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- After listening and reading for a few months now about the various ways to leverage as a marketing and professional resource, I went ahead and created a MarketingProfs group there. Less than 24 hours later, 1,002 MarketingProfs members have joined, and now, I'm inviting all of you to join it, ... more
- Media Post's Marketing newsletter dated July 8, 2008 had an interesting column, titled, "What's That You Say?" In it were the Top 10 newly coined words compiled from various sources by those wacky folks at , the Chicago-based v. - As the economy continues to hit consumers' wallets affecting their ... more
- This week Dr. Allen Weiss talks about Value-Added Relationships in this recording from the MarketingProfs Business-to-Business Marketing , June 2008 in Direct Link to Show length From the conference Most companies believe they should be building long term with all their customers. They call these Value-Added and they indeed can ... more
- Consumer product industry watchers have known for some time that P&G's Febreze brand has been an unqualified success. Launching hot selling new products out of the gate is quite a feat in these days of market saturation, but developing new categories and then positioning products for success within them is ... more
- In a couple of months I'll be speaking at a small business conference where I already 'know' many of the attendees, even though I've never actually met them. How is that possible? Because of For all the (deserved) criticism that myself and many others have heaped on Twitter recently, the ... more
- Does sales really care about leads? Maybe If you ask Bill Binch, VP of Sales from demand generation provider Marketo, he prefers pipeline and bookings to leads. Ironically, as much as lead nurturing and lead scoring can help generate pipeline and revenue, by framing the discussion around leads too many ... more
- My wife Kay and I own our own businesses, giving us flexibility in our work schedules. Last Friday, we went on a midday three-hour date. First, we exchanged (for the third time) Kay's not-working MP3 at Best Buy (but that's another story) and lastly we gathered some groceries at Trader ... more
- The lagging nose-diving) economy is creating additional dimensions of customer need that may well force many companies to re-think their value propositions. Here's a good case in My husband decided to take a road trip with our 17-year-old this summer. With gas at a national average of $4.10 a gallon, ... more
- We all have the friend whose quirks are mildly amusing in person. But place them under the magnifying glass of social media and those minor quirks become major, hard-to-ignore annoyances. Or, as one friend recently remarked about an acquaintance of ours, "I'm embarrassed for him every time I go on ... more
- To compete for lucrative Wall Street or consulting jobs, students across the United States are joining on-campus investment clubs to help prepare them for real-world situations. And while marketing students don't–yet–have similar clubs, students in all disciplines are racing harder and faster than ever to differentiate themselves before they graduate. ... more
- As the July 11th launch date for the iPhone in Canada approaches, there's a real brewing up here in Canada. The question is, will it be powerful enough to achieve the change Canadians are desperately On Friday (June 27), Rogers, Canada's exclusive iPhone carrier, announced the voice and data plans ... more
- Marketing recently conducted an interview with The CMO Council's Donovan Neale-May, who divulged some starting information. It appears that in a survey conducted by The CMO Council and the Boston Consulting Group of 1000 senior marketing execs, only of respondents felt that their "go to market" capabilities were "very good." ... more