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Marketing Articles: Content

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  • by Lee MarcStein
    I've spoken numerous times on "Creative Strategies in the Age of Disbelief." One of the key premises is that DECEPTION IS VERBOTEN. One of the "10 Ways to Suspend Disbelief" is to admit fallability. more
  • by Jonathan Kranz
    I'm getting ready to leave Santa Barbara at the end of the Finders, Keepers After two wonderful days of presentations, this is the most important thing that's coming home with It's not the beauty of Santa Barbara, impressive as it It's not the luxury of the Upham hotel, as relaxing ... more
  • by Jonathan Kranz
    I'm enjoying the second day at MarketingProfs Finders, workshop and I've noticed something The best presentations have lots of "lumps" in them. Instead of proceeding smoothly from point to point or slide to slide, the presentations that hold my interest -- and build real excitement in the audience -- are ... more
  • by Mark Vanderbeeken
    Recognising that the role of appliances is moving away from their traditional places in the kitchen and laundry room, decided to explore a household of linked This involved two major shifts in traditional appliance design conceptualising new devices for locations where they've never been and inventing ways that they could ... more
  • by Jonathan Kranz
    Last night I saw the Pacific Ocean for the first time as I flew into Santa Barbara for MarketingProfs' Finders Keepers two-day intensive marketing An hour after landing, I was drinking wine with workshop participants before resting up for the seminars ahead. I took the opportunity to ask if there ... more
  • by Ann Handley
    I've been trying to prod my friend Andy Sernovitz, who heads the Word of Mouth Marketing , to write something for this blog, but he's constantly blowing me He's air quotes SO BUSY air quotes , he tells Well, sure. Who isn't? I'm just kidding ya, Andy. The truth is ... more
  • by Sara Holoubek
    One of the best things about living in Manhattan is that pedestrians rule. Well, except when you are the driver. While I walk just about everywhere, I seem to forget this once I am behind the On an average day, I am the pedestrian, cursing the drivers that prematurely roll ... more
  • by Eric Ward
    I type this from a Web conference in Boston, where everyone remains obsessed with search engine Those of you who know me or have read my columns over the past 12 years know I'm not a big fan of search engine rankings obsession.... In fact, for me the mark of ... more
  • by Ted Mininni
    "What excites me. . .is the way these kinds of companies have chosen to implement innovation inwardly. . . reinventing the way they think, their business processes, internal operations and strategies should lead the way to a lot of new possibilities." more
  • by William Arruda
    Branding is more and more becoming a multi-sensory And no industry is employing sensory branding more than the hotel industry. If you opened your New Yorker magazine recently, you probably saw the new ad for . But this ad didn't include the picture of a Heavenly Bed or a trendy ... more
  • by Gerry McGovern
    Collective intelligence will be a key competitive advantage in the 21st Never before has there been a better medium to tap the collective intelligence than the The very first issue of my newsletter that I published on June 24, 1996, was about the potential of collective intelligence. The Internet allows ... more
  • by Ann Handley
    Boston-based Aquent and the American Marketing Association (AMA) today announced the launch of this year's Compensation Survey of Marketing Professionals. And the news seems mostly The survey–details of which are available here –says companies are placing more emphasis on strategic marketing within their organizations and hiring more top-level marketers. In ... more
  • by Andrea Learned
    This past week or so, the topic of saleswomen vs. salesmen has come up a few times, and then a friend forwarded this Wall Street piece to me titled "Car Dealers Recruit Saleswomen at the Mall." (reg. required) So, I thought I'd take it as a sign and share my ... more
  • by Laurel Delaney
    When it comes to exporting, you cannot be all things to all Decide on something. Then stick with it. But how do select a product for What gives you the most pleasure as a businessperson? Is it creating satisfaction by meeting consumer demands? Is it the challenge of spotting a ... more
  • by Eric Frenchman
    I'm surprised this is news, but it is after a long On the front page of the Wall Street Journal there is a featured article called Once-Wary Industry Giants Embrace Internet , where it describes how package goods advertisers are racing to the internet to reach their audience. The embrace ... more
  • by Karl Long
    The mass market concept of groups like "adult males 18-35" is totally dead, now it's about the massive market, the billions of interconnected customers that are just waiting to self-select to be your prospect, customer, partner, evangelist. Phew, I'm tingling just writing that, but it's happening right now. How did ... more
  • by Eric Frenchman
    Back on April 4th, MarketingVox reported how the Political Ad Blitz in Key States Tightens Ad and that marketers better get ready for ad inventory in the fall, especially in key states like New York, Florida, and Pennsylvania. Since you are reading this weeks later, you are probably wondering why ... more
  • by Seth Godin
    That was the phrase that got my I was talking to an exec at a 1999 new media company... one of those anchor tenants on the web, a big content website. She said something that, in retrospect was obvious, but so shocking it made me sit up "Google doesn't help ... more
  • by Mark Vanderbeeken
    Experienced consumers are lusting after detailed information on where to get the best of the best, the cheapest of the the first of the first, the healthiest of the healthiest, the coolest of the coolest, or on how to become the smartest of the smartest. Instant information gratification is upon ... more
  • by Seth Godin
    Ford's North American marketing chief, Cisco Codina, quoted in today's Times, "There will always be early Actually, Cisco, the folks you mean to be talking about are "early adopters." And the distinction is critical and demonstrates a fundamental misunderstanding of what's happening. An adapter is someone who is able to ... more
  • by Jonathan Kranz
    It's amazing, sometimes, how a little piece of information can be just what you need to take your next That's why the Web can be so powerful .... it's just chock-a-block with information that could be useful to you. I say "could" because there's a you have to find it ... more
  • by William Arruda
    Personal branding is quickly becoming the most talked about strategy for career management, but I never thought it would be the topic of a religious That is, until I met Julie Maiz. Julie is one of the Reach Certified Personal Brand Strategists for (a cool company that helps University students ... more
  • by Lee MarcStein
    I am blown away by the sights and sounds. Beautiful displays of prepared foods, more kinds of asiago and other cheese than I ever knew existed, chocolates, produce rivaled only by what I saw in the open markets in Siracusa. more
  • by Roy Young
    That's the question asked Wednesday night during Passover Seders attended by Jews and many non-Jews around the world. For it's the question that keeps us up at night. Whether others in our organizations understand it or not, it's the key to success. What's your Dan Herman offers help in a ... more
  • by Jim Kukral
    This is my first entry at the MarketingProfs Daily . So I'm like the new guy in prison, and that means I need to pick out a few of the heavy hitters and "kick their butt" on my first day, or else I'm going to become their "you know Of ... more

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