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  • by Joseph Jaffe
    Mini-epiphany time. Last week I was sitting on a call with Aldo Castaneda and " Eric discussing Digital amongst other I brought up the idea of "Abundance" (Hat Tip to Sanford Streim for pointing me to Musings of a VC in ") as a primary differentiator between the "offline" and ... more
  • by Jonathan Kranz
    In honor of the anniversary of Bloomsday, June 16, 1904, the day on which the novel is set, I pose the following ...What does the novel tell us about what it means to be an advertising or marketing Here's an answer from an unexpected source, an overview of James Joyce's ... more
  • by Roy Young
    Are you up in arms about the increasing number of unsolicited and pre-recorded telephone calls you I am. It may work -- why would they do it if it did not? -- but it gives marketing a bad Just this morning, I had two come in to my business phone. ... more
  • by Sara Holoubek
    I just spend the entire month of May documenting all of my internal and external communication just to see how cluttered my life Ok, so not all of it, but I did look at all my snail mail, one email account and my cell phone. Just logging the information was ... more
  • by Ted Mininni
    Apparently, this whole idea of "talk track", attempts to relate the amount of "talk share" to growth in "market share". Interesting concept. more
  • by Andrea Learned
    For a few brands that are turning up the sensory side of their customer experience, what you see isn't necessarily all you What you hear may be part of what you get, Certainly, youth-oriented brands have long-since known the power of including just the right tune in their ad campaigns, ... more
  • by Lee MarcStein
    In a world where everything is commoditized, the key to success becomes DIFFERENTIATION. That's becoming more difficult to achieve... more
  • by Mike Wagner
    When Tim Jackson landed in Australia he had his work cut out for him. Tim is Masi brand manager and he was "down under" to launch the That's not to say there were no Masi bikes being sold in Australia, but you'd need a to measure a market share that ... more
  • by Eric Kintz
    In times of hyper growth in the tech industry, marketers were well known for creativity, great ads and building leading brands. But today as core markets mature, CEOs are demanding one thing and one thing ...from Chief Marketing Officers help me drive business growth. However, while the mandate seems clear, ... more
  • by Karl Long
    Ok, I've been biting my tongue about the world cup and the advertising dollars that seem to be getting flushed down the drain (Budweiser? Sponsoring the World Cup? In Vonage? Yeah, that makes a lot of Then I see this headline "World Cup Ratings Up Over U.S. TV broadcasts of ... more
  • by John Jantsch
    The only way to enjoy the freedom of owning your own business is to enjoy the act of marketing your own It's funny how many small business owners I run across that claim that they just don't get this marketing thing, or worse, they claim that they hate this whole ... more
  • by Scott Petinga
    Virgin Mobile will launch a program dubbed "SugarMama" that allows customers to get 75 minutes of airtime For those of you who are not familiar with Virgin Mobile, that basically equates to $7.50 or $0.10 per minute for the In order to obtain thier FREE minutes, a customer will have ... more
  • by Mack Collier
    When I first started blogging I read all manner of advice and 'rules' for having a successful blog. Some of these rules worked, some of them But few of these 'lists' were actually written from the point of view of someone who had a blog. That's where this list is ... more
  • by Ann Handley
    Yesterday, Verizon launched a new cell-phone service that will chaperone your kids (and alert you if they wander beyond a perimeter that you set for them, Poynter's Al Meanwhile, the Boston ast week ran a piece about how state and national ruling bodies for youth soccer leagues have recommended that ... more
  • by Tris Hussey
    Gee, heard any news on the blogosphere this weekend? No? Really? Well, here's the two-cent Uber-blogger Robert Scoble was offered, and accepted, a VP position at start-up , leaving Microsoft after about three Here's the thing that you, as a marketer, to learn from this. The rumours started Saturday . ... more
  • by Ann Handley
    When I was a kid growing up in the '70s, and my parents' friends would ask me the inevitable question, "So, what do you want to be when you grow up?" I would look them square in the eye and say definitively, "I want to be a Well, that's not ... more
  • by Eric Frenchman
    Two interesting articles came out the last few days and I finally got around to writing about The first comes courtesy of Adrants YouTube May Become Biggest Medium for Presidential ; the second one was sent to me by my friend Art. M from the Washington Post called Technology Sharpens ... more
  • by Gerry McGovern
    The key revolution of the Web is customer empowerment and The Web empowers the customer more than it empowers the organization. The implications are There is one trend above all others that marks this out as the age of the Web. It is customer power. It is the informed, empowered, ... more
  • by Toby Bloomberg
    For marketers, the first step in understanding social is listening in on the conversations that are taking place with our Companies from Fortune 100s to small businesses are realizing the virtual buzz that occurs on blogs, in boards and in chats may provide valuable information. Monitoring the blogosphere can offer ... more
  • by Suzanne Lowe
    Who can help being mesmerized by live digital images of eaglets being hatched and nurtured right in their own Not to mention images that record real-time dramatic events like the largest chick killing its youngest sibling in order to get more food and protection from Mommy and Daddy This is ... more
  • by David Armano
    What kind of first impression does your blog make? And do design + usability I'm going to answer the question I just posed. Design and usability Why am I so confident about this answer? Because in addition to common sense, communications design has been my world for close to 14 ... more
  • by Allen Weiss
    E-book evangelists are still at it. They still think that e-books will make regular old paper books This, according to an article in the International Herald Tribune by Alex . The evangelists believe, as did those who pushed the original SoftBook back in 2000-2001, that people will now want to ... more
  • by Jonathan Kranz
    Yesterday I played hooky from ...and attended the annual meeting of the Connecticut League of History Organizations, held at the New England Air . There, the president of the museum welcomed us with a warm yet provocative In sum, he said that museum attendance is declining (which solicited many sympathetic ... more
  • by William Arruda
    The power of a strong personal brand is clear in the new deal between the Swedish clothing company H&M and The affiliation will have Madonna's dancers clad in H&M clothing. Madonna promotes the importance of personal branding in her comments about the deal "Partnering up with H&M feels like a ... more
  • by Tom Peters
    The hardback was published in 2005; the softback this year. I unflinchingly anoint it a "Top 5" biz ...for the last couple of years. " Naked in the , by entrepreneur and wildly successful BigCo exec Robin It is by far (assuming I know the turf, which I think I ... more

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