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  • by Mack Collier
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  • by Ted Mininni
    The story created a media frenzy in mid-August. In Barrow, , of all places. Up on the Arctic Circle, on the Arctic Ocean. NBC and ABC were there. So was . The media was covering the Barrow Whalers football team come from two touchdown scores behind to beat out a ... more
  • by Jill Griffin
    What customer behaviors drive bottom line profitability? While many firms, at best, muddle around this KNOWS! Stellar data analyses has shown the bank that its mortgage customer is THE "gravy train" reports that the typical BofA mortgage customer will eventually have an astonishing six BofA products (credit card, debit card, ... more
  • by Michael Rubin
    Last week, I delivered an overview on the social media universe to a client entitled Social Media University. During the conversation about social networking, one of the executives asked me for my opinion of whether or not they ought to consider starting their own channel or network on one of ... more
  • by Elaine Fogel
    Yom Kippur was observed this past weekend. It's a time when Jews ask forgiveness from God for the sins they have committed in the past year. So, I decided to make a list of my marketing sins. Surely, we all have some of , Forgive my marketing 1. For sometimes ... more
  • by Lewis Green
    Several get-togethers of bloggers who met in the virtual world happened last week, and from all reports a good time was had by all and new friendships were In the Big Apple, met quite a few of her virtual friends at a local watering hole called the . Among the ... more
  • by Gwyneth Dwyer
    Peter , President of Adaptive , asked this question in his presentation to the Minnesota Interactive Marketing Association ) last And, like any good presenter, Merholz strung us along before providing his Is it "Can't live without Is it "never Is it "highly The highest compliment a product can receive ... more
  • by Paul Williams
    Wouldn't it be great if there were a build-a-brand kit that provided all the pieces necessary to construct the perfect You could have it delivered to the office just like a cabinet from . The flat carton would contain the components, the fasteners in a bag, and a special tool ... more
  • by Mack Collier
    A new report from promises to track the readership for blogs, both popular and obscure. The report, entitled Conversational Media , according to ComScore comes from working with Federated Media Publishing, which sells advertising on many existing The report could go a long way toward validating the use of advertising ... more
  • by Ann Handley
    A colleague sent this video around to his network today, calling it a "brilliant use of video" explaining a relatively boring product -- Google And I totally agree. Yet it's not "brilliant" because it's especially creative. It's brilliant because it introduces a very complex product and explains it very clearly, ... more
  • by Andrea Learned
    Can we make assumptions about who feels most comfortable ordering or buying wine? At first glance, findings of a recent Harris Mondavi Private Selection point to a generation and gender gap, but I say - look a bit Damon Musha, the marketing director for that brand wisely made this point ... more
  • by Michael Rubin
    "This happened once before, when I came to your No - The Beatles, "No Reply" from Beatles When asked to define social media, here is one way I have done "Social media is about effectively using online media to enable create conversation." Of course, the next question is usually "How ... more
  • by Ted Mininni
    Finally! A terrific Business Week highlighted a potentially devastating problem in one of its recent articles, dubbed Feeling Trashed on the recently, and I just had to comment on The article's points, and its examples, can be summed up by this sentence at the end of the first "Smart companies ... more
  • by Jill Griffin
    Yesterday's Wall Street reported Ikea To Pluck Ads Focus on Love of House to Combat Market . Smart move by The home-furnishings giant is hoping its "Home is the most important place in the world" campaign will help homeowners fret less about the effects of the housing slump and think ... more
  • by Josh Hallett
    Http:// more
  • by Drew McLellan
    Here's how it plays out in many companies, state agencies and other entities today. The would-be client sends out a confusing, ambiguous document that suggests that they might be open to working with an outside vendor. They ask you to answer 328 questions and you must number them in the ... more
  • by Mack Collier
    What's the most common mistake companies make in crafting collateral? What are the keys to creating content that reflects a company's credibility? And how does a company stop talking about itself... and focus on its customers? Here, the author of "Writing Copy for Dummies" shares his insider secrets and ... more
  • by Jennifer Jones
    Where was or at the Emmys? I was watching the Emmys last night and was quite disappointed to see the same old method of presentation of the Nothing like the Democrats debate on where I was quite impressed with the way that YouTube made the debates more worthwhile and Given ... more
  • by Gerry McGovern
    Senior managers don't take content seriously because people who write content don't come across as being serious. If content professionals want more respect, they need to present content as a science, not an I have spent most of my adult life writing content, or else advising people on how best ... more
  • by Paul Barsch
    A hotel manager looks out in the lobby and notices a guest with a Hermes tie. Another is carrying a Prada handbag. In an instant and through "the power of the glance," the hotelier decides these folks "look right" and are worth giving special attention. Unfortunately, this hotelier has probably ... more
  • by Lewis Green
    Few things are more important in life and in business than communications that are clear and concise. And, I think I can safely say, few things are more scarce in life and in business than those kinds of communications. That said, while few I know seldom have problems speaking, many ... more
  • by Ann Handley
    Ad Age calls Twitter "asinine." Is it for everyone? No. But Twitter has a real use for media companies and social-media-savvy * * * * On Monday, Mark Simon his list of The 10 Most Asinine Trends and Why You Should Avoid in his Ad Age article, "Ditch the Web ... more
  • by Ted Mininni
    So how do parents and schools replace sugar-laden drinks with plain old H2O and milk as exciting, viable options? Maybe all it takes is a change in marketing and * * * * When it comes to kids, there's a golden opportunity in the marketplace right now. No doubt about ... more
  • by Jennifer Jones
    I have the opportunity to work with large companies in the implementation of their social media programs. Much of my most recent corporate work has been with 's Ken Kaplan, who is the broadcast and new media manager for Intel's Global Communications He and I have discussed lately how important ... more
  • by Andy Sernovitz
    As we get closer to the MarketingProfs BtoB , all of us speakers are going through the usual "turn in your speeches so we can make handouts" hustle. (Thanks for putting up with us, I've never been a big environmentalist. Never been anti either. Just But I'm increasingly aware of ... more

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