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by Ernest Nicastro
In all your business communications, you want to put your best foot forward—and that calls for careful writing. Careful writing enhances your credibility, so avoid making these common errors and keep your copy clean.
"Email marketing is thriving—especially for businesses who can adapt it to the changing world," writes Veronica Maria Jarski at the Daily Fix blog. In her post, she gives a sneak-peek at material presented by Silverpop's Loren McDonald in MarketingProfs' Email Marketing Essentials online course.
Here are a few of Jarski's takeaways ...
by Verónica Jarski
MarketingProfs blogger Veronica Maria Jarski takes Guy Kawasaki's advice and watches Justin Bieber's "Never Say Never" for marketing tips and ideas.
A successful search strategy relies on strong content marketing—and that means recruiting your company's experts to write articles, blog posts and white papers."For some of us writerly types, content comes easy," writes Ari McKee-Sexton in an article at Marketingprofs. "For other types of folks, extracting copy is like pulling bad ...
by Guest Blogger
MarketingProfs guest blogger Matt Krautstrunk discusses how to approach blogging from an indie-film perspective, with good stories & ideas, rather than Hollywood.
by Olga Taylor
Search engine optimization works best when it's the last, rather than the first, item on your website checklist. Don't miss these commonly overlooked steps that can vastly improve your site's performance—before you SEO.
by Karen Talavera
It's easy to bore your customers to death with email when you're sending them the same type of message repeatedly. Keep them interested by weaving these message types into your email marketing stream throughout the year.
by Guest Blogger
MarketingProfs guest blogger Jason Miller shares links to his favorite tools for listening to online conversations about your business and brand.
by Guest Blogger
MarketingProfs guest blogger Daniel Cassady discusses how to best reach out to one of the most influential groups in society: mothers.
by Verónica Jarski
MarketingProfs blogger Veronica Maria Jarski shares author Guy Winch's 3 steps for repairing a relationship with customers from his keynote at the B2B Forum 2011.
Unless your company finds itself at the epicenter of a major scandal—à la BP—social media chatter can be a valuable sales-generating tool.
"[C]onsider every mention of your brand for potential use in your email marketing campaigns," writes Hal Licino in an article at MarketingProfs. "Doing so demonstrates to your subscribers that ...
by Paul Fabretti
MarketingProfs blogger Paul Fabretti asks Daily Fix readers how social media has made a difference in their lives & asks them to add their stories to the comments.
by Niel Robertson
Love it or hate it, Quora is a phenomenon that can't be ignored. It embodies a set of principles and trends that will be critical to the future of community management and social media marketing.
In a post at Conversation Marketing, Ian Lurie argues that every SEO should learn at least two programming languages. And if you think you already meet that standard, consider this: "HTML doesn't count as a programming language," he says. "Javascript might, but not if you're using it to create popup ...
by Elaine Fogel
MrketingProfs blogger Elaine Fogel asks if fast food places that harm people's health, especially children, like McDonald's should be held accountable.
Home Depot recently partnered with Scanbuy to bring QR codes to its products. If you read us regularly, you know how QR codes can help a business and how users are ever more accustomed to seeing codes wherever they may roam.
Here's how Home Depot capitalizes on that new reality. When ...
by Guest Blogger
MarketingProfs guest blogger Darrell Davis of MediaFiche discusses Google's move to have a +1 button, which is inspired by Facebook's Likes.
We’ve heard it, we’ve read it, we’ve even said it: To create and maintain a successful online presence, be friendly, be helpful, and share relevant content. These 10 quick tips make it easy for others to find, use, and distribute your content... and so extend your online influence.
by Jim Kelly
MarketingProfs blogger Jim Kelly shares the story of how he lost his shirt and how the Internet stores got a little too aggressive with their help.
by Guest Blogger
MarketingProfs guest blogger C. Edward Brice of Lumension discusses Sony's handling of the security breach in PlayStations & how companies should handle a crisis.
by Carlos Hidalgo
MarketingProfs blogger Carlos Hidalgo discusses how important and influential MarketingProfs's B2B Forum is to him and why readers should head out to Boston in June.
In a post at Marketing Interactions, Ardath Albee recalls a B2B client who thought her proposed lead-nurturing messages might be too brief. Albee begged to differ.
"[I]nundating prospects with more links and choices rather than improving the personalization, value and contagiousness of your email message is not the right answer," she ...
by Ted Mininni
MarketingProfs blogger Ted Mininni discusses how smart packaging is important for products, and how rethinking them can add a powerful punch to your product.
by Verónica Jarski
MarketingProfs blogger Veronica Maria Jarski gives tips on hosting a Twitter chat, from how to get a hashtag, what type of Twitter chat to have, and how to run it.
by Bibi Wardak
MarketingProfs blogger Bibi Wardak discusses soon-to-be-launched Buckaroo, a new cloud-based tool that helps small businesses run their own marketing campaigns.