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  • by Ann Handley
    We know plenty about Twitter's crazy growth rates and mushrooming membership. We know about brands on Twitter, celebrities on Twitter, politicians on Twitter. We know Twitter apps, hashtags, trends, tools, tips and tricks. But we understand less about the motivations of Why do people use How do its users feel ... more
  • by Paul Barsch
    The global financial crisis of 2008 and beyond has shaken countries, markets, and individuals, in turn causing increased pessimism, angst and even anger. And yet, for those wishing for things to "return to normal", a new survey argues that we're in the "new normal". What are the lasting impacts of ... more
  • by Elaine Fogel
    I was a gift card virgin - until recently. Now, I will not use them anymore. Number one - they aren't worth the trouble. Number two - they aren't worth their full face value. There's hidden info that consumers don't know about until they try to use them, which brings ... more
  • by Ted Mininni
    According to a recent Reuter's "Foodmakers tout innovation to battle imitation," food manufacturers stated at the Reuters Food and Agriculture Summit in Chicago in mid-March "that they are the ones who develop innovative new products and spend marketing dollars to draw shoppers into retailers' This statement was issued, no doubt, ... more
  • by Gavin Heaton
    Creativity is hard Sure, an idea can strike out of the blue, but very few of us are paid for ideas alone. If you are like me, it is in the alchemic work that follows ideation where the true rewards are to be Shepherding an idea through various checkpoints and ... more
  • by Ann Handley
    By Kevin Horne Several iconic brands of note such as Heinz and Bumble Bee have recently revived once-memorable taglines, for nostalgic purposes or maybe because the newer ones weren't any good. Among them is Nationwide Insurance, who is bringing back its "on your side" theme. (If you're as old as ... more
  • by Harry Joiner
    By Kevin Horne Several iconic brands of note such as Heinz and Bumble Bee have recently revived once-memorable taglines, for nostalgic purposes or maybe because the newer ones weren't any good. Among them is Nationwide Insurance, who is bringing back its "on your side" theme. (If you're as old as ... more
  • by Stephanie Miller
    No one's got a big budget these days, but we've all got big goals. For email marketers, the pressure is high to build the file, despite the lack of resources. Get actionable tips from three direct marketers on what works * * * * The high attendance and palpable energy ... more
  • by Ted Mininni
    Business Week published its 50 Best in the magazine's April 6th issue. The caption, "Our 13th annual ranking of the top-performing companies in America shows innovation remains a powerful engine of success." No surprise Consumer product companies have long known that continually filling the pipeline with innovative new products is ... more
  • by Leigh Duncan-Durst
    Social Marketers beware. Tapping in to highly vocal, critical, loyal, active and chatty network on Twitter may seem like a great opportunity - but it isn't for the faint of heart. Further, you can't just take traditional marketing tactics, throw stuff at the wall and see what sticks - or ... more
  • by Elaine Fogel
    I recently registered for a business summit that includes a year's subscription to a national business publication. If I don't want to receive this magazine, I need to send a copy of my registration e-mail to a third-party fulfillment company in order to get $12 refunded. What would you do? ... more
  • What's Your Hook?
    You've undoubtedly developed a great elevator pitch for your company, product or service—that informative-yet-concise summation designed for delivery in the time it takes to travel from the lobby to the 17th floor. But what about visitors to your Web site—do you have a punchy way of telling them, in two ... more
  • by Ann Handley
    By DJ In the midst of a recession, most marketers are preoccupied with keeping their current job. Unemployment continues to rise and job opportunities are That's why you must take full advantage of any opportunities to improve your job prospects. The tips below illustrate ways for you to easily optimize ... more
  • by Paul Barsch
    In Western countries where internet and social media marketing is the hot topic, some marketers have called a time of death for the traditional . And while marketers in Western countries debate whether the are pertinent in their markets, Chinese retailers are discovering that the traditional 4Ps are as relevant ... more
  • by Matthew Grant
    Having done my time in the online reputation management trenches, I would like to share some of what I've learned. I'm sure a lot of folks out there have insights to add to this discussion and I heartily invite you to do Lesson Research Before You I handled communications for ... more
  • by Paul Dunay
    I am officially up and running now in my 6th week here at Avaya and loving my new role. And what has been really interesting for me to see was the difference between organizations when it comes to things like social One of the things I was pleasantly surprised to ... more
  • by Ted Mininni
    An interesting article in the Wall Street Journal caught my eye recently. On the surface, it doesn't look like much. But like most things, if we dig deeper and connect some dots, we'll see a major new trend The article, Campbell Soup Looks Outward For New Products, ," speaks of ... more
  • by Ann Handley
    By Dan Personal branding is about unearthing what is true and unique about you and letting everyone know about it. As a brand, you are your own free you have the freedom to create the career path that links your talents and interests with the right position and the ability ... more
  • by Jeanne Bliss
    I have hope. I have hope that people will smile again. I see them smiling already. I have hope that the small, non-expensive kindnesses being offered by merchants are being remembered and will be repaid with customers who swarm back to them when their wallets are full again. And I ... more
  • by Elaine Fogel
    Passover begins at sundown Wednesday, April 8. This is the holiday that Jews around the world re-tell the Exodus story of Moses leading the Israelites to the Promised Land. So, when a friend e-mailed me this funny TV spot of Moses in the Desert, I just had to share it ... more
  • by Mark Goren
    I made a fairly big decision about how I consume online content last week. While I had always used my newsreader .... Google Reader is my aggregator of choice .... traditionally by subscribing to the bloggers and news sites I'm interested in, I've decided to let more of the top ... more
  • by Matthew Grant
    A friend of mine, who happens to run a small design agency with his wife, feeling overwhelmed by the sheer number of free WordPress themes out there quipped, "This is really the end of web I was reminded of my friend's realization when reading Paul Dunay's Facebook last week. While ... more
  • by Ann Handley
    After months of anticipation and planning, the uber-cool MarketingProfs Digital Marketing happens Wednesday, April 1. The day-long event until ET) is a virtual gig, which means you just need to fire up your desktop to join the fun and learning, and it's absolutely free! Which is a good deal... as ... more
  • by Susan Solomon
    In an economy where gloom pervades, one bright spot is health care information technology. President Obama's 2009 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act includes $19 billion for health care information technology, much of which will go to hospitals and physician offices which will be implementing an electronic medical record Why does ... more
  • by Jonathan Kranz
    Last week I wrote a about social media from the reader's perspective. This week, after digging through Facebook and Twitter home pages loaded with unnecessary twaddle, I'm feeling much more militant. And I'm asking you to join me in taking action. Here's what I a 5-tweets-a-day I'd like to see ... more

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