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  • by Ann Handley
    Afrer a brief respite, I write today on the Huffington Post about marketing in the Age of Conversation, as well as about, well... The Age of ." Bottom It's time to let consumers dig your brand -- or not -- on their own Wander on over and leave a comment, ... more
  • by Ann Handley
    "It's party time! This Thursday's online seminar is a cause for celebration around here, because it's going to be the 100th added to our library. To mark the occasion, we've got an important topic, a very special presenter, and a surprise for you at the end of the That was ... more
  • by Andrea Learned
    More men are buying female-targeted skincare, beauty products and treatments, according to . These guys are the brave They need to be bold enough to stand at the department store make-up counter or peruse the night creams in the drugstore aisles - both very female So, what's a guy to ... more
  • by Harry Joiner
    I heard a statistic today that the average consumer only visits seven Web sites on a regular basis.  So the prevailing "venture capital wisdom" (an oxymoron) dictates that if you have a Web site, you need to be one of those seven.  Evidently, we all have a #3300ff;" handful of ... more
  • by Ted Mininni
    As a design consultant with deep roots in the toy and entertainment biz, I'm always interested in studying new business launches by industry wunderkinds. –a new toy retail and entertainment concept all in one enables boys to build do-it-yourself, customized model cars–is one of those businesses that are well worth ... more
  • by Paul Barsch
    What is the most important asset in your organization? Your infrastructure? Your highly trained people? A specialized tool you've created? While any of these things might be your most important asset, it's important not to overlook the value of data in helping you create and achieve competitive Now I must ... more
  • by Elaine Fogel
    Are old-world retailers keeping up? You know, the ones that existed since the beginning of time? Like at almost 150 years old. Have they adapted to today's market demands and I can't speak from experience for all these older retailers, but I can share a Macy's experience from this week. ... more
  • Case Study: How a Pet Food Company Is Building a Loyal Customer Base via Highly Targeted Emails
    by Jennifer Natsu
    Royal Canin Canada puts an enormous budget behind creating customized, breed-specific pet food. But many pet owners don't realize how much their dog or cat could benefit from a specially formulated food. By creating a loyalty email program targeted with information on specific breeds, Royal Canin was able to earn ... more
  • by Roy Young
    Answer these questions convincingly, and emerging media enters the big leagues of advertising. Writing in Ad Age last , Steve Rubel, Senior VP at Edelman's Me2Revolution practice and a thought-leading blogger and media strategist, writes that a metric to track "influence" is the holy grail for advertisers who are monitoring ... more
  • by Lewis Green
    Last week, I carried on a conversation that began with Joe announcing he would exchange sponsorship on his podcast for an iPod, about which Mack wrote a thorough examination of monetization vs. Today, I take a different view on the subject. One that should not be controversial but it might ... more
  • by Jennifer Jones
    As a marketing professional for more than two decades, I have seen the value that strategic marketing brings to a I have been very fortunate to work with many great product and professional service companies during my career from Apple Computer and Intel to Levi Strauss, Mayfield Fund, Goldman Sachs ... more
  • by Stephen Denny
    Dear Now that the dust has settled a bit on Jet 's ill-fated flirtation with Yearly , let's all reflect on the lessons learned so we don't have to go down this path on our own. I wrote about over at Note to , but the comments -- both online ... more
  • by Elaine Fogel
    There are so many hotels to choose from today, how do we differentiate the overall experience? Is it the customer service, esthetics of the environment, amenities and services, or all of the above? What makes a 5-star hotel worth its I recently spent four nights at the Mandarin Oriental in ... more
  • by Gerry McGovern
    Functionality and usefulness are far more important to the success of your Web site than how nice and elegant it The first time I saw the Grand Canyon was a truly memorable experience. The depth, distance and hazy rainbow of colors were like nothing I had ever seen before. The ... more
  • by Suzanne Lowe
    Here's Part Five of my six-part conversation about professional services firms and social networking, with Tim Gilchrist and Steve In many professions, there is almost a procurement mentality, where potential clients issue RFPs and firms respond. Will social networking change the way professional or business-to-business services are It doesn't have ... more
  • by Drew McLellan
    Talk about a 180-degree shift. A month ago, I wrote about a company that was bypassing their and instead, holding a contest so consumers could compete to name their new product. But apparently, those same Average Joes and Janes who are more than qualified to create the name for the ... more
  • by Mack Collier
    Todd Andrlik, who publishes a list of the top 150 blogs, announced Monday that Ad Age will soon begin publishing his , which he calls the Power 150. As Todd explains, Ad Age can now reference bloggers in its articles such as "according to David Armano's Logic+Emotion, No. 15 on ... more
  • by Harry Joiner
    In response to yesterday's post about #3300ff;" mock sales presentation , my brother Eric, who writes the popular FreightDawg #3300ff;" logistics , takes me to Eric's comments were so spot-on that I thought you'd benefit from knowing how misguided I can be sometimes.  He's known this for From my point ... more
  • by Ann Handley
    You know how it's so tedious to synchronize different people's agendas and find a date for a group meeting that suits The very hip Scott introduced a group of us Boston bloggers to a nifty little Web 2.0 tool called that is ideal for finding suitable dates for appointments with ... more
  • by Harry Joiner
    A friend of mine is interviewing for a new sales job. Today he received the following instructions for his upcoming interview. As both a sales manager and a #3300ff;" marketing #000000;" , I like this format a lot. Take a look Instructions to Candidates for "Mock Sales   Select a product or service ... more
  • by Ann Handley
    Susan at MarketingBlurb Will "the buzz marketing associated with Harry Potter, which often manifests itself in the form of real and fake spoilers, will negatively impact sales of Harry Potter and the Deathly In other words, will sales nosedive because spoilers have spilled the Bernie Botts Every Flavor Beans about ... more
  • by Jennifer Jones
    After tonight's Democratic Presidential Debate, John Edwards will use and answer questions submitted by viewers. Ustream is a platform that provides live interactive video for everyone. This use of Ustream is very innovative and should be quite exciting to I believe that all marketers should pay attention to the implementation ... more
  • by Lewis Green
    If you read lots of blogs, you likely have come across several posts that discusses selling blog advertising or exchanging space for such things as iPods. The most recent and the best, I think, is Mack Collier's post at The Viral entitled Blog Monetization; How Do We ALL Mack is ... more
  • by Mack Collier
    And are pretty excited that, as of Thursday, is allowing customers to rate and review all the products it sells. That's right, all of them. The feature was rushed into implementation after a testing-phase produced twice the number of expected customer This is an interesting move that puts the ... more
  • by Valerie Frazee
    The hottest topic in the MarketingProfs discussion forum -- from Day One -- has been names and taglines. There have been 2,481 conversations about In fact, there are 31 active discussions right now. Feel like brainstorming a few taglines for a house cleaning service, a software company, a savings account ... more

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