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by Verónica Jarski
MarketingProfs blogger Veronica Maria Jarski interviews Erich Marx regarding his newly created role as Nissan's director of Social Media & Interactive Marketing.
by David Reich
MketingProfs blogger David Reich offers words of advice to the upcoming college graduates of 2011 to help them on their job search.
by Guest Blogger
MarketingProfs guest blogger Andrew Parker describes the LinkedIn security issue and gives five tips so users can prevent their LI accounts from being hacked.
by Guest Blogger
MarketingProfs guest blogger Jonathan Lewis shares his viewpoint that advertising agencies should be a little edgier and not ruled by political correctness.
by Paul Barsch
MarketingProfs blogger Paul Barsch discusses whether clients really want to know the intricate details of certain businesses and why transparency can be good.
by Guest Blogger
MarketingProfs guest blogger Spencer Broome discusses the myriad reasons why businesses should focus on the older generation, a big segment with deep pockets.
by Verónica Jarski
MarketingProfs blogger Veronica Maria Jarski shares tips about designing for mobile devices from Loren McDonald's kick-off speech for MarketingProfs University.
by Guest Blogger
MarketingProfs guest blogger Steve Haase of ThoughtLead shares five ideas from speakers at the M.Tech 2011 event regarding improving enterprise management.
by Ann Handley
What should a business look for in a chief content officer—the key person responsible for sharing and creating its content? To succeed in this important role, your ideal candidate should have these critical (but not so obvious) skills.
With one fell swoop, Google's latest algorithm update—dubbed Panda—demoted millions of Web pages. Content farms like Demand Media took a major hit, as did sites with lots of ads and little informational content. "The goal of the Google Panda update involves the filtering of low quality or duplicate pages that ...
by Ann Handley
MarketingProfs chief content officer and author of "Content Rules," Ann Handley shares the latest 21 words added to the AP Stylebook.
by David Chapman
If children learn from fairy tale characters and their actions, online marketers can learn to evaluate and improve their online campaigns—and end up with a much healthier ROI—from fairy tale antics, too.
"Would it shock you to learn that 68 percent of customer defections occur because customers perceive 'an attitude of indifference?'" asks Ardath Albee in a recent post at the Marketing Interactions blog. That's what the American Society for Quality has reported, she notes—and it's largely because "marketers are focused on ...
by Michael McLaughlin
MarketingProfs blogger Michael McLaughlin discusses the importance of asking the right questions to make sure you deliver the best experience to your client.
by Ted Page
MarketingProfs blogger Ted Page offer 13 must-do tips for improving the ranking of your corporate blog, based on his experience at Captains of Industry.
by David Reich
MarketingProfs blogger David Reich discusses the scandal of allegations regarding PR giant Burson-Marsteller in waging a smear campaign against Google.
"White hat search engine optimization (SEO) principles that apply to B2B online marketing also apply to B2C, but B2B is otherwise a different animal," writes Nick Stamoulis in an article at MarketingProfs.
In other words, SEO is simply not the same strategy for B2B as it is for B2C.
And to ...
by Mark Ivey
MarketingProfs blogger Mark Ivey gives you the 7 main reasons why your blog sucks (it's the content) & offers ideas for making it an engaging, interesting read.
by Verónica Jarski
MarketingProfs blogger Veronica Maria Jarski recaps Loren McDonald's class at MarketingProfs University about the top 5 email marketing trends & what to do about them.
"The iPad 2 is here and Apple apps are hotter than ever," writes Tom Ballew in a post at the B2B Insights Blog. "Now B2B marketers are starting to want their own custom apps and are making room for these gems in their budgets." How about you? Have you jumped ...
by Ted Mininni
MarketingProfs blogger Ted Mininni chats about the importance of brands to push into new categories of products in order to remain fresh, modern, and loved.
by Guest Blogger
MarketingProfs guest blogger Gregg Lipman discusses Johnson & Johnson's current image problems and mishandling of vital information regarding their brands.
by Gavin Heaton
MrketingProfs blogger Gavin Heaton shares how storytelling matters to every business and uses Google's heart-tugging Dear Sophie video as an example.
"On one of my recent trips on the Content Revolution Tour with the great Ann Handley of Marketing Profs," writes Becki Dilworth at the Bridgeline blog, "I found myself hanging out with Ann in a seemingly unexpected place: The Mall." And as they browsed the content offered by retailers, they found ...
Fully nine in ten (90%) female bloggers say they are somewhat or very interested to partner with brands on campaigns, provided they are compensated, but 58% have never been approached by a brand or agency to do so, according to a new survey from BlogFrog and the Social Studies Group.