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- There is an ongoing argument that ROI threatens brand The concern expressed is that measuring return on investment for certain advertising and marketing initiatives does not take into account the long-term contribution to the brand. There was an article last month where this message was being expressed at a publishing ... more
- Not really, I'm just reading into JupiterResearch claims of all fortune 500 companies will have corporate blogs by the end of this , which even for an enthusiastic blogger like me seems a little... optimistic. Wait, here's a JupiterResearch, a leading authority on the impact of the Internet and emerging ... more
- ...Particularly in the Middle East. The ME Excellence Awards Institute focuses on merits, rewards best practices and recognizes outstanding Does your And how about taking a break for a moment to find out what's really going on in the world? For example, have a clue as to how many people ... more
- It's unprecedented. It's astonishing. The nonprofit world is reeling. Philanthropy will never be the same. So, why should your company care about this With Bill Gates' recent decision to leave his corporate duties to focus on The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and now Warren Buffet's announcement that he's giving ... more
- Not really, I'm just reading into this statement by the Worldwide Chief Creative Officer of one of the world's largest advertising agencies (Mark Tutssel of Leo YouTube, which publishes video clips and has greater US reach than This was part of a financial times article titled YouTube bigger than MTV' ... more
- The June 20 Wall Street Journal "Page One" featured a laugh-out-loud article, "Perpetrator It's Hard to Run Away In Falling I loved reading the examples about cops catching the bad guys, who keep tripping while running away from the scene of the I'm not the only one who has wondered ... more
- Philanthropy lingers on my mind after a presentation I gave last week to alumni and development officers from New England So, I took note of new IEG research (as in PROMO magazine) indicating that spending on cause-related marketing is on a steep The * Cause-marketing spending will rise this year ... more
- Emotional detachment makes people cruel. It's easy to turn people into caricatures when you don't really know or care about Take Britney Spears. She's been lampooned by the tabloids, chased down by the paparazzi, and had fingers wagged at her by every so-called child care expert who could find their ... more
- Business people are practical. They are reasonable people making reasonable decisions - and that's their problem. Begin with and you kill the brand. A pragmatic point of view can be your worst Following are five pragmatic questions often asked of any new idea. If you are building a new brand ... more
- In the last six months, I've heard from some professional service firms who have asked for my help on choosing new markets in which to pursue When I first hear a request like this, my mind could be the professional services firm that "gets it" about shrewdly analyzing marketplace But ... more
- Great article yesterday in Advertising on the average lifespan of a Chief Marketing . The article cites a study by Spencer Stuart, which says that the lifespan of the average CMO shrunk slightly from 23.6 to 23.2 months this The story cites some interesting reasons for the "alarmingly short" CMO ... more
- We can't forget that making human connections is what our work as marketers all boils down to. It's really as simple as that. All of the marketing jargon in the world, every marketing theory and concept really comes down to our ability–or inability--to connect on a meaningful, human level. more