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- Is the Web really moving so fast that the recently bold innovative, interactive marketers are now the "traditional" Are they obsessed with based "orgies" for the senses and missing the boat a little on the "new" marketing, the conversational marketing, the blog marketing, the social software, I was listening to ... more
- Marion points to an interesting and sensible conversation about MySpace between UC-Berkeley PhD student " danah boyd and MIT's Henry In her post, Marion mulls over some related yet compelling * If calls to restrict access to certain sites (like MySpace) from schools and libraries are successful, would those children ... more
- Are you always the best source for your marketing I've already talked about the need to join your as a marketer. Joining your community means that you can better communicate with them, which means that you begin to understand them, and perhaps more importantly, they begin to understand you. This ... more
- Recently I attended the Boston chapter meeting of the PM The topic was using the Internet to market a professional services firm. One of the session's speakers, Paul Dunay, the Director of Global Field Marketing for who also writes his own , made a comment that I found simply astounding. ... more
- Somewhere in the back rooms of advertising agencies, newspapers, and other publications, lie a slew of under-appreciated They're the proofreaders and editors of the marketing world. We often don't know their names, but they are very valuable in the scheme of things. The copywriters and authors get the recognition, but ... more
- When I hear marketers talk about marketing experiments in the blogosphere, they almost always refer to English-speaking, US-centric The wake up call for me was " Dave Sifry's post on the state of the blogosphere, April 2006, in which he clearly demonstrates the growing international nature of the Out of ... more
- The sense of smell is the most powerful sense we ...when it comes to evoking memories -- and many hotel chains and retail companies are using the sense of smell as a tool for building consistent, memorable brand I just read in that Japanese movie theatres are using 'scene-synchronized scents' ... more
- Looking outside of your immediate industry provides both insight and I recently attended IIT's Strategy '06 . Big deal right? We all go to conferences. What's different is that it's not really a conference about marketing. The audience of Strategy '06 is mainly composed of product designers, creative problem solvers, ... more
- Often when I see or read an ad, I try to "reverse engineer" the creative ...that resulted in the finished campaign before my eyes. As a veteran of countless, purgatorial hours of "creative" sessions, I don't find it difficult to imagine the conversations and counter proposals at these Take the ... more
- The number one reason business owners name for holding off on blogging is ...fear of a wildly out-of-control public waking up everyday with one thing in to post filthy rotten lies on your blog about you, your company, your products and occasionally, your beloved pet retriever. I mean that's what ... more
- Marketers speak a language that is neither nor to other So it's no wonder that marketing is misunderstood and underappreciated in most organizations. Let's address now; relevancy is for another Consider the most overused word in "strategy." When marketers use the word in your organization, what do they Would they ... more