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by Stephen Denny
MarketingProfs blogger Stephen Denny shares the latest research about underdog brand biographies from Professor Anat Keinan at Harvard.
by Jesse Noyes
MarketingProfs blogger Jesse Noyes shares four key elements about webinars from Lisa Horner learned at #MPForum (Digital Marketing Forum).
by Verónica Jarski
MrketingProfs blogger Veronica Maria Jarski shares takeaways from Stephanie Miller's session about email marketing at the Digital Marketing Forum (#MPForum).
by Steve Woodruff
MarketingProfs blogger Steve Woodruff compares marketing with chess because you must capture something to win: interest, affection, self-interest & imagination.
by Megan Leap
MarketingProfs blogger Megan Leap shares tips about avoiding email marketing tips for #MPForum speaker DJ Waldow of Blue Sky Factory.
by Guest Blogger
MrketingProfs guest blogger Lisa Kramer of LeadLife Solutions offers tip s for starting marketing automation without overwhelming your marketing department.
by Carlos Hidalgo
MrketingProfs blogger Carlos Hidalgo offers four valuable tips for B2B marketers in this new marketing world.
by Guest Blogger
MarketingProfs guest blogger Chester Frazier shares the top reasons that his clients don't use social media ... and how this is negatively impacting business.
by Alan Belniak
MarketingProfs blogger Alan Belniak shares information about what readers hate to see in blogs.
by Verónica Jarski
MrketingProfs blogger Veronica Maria Jarski discusses how Facebook's Sponsored Stories works and the pros and cons of advertisers using it.
by Guest Blogger
MarketingProfs guest blogger and co-founder of Postling, David Lifson shares reasons why Groupon might have rejected Google and offers tips to small businesses.
by Guest Blogger
MarketingProfs guest blogger Julio Ricardo Varela discusses his strategy in building brand awareness by creating a niche community for Latino literature.
by Ann Handley
MarketingProfs Chief Content Officer and blogger Ann Handley shares insights into what marketers can learn from a district court judge about engaging content.
by Mario Sundar
MarketingProfs blogger Mario Sundar examples the purpose of Quora, its benefits, and the shares the reasons why you should care about Quora ... or not.
by Sameer Suryakant Kulkarni
Writing is a vital component of various marketing-related tasks. Effective writing can improve sales pitches, enhance brand value, and perfect ad campaigns. Spruce up your marketing with these five tips.
by Ted Mininni
MarketingProfs blogger Ted Mininni wonders why ads disrespect fathers and shares survey results from a recent survey about fathers doing more shopping.
by Guest Blogger
MarketingProfs guest blogger John Haydon of Inbound Zombie share his seven tips for keeping blog visitors hooked when reading blog posts.
Before you optimize your next piece of content, Ann Handley and C.C. Chapman have some advice. "Bust your content silos!" they write in their new book Content Rules. "Do you have a print newsletter? Do you produce a regular podcast? Run a version of a print article on the blog, ...
by Stephanie Miller
MrketingProfs blogger Stephanie Miller shares the conversation at #profschat regarding the importance of email in holding businesses and customers together.
by Paul Barsch
MarketingProfs blogger Paul Barsch discusses the implications of machines reading the news for marketing, PR and social media professionals.
by Guest Blogger
A MarketingProfs guest blogger and the CEO of Appitalism.com, Simon Buckingham shares 5 ideas Facebook could use to address the privacy concerns of its users.
by Stephen Denny
MrketingProfs blogger Stephen Denny offers 5 new mental shifts to make in order to see the opportunities hidden in plain sight around you.
by BL Ochman
MrketingProfs blogger BL Ochman defends the importance of social media in response to AdAge's claim that social media is useless and dead.
by Elaine Fogel
MarketingProfs blogger Elaine Fogel interviews best-selling author Daniel Pink about why he thinks right-brainers will rule the future.
by Steve Woodruff
MarketingProfs blogger Steve Woodruff offers advice about how to be boring, vague, and blend into the crowd ... then he recommends ignoring this advice!