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- Great article in the April issue of Business 2.0, titled Best-kept Secrets of the World's Best Normally I dislike such stuff, but I think the odds in this case of finding something you can use are remarkably There are 25 ideas discussed. Among Toro's "Contra Team" that formally rebuts potential ... more
- Ross Levinsohn, President, Fox Interactive Eric What to Do With Mr. I read with interest Sunday's NY Times article regarding MySpace and then I subsequently wrote a post on my website titled My Those Are Low CPMs at MySpace. It occurred to me that while you probably read with interest ... more
- If you're a regular attendee of marketing association events, you've seen the Eager entrepreneurs or ambitious managers who've read every business and marketing book They've crossed chasms, pursued excellence, painted purple cows, thought out of the box, thought in the box new book! ), jumped on the cluetrain and played ... more
- Martha Stewart is one of the nation's strongest personal brands, but that is about to No, her brand value is not being reduced in the US. Instead, Martha is moving out .... internationally. And it has been long awaited. Oprah is global. Branson is global. Madonna is global. It's long ... more
- Earlier this week, I was brooding about increasing the profile and visibility of the latest MarketingProfs baby–this very Monday was a rainy, chilly morning in Boston; hoping for spring and hoping for traffic seemed equally fruitless In fact, I've come to realize that the immediacy of blogging as a publishing ... more
- Small businesses have similar challenges to many nonprofit organizations. There's never enough money or human to do what the "big boys" do. Many small business owners are Jacks or Jills of all trades - often fulfilling multiples roles - the business development rep, the service provider, the product shipper, the ... more
- I just presented at the MarketingProfs 'Finders Keepers' event in Santa Barbara and what an inspiring MarketingProfs has been incredible at building a virtual community among its members. Santa Barbara made the virtual real. Not only was it great to see the community of marketing professionals who rely on MarketingProfs ... more
- I've been hearing about NASCAR's female fans and all the clever cross-promotional ideas and licensed products for a while now, but this recent Sports Illustrated article pulled it all together for The stats, as reported "According to a pair of recent surveys, of NASCAR's 75 million fans 40 percent are ... more
- The folks over at BurstMedia just released some new information on internet that I thought you'd find interesting. Highlights * More than half of respondents to the survey say that the internet is their primary source for information on products or * Men are more likely than women to say ... more
- I'm enjoying the second day at MarketingProfs Finders, workshop and I've noticed something The best presentations have lots of "lumps" in them. Instead of proceeding smoothly from point to point or slide to slide, the presentations that hold my interest -- and build real excitement in the audience -- are ... more
- Recognising that the role of appliances is moving away from their traditional places in the kitchen and laundry room, decided to explore a household of linked This involved two major shifts in traditional appliance design conceptualising new devices for locations where they've never been and inventing ways that they could ... more
- Last night I saw the Pacific Ocean for the first time as I flew into Santa Barbara for MarketingProfs' Finders Keepers two-day intensive marketing An hour after landing, I was drinking wine with workshop participants before resting up for the seminars ahead. I took the opportunity to ask if there ... more