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It's the Foursquare age—a time of badges and free drinks for the Mayor. We've discussed the importance of integrating game mechanics at your site, but to do that well, it might help to know how the game industry stays innovative.
We enjoyed The Guardian's future-forward takeaways for game developers from the recent Develop ...
by Ann Handley
There are some people who naturally lack the capacity to spew Children. Old people. Dogs. Your spouse if you’ve been together long enough. Most members of the clergy. George Washington. Chris . And Jason
You might say it’s good branding that the term “no bullshit” conjures up, for me, Jason ...
by Paul Barsch
MarketingProfs blogger Paul Barsch discusses the marketing implications of the growing popularity of e-books. The biggest factors are: the long tail and pricing.
by Darren Megarry
Are your campaigns reaching the intended audiences? Learn how to create an effective multicultural marketing campaign—and avoid the common pitfalls many endure when marketing to growing ethnic groups.
by Carlos Hidalgo
MarketingProfs blogger Carlos Hidalgo discusses how B2B companies have lost sight of the fact that they are dealing with people.
by Matthew Grant
MarketingProfs blogger Matt T. Grant shares a video from the "How to Shoot Video that Doesn't Suck" author who will kick off our upcoming Video Marketing Made Simple course.
by Megan Leap
MrketingProfs blogger Megan Leap offers five tips for producing great thought leadership content.
Observing that the typical short (<25 word) marketing message produces almost nothing of value, Adele Revella has set herself to correcting this grave error.
According to Revella, the typical business product is a multi-tasker with a long list of features and benefits, meaning we have to get its key merits out ...
by Alan Belniak
MarketingProfs blogger Alan Belniak's vacation was overtaken by a storm, yet amid the safety preparations, shining customer service from a local market helped his mood.
by Ann Handley
MarketingProfs blogger and chief content officer Ann Handle shares concerns about what happens when Content World attendees return to their daily routines and how they can keep the content fires burning.
by Brent Walker
You and two friends have spent the last three hours climbing up the edge of a giant pizza crust. Finally reaching the top, you look out over the vast plain of pepperoni and green peppers. The aroma causes you to lose your balance and tumble down into a pool of ...
by Matt Snodgrass
MarketingProfs blogger and MPU marketing specialist Matt Snodgrass is thrilled about the upcoming MPU course, Search Marketing School, and offers 5 reasons why.
When email subscribers share and discuss your content with friends and social networks, they start to sound like insiders. "Others will want to be insiders, too," says Stephanie Miller at MarketingProfs' Daily Fix blog. As a result, your list will grow—and so will your reach. "Customer-instigated sharing acts as a ...
by C. Wise
If you're a small business, building backlinks to your website can be an effective way to gain traffic and increase revenue—no matter what your industry. Here are five ways to kick off your link-building with ease.
by Ted Mininni
MarketingProfs blogger Ted Mininni discusses the recent findings of a Research Brief study and the pessimistic outlook of consumers.
"Every brand wants a cadre of evangelists who can help sway millions of readers with product reviews, blog posts, videos, tweets, etc.," write the Ivy Worldwide team in an article at MarketingProfs, "but the only way to do that is to allow influencers to make up their own minds, post ...
by Guest Blogger
MarketingProfs guest blogger Mimi Sells attended the Oregon Shakespeare Festival and learned four valuable marketing (and customer service) lessons from her time with the Bard.
by Daniel Kuperman
Busy marketers like you don't have time to create content. Considering all the campaigns going on, how could you? But content marketing doesn't have to be an intensive, all-consuming task if you start with small steps.
Penetration levels of microblogging and social networking continue to grow worldwide, driven by increased adoption in emerging countries; but as the Web has evolved, Internet users have moved toward consuming and transmitting content rather than producing it themselves, according to Wave 5 of the GlobalWebIndex by Trendstream.
by Corey O'Loughlin
MarketingProfs blogger Corey O'Loughlin provides a step-by-step plan for tackling the concerns of your senior team regarding content marketing. You'll learn exactly how to approach them!
by Brent Walker
If the only thing consistent about your radio spots is that they always sound different, you may have a problem. If you're aiming for a brand sound, you'll never hit your mark if you constantly change elements.
by Helena Bouchez
MrketingProfs blogger Helena Bouchez shares tips from speaker and author Cheryl Cran regarding how to give presentations that pop and leave a lasting impression with your audience.
"Have you noticed spelling errors on the websites of major, legitimate retailers and/or service providers?" asks Julia Rubiner in the Editorial Emergency newsletter. "The answer is almost certainly 'no.'" Large corporations set a high bar for the rest of us: A single error looks sloppy and unprofessional to visitors, who ...
by Megan Leap
MarketingProfs blogger Megan Leap shares the top three myths about social media marketing. She busts these myths and offers suggestions that really work.
by Paul Fabretti
MarketingProfs blogger Paul Fabretti reports on the steady decline of the amount of people using Groupon and suggests reasons for it.