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  • by Ann Handley
    It's that time of year the holidays are upon us, a new year looms, and the pundits polish their crystal balls and make their predictions for what's in the offing. This year, Daily Fix Peter assembled some 13 of us to answer the question, "What will 2009 hold for Social ... more
  • by Amber Naslund
    I remember a time when I slogged through developing a marketing plan that looked rather like a grid. It had sections, objectives, columns for deadlines. It was parsed out into separate pieces - PR, branding, internal communications, client services, business development. Each piece, if you will, plugged in to the ... more
  • by Paul Dunay
    As the economy twists and turns with more layoffs mounting .... having a strong personal brand is becoming ever more important from a career But what does that mean? Do you launch a blog? Do you start a Twitter account? Do you launch your own Vlog? Or maybe some combination ... more
  • by Christina "CK" Kerley
    Every holiday there emerges that one special story, so I hope you'll pardon me for deviating from my marketing beat. This year the tale is not the stuff of Christmas miracles, but about 200 guys who, through fighting to be treated fairly, have inspired an entire If you've not been ... more
  • by Ted Mininni
    So how could Nike take its share of all the running shoe business in the U.S. in 2006 and grow that business? The company's marketers may have found the answer in its social marketing Analysts debate whether or not the site is directly responsible for Nike's current share of the ... more
  • by Lewis Green
    When I left the military and enrolled at the University of Florida Journalism School, I did so because the college had a reputation for teaching students how to write. Here was the school's Don't tell, show. Draw a picture for your readers. Thirty-plus years later, I believe that mantra applies ... more
  • by Ann Handley
    On a company web site, the 'About Us' page can be a tricky thing. You need one, Jakob Nielsen , because effectively explaining the company's purpose and what it stands for "provides essential support for all other website goals." Ah yes– but explaining it in a compelling and interesting manner ... more
  • by Paul Dunay
    The CMO title barely existed 15 years ago but it is already undergoing a significant transformation. There are some major shifts in landscape in which they changes in Technology, Consumer Behavior and the Media Landscape. In a recent research report entitled Future the Global published by the Economist Intelligence Unit, ... more
  • by Christina "CK" Kerley
    A rat inspired this post. I know that sounds ludicrous. (Actually, if you've read my posts for a while, it may not seem so ludicrous.) While reading The New York this weekend I was taken aback by a and the interesting findings shared by the author. First, I need to ... more
  • by Paul Barsch
    No doubt, we live in volatile . The complexity, interconnectedness and intricacy of global markets is causing executives around the globe to check decisions once, twice and even delay important decisions because they cannot "peer around the corner." Some marketing executives are asking themselves, "What are the odds of–" to ... more
  • by Paul Chaney
    B2B magazine ran a series of articles which, taken collectively, make a clear and definite statement that good old, tried-and-true, ROI-proven forms of online marketing such as email remain the bastions and that social media is still viewed with a slightly sidewards Here's a roll-up of those Email remains top ... more
  • Web Site Content—It's All About the Why
    by Jerry Bader
    This focus on "The What" is exacerbated by some search engine optimization techniques intended to drive traffic rather than to brand product, sell services, or convert traffic into customers. Traffic is important, but converting that traffic into paying customers is more important. Even the best and brightest search engine optimizers ... more
  • by Michael Rubin
    It's sometimes hard to remember this, but corporate social media is still in its relative infancy.  At the Blog Council, we talk with many smart people at large companies who often say something like, "But we are only just get started."  There is good news, I often reply. The reality ... more
  • by Paul Dunay
    These days many professional services and technology firms looking to differentiate themselves lean on an age old technique of creating thought leadership. But truly differentiated and provocative thought leadership is actually hard to come by. Most of the time, it is just interesting theory without any proof. Moreover, does the ... more
  • by Jay Baer
    It's fantastic that interest in social media is so high, but I'm alarmed at the number of brands and agencies that are ready to jump into social media to take "advantage" of audience concentration in Facebook, Twitter, and other fast-growth outposts. What's lacking in most social media programs is an ... more
  • by Andrea Learned
    Marketing to women isn't dead - but, with men shopping more and starting to pay attention to the things women have long noticed, it might be time to call it "marketing to feminine brain traits" (a mouthful, I In a recently recorded interview on this , Maria Reitan of Purse ... more
  • by Paul Dunay
    After my last post on the Media Budget I got a question out on the Marketing 2.0 by Scott Zosel about how much should you allocate for Social Media in your Great question Scott and you inspired me to write this post. So here it The cost of the technology ... more
  • by Ted Mininni
    Some marketers are responding to the current economic downturn and consumer fear, by softening their marketing This isn't anything new, of course. Whenever we've had tough times in the past, marketers have instinctively turned to reviving nostalgic advertising to reconnect consumers with happier days and associations. Or they've sought to ... more
  • by Andrea Learned
    What if this economic downturn is the time to give up on new thinking, but really provides the opportunity to more freely explore some fresh ideas? Since stressing out does nothing toward increasing, or even maintaining, your numbers... why not use that worry-filled brainwave space, instead, to identify and integrate ... more
  • by Valeria Maltoni
    This is an important question. A tribe is a group of people connected to each other, to a leader and to an idea (Godin). I opened a conversation with direct response professionals in Philadelphia last week by summarizing three timeless imperatives for 1. Cash flow is a 2. Customers 3. ... more
  • by Lena West
    While reading an article about Rupert Murdoch's take on the failure of traditional publishing to connect with their readers, my social media furnace almost blew a gasket. (Do furnaces even have gaskets? Probably not. I guess I should stick to social Anyway, I'm reading this article and I start to ... more
  • by Paul Dunay
    Marketing is the interface a company builds to interact with the marketplace and the customer base. The marketing group, combined with the sales force, is the point in the company where the market understanding resides. This should be the group that drives the company, that sells the marketing vision and ... more
  • by Mack Collier
    Thinking about launching a company blog? Great, now if you want to avoid being that ," then here's the essential elements that you should incorporate into your 1 - A Why are you blogging? What are you attempting to do with your blog? Establish your company as an industry leader? ... more
  • by Jonathan Kranz
    The markets have crashed. Credit is scarce. Consumers are scared. Everywhere, there is fear, uncertainty and doubt. There's a new kind of media that's taking the world by storm, but investments are shrinking And marketers? Their heads are on the chopping Sounds familiar, doesn't it? But I'm not talking about ... more
  • by Paul Barsch
    Will tomorrow be like today? In planning assumptions for budgeting and forecasting, most marketers believe that events of tomorrow, next week and next year will be much like this year, or years past with just slight deviation. However a review of the global and economic landscape (in a wild 2008) ... more

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