progressive Grocer. Nielsen's PanelViews study surveyed 65,000 U.S. Some of the of consumers surveyed would give ... more
  • by John WallChristopherPenn
    In this Marketing Over Coffee learn what's up with SEM and paid ads, geotargeting and the next online ad..... all that and more in this Marketing Over Coffee, a weekly audio program sponsored by MarketingProfs that covers classic marketing tactics and what's new on the technology Direct Link to Show ... more
  • by Gwyneth Dwyer
    Question for Can you collaborate with a competitor? And will you – if a client asks? Lance Thornswood, Interactive Creative Director at , talks about his success leading campaigns when multiple best-in-class agencies – or "frenemies" – are responsible for the Quick " is a relatively new word that describes ... more
  • by Paul Dunay
    Brand building and reputation management are two sides of a coin. What brand managers do to build their company's reputation can come crashing down overnight with the keystroke of an angry Managing a company's reputation used to be a back-channel activity, known only to a few. Today, company reputation is ... more
  • by Lewis Green
    The New York Times After Suicide, Blog Insults Are ) reported on March 5 that, "Visitors to and , two sharp-tongued blogs written by advertising industry insiders, posted comments blaming the sites for contributing to the suicide late last month of Paul Tilley, 40, the creative director of DDB Were ... more
  • by Jeanne Bliss
    I had to go to the mall today to run an errand. Now, as a normal citizen of the world, it seems that all that's required is that I show up clean and don't forget to pay. But, no. Ask any woman, when you walk into any "fashion" store -- ... more
  • by Paul Dunay
    You can run but you can't hide for long from social networking. At some point or another you will have to sign up for one (or probably more) social networks. But recently some early adopters have said they want out completely .... the equivalent of unplugging entirely from social networking. ... more
  • by Ted Mininni
    An interesting article dubbed "Stimulus Plan for Pack It Full of Caffeine" appeared in the February 13th edition of the Wall Street . WSJ writer Katy McLaughlin begins by "The candy industry is rolling out new sweets packed with more than just sugar. Buzz-inducing candy, spiked with caffeine and, often, ... more
  • by John WallChristopherPenn
    In this Marketing Over Coffee learn what you need to get started with SEO and Organic Search, a whole boat load of tools, and some tactics to use.... all that and more in this Marketing Over Coffee, a weekly audio program sponsored by MarketingProfs that covers classic marketing tactics and ... more
  • by Paul Dunay
    Nothing focuses the sales force on sales like a quota. But what does a CEO use to focus Marketing? Can Marketing really begin to source leads for Sales? And how can you really optimize the relationship between Sales and This podcast is the first in a series we've set up ... more
  • by Tangerine Toad
    Http:// more
  • by Leigh Duncan-Durst
    A ton of reports on inflation, unemployment and other economic indicators are slated to hit Wall Street. The Fed is considering dropping rates another quarter point...and the financial world braces. The thing is, everyday Americans don't need data to tell them the economy is in the Beyond the gas pump, ... more
  • by Jeanne Bliss
    They're not using peanut butter and a bell to change our behavior as consumers, but the latest Visa commercials sure have behavior modification in mind. The messaging in the most recent Visa commercials is about as subtle as being hit over the head with a baseball bat; use your check ... more
  • by Drew McLellan
    I was at lunch with a peer and friend the other day, telling her a story about how a mutual acquaintance had called me out of the blue to ask for some marketing counsel, which of course I gave her. My lunch companion said, I hope you charged ." I've ... more
  • by Roy Young
    I just returned from the" Online Marketing Summit in San Diego where, among the many sessions, I found myself in a room of over 80 marketers who claimed to be testers. I could believe it if it were a direct marketing conference, but an online marketing conference? Has the ... more
  • by Leigh Duncan-Durst
    Guess where I Here's a hint. It's a restaurant you have probably visited at least once in your life. Walk in to the sound of water running down glass panels. There is a sculpture of a crane on one side - a koi fish on the other. The room is ... more
  • by Ted Mininni
    If it sounds a little like something out of Arthur C. Clarke's A Space Odyssey", it is. New technology has been developed in Berkeley, California known as NeuroFocus. According to an interesting on Reed Business's Multichannel News site, NeuroFocus is "Leveraging marketing, engineering and neuroscience expertise from the University of ... more
  • by Jeanne Bliss
    Name 4 things to do while being strapped in an airline Work, listen, eat and Virgin gets that. They've made their experience about making those four things They begin with the chair, and the stuff to make sitting in it as good as possible. Even in coach. There's 110-volt power, ... more
  • by Mack Collier
    I am learning the hard way that , while a valuable social media tool, can also be very high maintenance. Despite telling myself that I could handle following 400 then 500 then 600 members, I finally hit Twitter overload. It was time to re-organize my Twitter The problems started when ... more

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