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Marketing Articles: Content

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  • by Ann Handley
    If you attended the MarketingProfs B2B earlier this week, and you blog about it, you could win a pass to our Digital Marketing Mixer this fall in We are looking for blog posts (both video and text) that talk about the 2009 B2B Forum in Boston, and will award special ... more
  • by Stephanie Miller
    Social marketing gives us that giddy combination of exciting and terrifying. Makes your heart thump. Some people think that email marketing by comparison is old-school and boring. I say there is nothing sexier than the high revenue and ROI from the email No need to take sides, my friends. Email ... more
  • by Paul Dunay
    The short answer is .... In a recent article in the NY Times called Tweeting Your Way to a . They talk a lot about people who have found a new job Tweeting for an employer. Social Media roles are opening up in many firms and the Twitterati that have ... more
  • by Elaine Fogel
    Economist Jeff Rubin, author of Why your world is about to get a whole lot Oil and the end of was interviewed on CNN's "Your Money" this past weekend... and guess what? Our lives are about to change. "Our cars, our homes, our whole world has been getting bigger in ... more
  • by Paul Dunay
    If you have never seen this web page - you should! With legions of Twitter-ers on staff - 432 to be exact - Zappos make customer service easy, decentralized, and inexpensive. But that begs the question - what impact will Twitter have on today's customer contact History would tell us ... more
  • by Paul Chaney
    Mashable , "Is social media making corporate Web sites irrelevant?" and points to a Facebook Page set up by Vitamin . Paul Dunay, in a recent MarketingProfs Daily Fix , asks,"With Facebook Pages, who needs a Following suit, I ask the question, should a Facebook Page be part of your ... more
  • by Erik Bratt
    How important is social media monitoring to your company? Do you feel your company is adequately measuring its social media campaigns? What are the biggest hurdles to this type of These are some of the survey questions we hope you'll help us answer as part of an upcoming special report ... more
  • by Mark Ivey
    Breaking the Curse of the Corporate Perfectionist I knew I would struggle when I started blogging a few years ago. I blame my years of journalism work. Sentences had to be carefully crafted, and words chosen carefully. My first editor at BusinessWeek told me, "Magazine real estate is precious. Use ... more
  • by David Reich
    Since I'm fairly new on Twitter and still trying to sort it , an article in the current issue of Advertising Age caught my eye. "Michelob joins keg party at Twitter, but will its tweets draw heat?" asks the headline, while the subhead makes reference to the age-verification problems that ... more
  • by John WallChristopherPenn
    In this Marketing Over Coffee we discuss Google, Social Signals and Confirmed Opt-in..... all that and more in this Marketing Over Coffee, a weekly audio program sponsored by MarketingProfs that covers classic marketing tactics and what's new on the technology Direct Link to Show length SMX - Twitter & social ... more
  • by Stephanie Miller
    Most of the data that is standard in email marketing reporting is of little value to executives. Very few executives give a hoot about opens and clicks. In fact, very few marketers even look at their email system reports I can't make this stuff !). Precisely because they aren't helpful ... more
  • by Paul Chaney
    I just returned from The Twitter , held in Mountain View, CA, last week. BTW, despite indications to the contrary, it was the first Twitter for business conference. (Not exactly the same focus as , but business-centric The main takeaway for me is that Twitter IS a tool businesses should ... more
  • by Paul Barsch
    Marketing executives should have a pulse on shifting consumer preferences, macro-economic conditions and emerging competitors. However, in forecasting the financial crisis of 2008 and beyond, most marketers (and economists for that matter) failed to accurately "call" the collapse, even though signs of catastrophe were Does marketing have a leadership role ... more
  • by Elaine Fogel
    For many years now, I have bellowed a mantra to anyone who will listen. In order to succeed, charities must operate with the head of a business and the heart of a I can't count how many times I've seen nonprofit professionals cringe at the thought of adopting a business ... more
  • by Ted Mininni
    As the principal of a design firm with package design as a core competency, these are exciting times. We are seeing greater sustainable packaging innovations and they're coming at a faster clip these days. I recently blogged about SunChips new biodegradable . Now, on the heels of the recent SunChips ... more
  • by Paul Chaney
    As the principal of a design firm with package design as a core competency, these are exciting times. We are seeing greater sustainable packaging innovations and they're coming at a faster clip these days. I recently blogged about SunChips new biodegradable . Now, on the heels of the recent SunChips ... more
  • by Stephen Denny
    As the principal of a design firm with package design as a core competency, these are exciting times. We are seeing greater sustainable packaging innovations and they're coming at a faster clip these days. I recently blogged about SunChips new biodegradable . Now, on the heels of the recent SunChips ... more
  • by Michael Rubin
    Throughout the last 24 hours, word has spread quickly that the New York appointed Jennifer Preston as the news organization's first Social Media Editor. As usual, the reaction to a positive and courageous first step forward into social media by a large corporation Reasonably My personal opinion is that the ... more
  • by Matthew Grant
    This post was composed in collaboration with Mike . - The production and distribution of informative content has been part of marketing for a long time, particularly in the B2B space. Today, however, every aspect of content-based marketing is undergoing a radical Broadly speaking, this transformation has content moving Promotional ... more
  • by Len Kendall
    When it comes to innovation we often get hung-up on creating something completely new. While this approach is usually the most exciting, it isn't the only way to launch an incredibly successful product or brand. In other words, innovation doesn't have to come from invention. It can also come from ... more
  • by Ted Mininni
    It all started with niche companies like Seventh Generation and Method. A move to clean up the cleaners, as it were. To take the toxic chemicals out of cleaning products and replace them with natural surfactants that would do the job. Those entrepreneurial companies, and others, pioneered environmentally responsible cleaning ... more
  • by Paul Chaney
    Http:// more
  • by Stephanie Miller
    As consumers shift from a "I want" to a "We need" buying philosophy, your marketing needs to adjust, too. Here are a number of statistics and trends to get you thinking along the right News Enormous change has taken place in the US and global economies over the past few ... more
  • by Ann Handley
    By Deborah There are three "R" words–retention, repurchase and referral–that can help your company survive and thrive during the "R" word that's plaguing our economy, the recession. As costs are chopped and expenses shrunk, companies must understand more than ever the importance of customer loyalty, word-of-mouth and the profitability associated ... more
  • by Ann Handley
    By Lou I recently entered the world of weekend-fishing warriors during a side ethnographic project. The business parallel between the strategy behind the fisherman's lure selection and an organizations approach to effectively initiate change became immediately evident. My intrigue hovered around the success factor of each situation, catching a fish ... more

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