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by AlexAnndra Ontra
PowerPoint's best attributes often turn it into to a sales or marketing presentation's worst enemy and often resulting in a mind-numbing drill of slide-after-slide-after-slide. So how can you build/host an engaging presentation?
by Verónica Jarski
Is your content solely about pushing sales? It's not 2004! Customers expect more from content. Check out these tips for content creation for today's savvy marketers.
by Angela Natividad
Find out which branded Instagrams and Vines topped 2014, what trends sprouted at CES, how YouTube's prepping for a virtual future, and which channels convert the most B2B customers. Skim to start the year awash in Like!
by Ryan Johnson
Content marketing has the power to help companies articulate and communicate the brand promise. Here's a look at brands that deliver on the promise... and those that don't.
by Bob Circosta
Words. They can be powerful, passionate, and—if used correctly in marketing and sales communications and presentations—extremely profitable.
by Angela Natividad
Find 2014-in-review content (both data-packed and emotional) from several sources, learn which platform is most effective for content marketing, and get the latest service updates from the social networks people will be all over next year. Bonus: Who sent real poo to clients and got away with it? Skim to ...
by Julie Wingerter
As a marketer, you know that for your content to provide value, it must be (like food) consumed and digested. Straight from the marketer's cookbook, here are four tips for making your content readily consumable.
by Tyler Lessard
Facts tell, but stories sell. And there is no better medium than video for storytelling. Here's what to expect from video marketing in 2015.
by Callie Reynolds
Ask yourself these questions to better understand your customer segments and make smarter decisions about creating content for them.
by Susan Solomon
Changes are coming, actually more quickly than they have in decades. Even for old-school industries, it's time to make important shifts in strategy—to rethink marketing and flip our media plans on their heads.
by Ayaz Nanji
B2B buyers consider short, text-based content most useful at the beginning of the sales cycle, and time-intensive content types (videos, detailed guides, etc.) most useful right before making a decision, according to a recent report from Eccolo Media.
by Elizabeth Victor
Internet memes—images overlaid with text—are a popular way for brands to reach audiences. As followers and fans share the images, your products, logo, and brand spread to people you wouldn't reach otherwise.
by Angela Natividad
'Tis the season for best-ofs and top-tens. We've got Facebook's Year in Review (plus the skinny on its new “Google-killing” search feature), trends for 2015, Instagram's challenge to Twitter in the usership arms race, and the 10 most-shared video ads of 2014. Skim for some holiday cheer.
by Adam Lundquist
Though pay-per-click (PPC) advertising and content marketing appear to be marketing islands unto themselves, many smart marketers use PPC to enhance their content marketing efforts.
by Christian Jorg
Content producers need to understand the tremendous value that curation brings to the growth of a business.
by Verónica Jarski
Captivating blog post images can help keep your visitors from straying. Check out these tips for choosing the right images and avoiding copyright issues.
by Larry Kim
As you prepare your content marketing strategy for the coming year (and you are preparing one, right?), keep these awesome expert tips and nuggets of valuable advice in mind.
by Martyn Tipping
Pursuing popularity as the sole measure of social success can be detrimental to brand building. Here's why.
by Keith Quesenberry
Consistency is important in integrated marketing, but that doesn't mean pushing the same content to every social media channel. Here are three examples of how to adjust content for multiple social channels.
by Angela Natividad
Get the week’s scoop on new Tumblr CTAs, discounts via Twitter Offers, Thanksgiving Vines, and Hemingway in 15 seconds. Skim for your second tryptophan high (or is it low?)!
by Tim Matthews
It struck me this Thanksgiving that marketers could take a lesson from turkey gumbo—what I call the "leftover trick" for content marketing. Here are five simple ideas to get you started.
by Kelvin Dang
Your holiday marketing shouldn't be limited to the end of the year. Check out these content marketing tips to boost your business on every holiday.
by Emily Konouchi
Using video in email should be a no-brainer, because emails with video are the ones that subscribers find most memorable. But the email-video combo is still a rare pairing. Here's how to use it to your benefit.
by Verónica Jarski
Just as you would mindfully prepare a Thanksgiving meal for your family and guests, you should put time and thought in creating content to nurture and satisfy your audience.
by Tom Caporaso
There's no off-season in retail marketing, especially online—where, if you're not moving forward, you're automatically falling behind.