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  • by BL Ochman
    Machine translations can be quite a hoot. Unless you are depending on them in business. Misled ladies and horsemen of " began the advice in BabelFish to English of a blog post -- written in Spanish -- by Andrés , manager of Grey Interactive, , tracking from his blog, , ... more
  • by Andrea Learned
    Have you ever noticed when a store's online look and feel don't match it's offline experience, or vice You've built up expectations of a certain standard, but one just isn't even in the same league as the other in anticipating the needs of your buying For the "it all matters" ... more
  • by Jeanne Bliss
    Did anyone see the Business online The Skinny on Plus-Size Retailers specializing in women's sizes 14 to 32 are ringing up big sales gains, and their stocks are rising, Surprise, surprise, the forgotten masses of women (who are more like normal women than those sticks who walk down the runway ... more
  • by Sara Holoubek
    It's 1964 and you are sitting in front of the T.V. with your kid sister. Mom and Dad are on the couch. There is no arguing about what to watch; "The Ed Sullivan Show" wins hands Fast-forward 42 years and you are watching video from your computer at work. Your ... more
  • by Seth Godin
    Well, of course it had to happen. The marketing hordes are descending upon the passalong ...without really understanding what they're doing. Check out this stupid Dancing . It's sort of like the original dancing baby, but without the panache, the eeriness or the surprising What marketers need to understand about ... more
  • by Elaine Fogel
    I've worked on both sides of the consulting I've been part of a senior management team that used a variety of consultants on a regular basis, and now, I am the consultant. What a difference a day I'm encountering a whole new realm of experience. Business development - not for ... more
  • by Mark Vanderbeeken
    As companies seek more innovative employees, MBAs who have learned techniques for cutting-edge creative thinking might have an the new economy, writes Jeffrey Gangemi in a Business Week article on innovation and creativity development in business An B-school students in Professor Jim Patell's "Entrepreneurial Design for Extreme Affordability" course ... more
  • by Allen Weiss
    Here is a second test of the poll concept. This also can be very short or somewhat longer. It will show up on the home page as well as dedicated page. So, here would be an example poll. Right now, I have to listen to gardners use their gas engines ... more
  • by Roy Young
    Seth Godin says so. At least so says the title of his latest book, All Marketers Are . However, once you start reading the book, it's clear that what Seth means ...that All Marketers Are Storytellers. He even admitted it at a recent IIR conference in Las . He is ... more
  • by Eric Frenchman
    This may have slipped under the radar, but Arnold Schwarzenegger, as reported by , launched a TV campaign now, even though he is running unopposed in the Republican Primary. The commercial, produced by National Media is significant is very early in the campaign Pushing out advertising now, 7 months ... more
  • by Ann Handley
    Check out Chris p.s. Many thanks to Mark for the more
  • by Jonathan Kranz
    In 10 years of copywriting and consulting with clients, I can't think of a single instance where a traditional print ad made a meaningful contribution to a client's marketing and sales Not one. (Okay, perhaps one or two. But these were very deep-pocketed clients who could afford to commit to ... more
  • by BL Ochman
    "Free beer for review!" said the I don't drink, but I always love to see how products are marketed. I'll write a review, I said, after I get a friend or two to sample the beer, which, strangely, wasn't named in the The next day, a box arrives, containing this ... more
  • by Andrea Learned
    Adam Sternbergh wrote a fun and insightful piece for the April 3, 2006 issue of New York magazine, entitled "Up With Grups*." In it, he ...about "a brave new world whose citizens are radically rethinking what it means to be a grown-up and whether being a grown-up still requires, you ... more
  • by Laurel Delaney
    Think small and global marketing becomes a mouse-click away. As early as 1985, I started to view markets outside the USA ...the future of our business. We even put global, trading and sourcing in our company name. That vision, along with the new facilitator called the Internet, has broken down ... more
  • by Seth Godin
    Britt Isaac writes in with this great before and after case study of a Super Bowl Start with this about American HomeHealth Inc. of St. Petersburg, FL. Apparently, they blew their entire wad on the big And now? If they had spent the money over the course of a year, ... more
  • by Mark Vanderbeeken
    Adam Richardson, strategy director at frog design, reflects on the fact that ten years ago this week, Palm Computing debuted the Pilot "1996 seems like eons ago, but the major PDA market has been around for a very short amount of time, really. The primitiveness of that first machine is ... more
  • by Leigh Duncan-Durst
    A recent study questions the ability of individuals with M.B.A. degrees to contribute to outperforming companies, adding fuel to the debate over the value of modern-day M.B.A. programs. What's missing in today's M.B.A. programs? more
  • by Jeanne Bliss
    CEOs no longer need to be convinced of the importance of developing relationships with profitable customers and keeping them around. What they need now ...a way to accomplish this feat. Some are considering the creation of a C-level position to drive the Suggesting a "Chief Customer Officer" may seem frivolous ... more
  • by Elaine Fogel
    I've never been at a loss for words in my life. Even in ninth grade, I remember my French teacher, M. Depigny, chastising me for talking too much and sending me to the Yes, the corner of the class in ninth grade! OK, so he was a And on my ... more
  • by Michael Perla
    This is a good piece in the CMO of Avaya - a $5B Telco out of Basking Ridge, NJ. A couple of lines I liked She'd rather be in the field than be "someone who is pretending to do marketing in an office in headquarters," she says with an inflection ... more
  • by BL Ochman
    If you believe the media reports, just about everyone is either reading or writing a blog at any given moment. You don't have to join them. Here are the top 10 reasons not to ...a company You can't control every message on a blog. (But message control has always been ... more
  • by Eric Frenchman
    On Thursday, published an article titled Blue-chip Ads, Red-light Content and it really fired me The article described how the New, New, Really New AT&T had online ads running in mature sites next to sexually explicit videos. Plus, AT&T wasn't the only one mentioned in the article; Apple, Verizon, ... more
  • by Gerry McGovern
    One of Amazon's biggest sellers in recent months is Heart Surgery for . The world is now full of Do-It-Yourself (DIY) heart The concept is Save money by doing your own heart surgery. Each book comes with a free scalpel, needle and thread, a pair of gloves, and a large ... more
  • by Seth Godin
    A. Well, it It's a classic basement inventor dreams up an idea, a product, a concept for a movie or even a new slogan for a He's sure, certain, positive, that the idea, in the right hands, has huge legs. And it's the idea that matters, "This fishing lure is ... more

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