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by Roy Young
by Lewis Green
Anyone who knows anything about me knows that I love to talk. I love it most when there are a group of us discussing something provocative, almost anything will
Now, here's what's bugging me. Monday my post Unaffected by Bad ran here and it resulted in a wonderful conversation and ...
by Ted Mininni
"Blogging is intellectual prototyping."
--Roger Martin, dean of the Rotman School of Management, University of
How's that for a quote? From a very influential thinker in a very good B-school yet. This appeared in Business Week's Innovation section, on Bruce Nussbaum's design on October
Bruce's comment under the "You put ...
by Lewis Green
Because I am in the biz, I like to think that I am unaffected by marketing, particularly the advertising wing. Wrong! The I am unaffected by bad marketing, which I think is best represented by much of today's
Don't blame the creatives. They are just as innovative as before. Blame ...
by Andrea Learned
Party events and pink marketed to young women seem to get a lot of attention, but they aren't the only ones buying. Young men are starting to embrace shopping, as
They are looking for the latest and they want to look good, of course - but they'd still like the ...
by Paul Williams
There is an agricultural practice farmers use called "fallow field farming." It is the method of planting nothing at all to allow fields time to replenish, rejuvenate, and regain fertility. I got to thinking... this practice of waiting a season to allow for replenishment is exactly what some businesses could ...
by Jill Griffin
My loyalty work has me thinking a lot these days about "customer credit" and how firms can best get the customer credit they're due for the hard-fought value they
Bottom line, it's tough out there. The market has a long memory and old perceptions die hard. Just ask the U.S. ...
by Drew McLellan
I recently received an e-mail from one of my Marketing readers. I think the honest fear he expressed is one that most of us had entertained more than once. With his permission, I'd like to share it with you and get your
Here's a paraphrased version of what he AM ...
by David Reich
The concept is noble and egalitarian -- Citizen Journalists. Anyone and everyone reporting news and feeding into some vast system that collects and disseminates it for all to
We already have that in the web and, in particular, the blogosphere. Those of us who blog are Citizen
A few months ...
by Paul Dunay
Eduardo and I met up at the MarketingProfs at the beginning of October. I really liked his approach to using thought leadership in the positioning of the Enterprise Division of
As global marketing VP, Eduardo controls the marketing for all of Motorola's enterprise B2B products worldwide. So naturally I wanted ...
by Josh Hallett
If you are my age, then you know where the last part of that title comes from (inconceivable!). If not, ask around.
What does the word conversation mean to you and to your
We say the word conversation quite a bit in the social media world. But like some words, ...
by Paul Williams
You should be in business for yourself. We all should. I don't mean quit your job and form a new company. I mean right now - at the job you are in - you should be in business for
You see, we manage ourselves differently when we're self-employed versus working ...
by Tangerine Toad
The real digital revolution has nothing to do with advertising or marketing. In fact, it's the mortal enemy of advertising and
Because the real digital revolution is about consumer empowerment, the ability to research and learn about products and services and make decisions independently from, and in spite of, any ...
by Gavin Heaton
There are many books about creativity, there are exercises, websites, tools, tips and techniques. And yet, despite all this... we are still endlessly fascinated by the concept of "creativity" and desperate to unlock its elusive
One of the best tips I have ever had, was to look through the eyes ...
by Paul Barsch
Despite the logic of using data to complement or drive decision making, the business and mainstream press continue to glorify intuition and "gut" decision making by managers of all stripes. Where does this leave "data-driven"
A recent article in Fast Company titled, Going for the ," details how even though ...
by Andrea Learned
Earlier this week, Mike Martin, a regular (and very good) commentator for the local public radio , brought up an interesting point in a about how it just may have taken Al Gore's Nobel Prize to make an environmental stance
No longer about simply "cleaning up" or "keeping house" in ...
by Paul Dunay
Is microblogging the latest fad or the next big thing? Microblogging is just like regular blogging, except it's limited to 140 characters. The leader in the space is Twitter
According to a recent blog post by Peter , Twitter is now used regularly by of American online adults. That sounds ...
by Valeria Maltoni
He had a prissy British accent and an attitude that matched the tone .... "You don't know the half of it and you're already missing this opportunity," it said. Then he launched into an unwanted pitch on how all *he* wanted was to have a conversation. Yet he was the ...
by Andrea Learned
It is a good day when the research starts to show what many of us have been intuiting for a while - that some consumers will pay more for goods with more socially or environmentally responsible
As Ray Fisman reports in a recent , Harvard researchers Michael Hiscox and Nick ...
by Matt Dickman
Last Friday I took an inside-out at social news community Digg.com by showing you what it looked like and went over the key functionality. In this edition of whiteboard session, I want to dig (pun intended) into how the system works as a community to add value to the
This ...
by BL Ochman
Just when I'd lost faith in flacks, along comes this excellent pitch from Doug Haslam. It's a study in contrasts with this pitch from Besides pitching a survey on a topic he knows I follow because he reads my blog and my tweets, Haslam did several things
- He responded ...
by Laurie Lande
Garden Fresh Restaurants sought to increase customer engagement with its "Club Veg" loyalty club, totaling more than half a million opt-in members. Its two interactive email campaigns worked like a charm -- leading to huge increases in site traffic and boosting customer loyalty.
by Gavin Heaton
To some extent, marketers are constantly dealing with the future. We gamble with trends and positioning, we make estimates, projections and create budgets. We plan and strategize around our products, services and brands ... and segment, slice and dice the demographic data that represent our
But things are changing... because ...
by Matt Dickman
Welcome to another video in a series I've been doing for MarketingProfs. This video on social network site is a look at the site from the inside-out... with the goal of educating marketers on this new social
This video is geared to give you a visual overview, tell you why ...
by Ann Handley
Anyone who is online in business today should watch this video. Actually, anyone in business should watch it. (Reconsidering....) Actually, ANYONE should watch From Christopher via C.C. 's Twitter shout about