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by Beth Harte
As marketers, sometimes we are siloed in one area or a few areas during our careers. For example, there are branding, lead generation, PR, sales, supply chain and product marketing experts. Some companies favor hiring an expert or specialist versus "a of all trades" when it comes to hiring or ...
by Ted Mininni
"America Runs on Dunkin" goes the tagline. Now, apparently, Dunkin' Donuts has added a new , that is being touted by the company as a new venture in social media, as recently reported MediaPost'. "The designated 'runner' can now initiate a group order through the site via computer, mobile device ...
by Stephanie Miller
I predicted back in January that 2009 would be the year of the email marketer. Times got rough mid-last year and executives were scrambling to maintain revenue and keep customers happy. With email marketing's high ROI and low investment - and seemingly endless capacity for earning higher and higher revenue ...
by Jacob Morgan
There has been a lot of much needed discussion around social media ROI but I think this is just a small topic in the overall world of marketing accountability. Here are a few things for you to A study by the CMO council found that LESS than of top technology ...
by Stephen Denny
A few minutes ago, Roger Federer defeated Andy Roddick in the 2009 Wimbledon Gentlemen's Singles Championship, 16-14 in the final fifth set. I'm the last guy to pick apart a world-class athlete's performance at the top of his game and at the apex of his chosen sport's culture, but ...
by Matthew Grant
I thought that the Godin (or possibly Mack ) had come up with the idea that companies should emulate rock bands and cultivate fans, not customers. But it turns out the genius behind this concept was the equally bald (as Seth, not Mack) but far nerdier Roger , erstwhile professor ...
by Paul Barsch
In a challenging global slowdown, the world seems awash in capacity. Scans of major business publications show airlines reducing flights, companies furloughing or firing employees, and manufacturers closing plants. If you agree that it appears there is more unused capacity than demand, why should capacity management
It would seem in ...
by Ann Handley
Attendees who blogged about the MarketingProfs B2B (and let us know about it) had the opportunity to win a pass to our Digital Marketing this fall in Chicago. Well, the votes are in, and here are the
We looked for blog posts that talked about the 2009 B2B Forum in ...
by Paul Dunay
This morning I typed into Google the search VoIP (which stands for Voice over Internet Protocol) and I got 64 Million responses. 64 Million!! How archaic is
Does Google have any idea how long would it take me to go through 64 Million responses? One day we are going to ...
by Beth Harte
Have you heard about the Denny's ? What about the Denny's Creature ' campaign? No? That's okay; I didn't either. It's probably a sign of the times that I am too old to appreciate staying up until 2AM and heading to Denny's for some grub after a night
That said, ...
by Paul Dunay
So I have just finished co-authoring a book called Facebook Marketing for (Wiley) due out this summer. It was a very eye opening experience to say the least. But the one thing it taught me was a profound respect for the Facebook
What you are about to see is a ...
by Beth Harte
When you joined MarketingProfs did you ever consider yourself to be part of a community of over 320,000 marketers? Well, you are! I know it's a huge number of nameless, faceless people to think about, but as you know, with more people embracing social media tools and how we all ...
by Mike O'Toole
I first heard the skating analogy from Evan Grossman, an old friend and former client. Evan was a founder of HookMedia back in the late 90s, a pioneer in online advertising. He used the analogy to compare the then-nascent field of digital media planning to traditional media. It went something ...
by Paul Chaney
Ther term "social media advertising" is, to some, an oxymoron. They will tell you it doesn't work for the simple reason that people don't visit social networks to view advertising, but to interact with their community. It's a mindset
You may be familiar with the recent report by Knowledge , ...
by Ann Handley
This week, we introduced a new home page at . Go check it out. I'll
You back? Good. We made the changes to reflect two the increasing "daily-ness" of our site, and new regular home for Premium
Here's what you see, MarketingProfs has replaced the rotator in top left column ...
by Ted Mininni
Nothing gets your attention like a catchy title. A recent Forbes magazine I Took Over The Company From " sure got mine. I read the entire piece, which is short and very directly written by Todd Wille, the man who took over ailing Unify , teetering on the edge of ...
by Paul Dunay
Ok, let's say you are searching the web for a new fishing rod. You find the right website but you are having trouble locating the right rod and reel combination. Frustrated you consider giving up but give it one last shot and decide to call the 800 number on the ...
by Mark Ivey
This week I came across two articles that helped clarify an issue I've been pondering for many why is it hard for so many companies to make the leap into the new world of social
The first was on the art of digital small talk (social media discussions) in the ...
by CB Whittemore
How do you learn about local news? You know .... news or content that's particularly relevant to you in a specific geographic area? Perhaps about an event that has taken place or one yet to happen or maybe a local store grand
Would a Google alert work? Might your personal ...
by Elaine Fogel
Historically, the Industrial Revolution and subsequently, the "technology revolution," were predicted to enable more leisure time for workers. Yet, when we take a look around us, we see overwhelmed, stressed-out people attempting to manage multiple communication channels in their business and personal
"Early in the nineteenth century, most Americans worked ...
by Paul Barsch
Chinese brands have come a long way since the days of Mao where coats and boots came in two colors and consisted of dubious quality. Rising in complexity and caliber, brands such as Haier and are not content to rule the middle kingdom and instead seek to invade new markets. ...
by Paul Dunay
In a blog post last week, Dell revealed that it has generated more than $2 million in revenue from @DellOutlet, one of its many Twitter sites. Late last year, there were some headlines about Dell crossing the $1 million mark via Twitter and it's only gotten bigger since
How did ...
by Ted Mininni
Harris Interactive's latest EquiTrend study bears out conventional marketing wisdom in a recent MediaPost Poor Economy Heightens Brand . The when the economy turns sour, consumers "tighten their grip on brands they are loyal to; they don't run to the label with the lowest price." Couldn't have stated this more ...
by Joseph Jaffe
It's bad enough that society is already suffering from MDD (Media Deficit Disorder) .... a modern day, technology-led version of ADD. We can't seem to do any one particular task well anymore, because we're so busy juggling multiple things at the same time. Our attention spans have shrunk to the ...
by Ann Handley
Those of you who attended the MarketingProfs B2B this week got a chance to see Steven Berlin s Monday keynote. As it turns out, it was amazing timing, since Steven's cover on Time magazine debuted only a few days
The cover featured a tweet Steven posted on Twitter about the ...