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by Ayaz Nanji
B2B marketers tend to agree that most employees in their organization cannot name the company's buyer personas and don't know the key attributes of those personas, according to a recent report from Cintell, MarketingProfs, and five other partners.
by Gary Ritkes
There's a growth-stifling disconnect between brand marketers that have indirect sales models and the local channel partners that sell the brands' products or services.
by Ayaz Nanji
Conferences, tradeshows, and webinars are the top three event types that businesses take part in to engage with current or potential customers, according to a recent report from Demand Metric.
by Ayaz Nanji
Most B2B customers look at publicly available information and talk to their personal network before reaching out to a vendor's sales team, according to a report from CEB Marketing Leadership Council and Google.
by Tyler Lessard
In 2016, the video skills marketers have learned in 2015 will allow them to create better content and tell stories that have greater impact, and they'll get serious about measuring ROI and using that data to optimize results.
by Rob Manser
Every marketing and sales team struggles with lead generation at some point. But are they making this battle even more difficult by committing these lead-generation mistakes?
by Matt Diehl
Most cycles have an end. Seasonal sales are over. Sales get closed. But in personalization and customer engagement, the cycle should always be in motion.
by Geoff Smith
Holiday sales are traditionally viewed as mere transactions with customers buying gifts once a year rather than as important interactions with potentially long-term, loyal customers. That's a lost opportunity.
by Ayaz Nanji
Some 40% of B2C small and midsize business owners expect 2015 holiday revenue to exceed 2014 holiday revenue, according to a recent report from Constant Contact.
by Hugo Bader
If you're struggling to meet your business goals, pause for a moment to make sure you're not making one of these crucial mistakes.
by Luke Wallace
These five CRM systems offer an optimal combination of the features and functions salespeople want most in CRM software.
by Lewis Gersh
Many marketers are so heavily focused on acquisition that they forget about increasing average order value or targeting existing customers. Here's a look at how and why increasing AOV is crucial.
by Luke Wallace
Most salespeople don't like using CRM systems. They'd much rather be talking with prospects than learning difficult software and entering volumes of data. In article 1, we discuss what salespeople specifically like and dislike about CRMs.
by Ayaz Nanji
Many large B2B companies are still struggling to persuade clients to purchase goods and services online, according to a recent report from Accenture.
by Verónica Jarski
Want to improve your e-commerce conversions? The following 17 tips can give your conversion rates a boost.
by Chanin Ballance
To help Sales, marketers should embrace lead handoffs as the beginning of a new phase that requires its own content strategy for maximizing post-handoff lead conversion.
by Verónica Jarski
Find out how today's retailers are using new discount strategies, backed by data and analytics, to reach the right customers with the right offers in the right ways.
by Melissa Andrews
Some marketers would say salespeople are like babies who need structure and boundaries... and can't be trusted with storytelling. But as a marketer and former sales rep, I know the two sides can play well together—with great results.
by Daniel Rodriguez
Organizing and keeping all of your sales support content up-to-date can be challenging. And ensuring your content repository is easily accessible and searchable can be even more of a challenge.
by Brad Dodge
It's critical that the time and resources you're investing to participate in tradeshows generate great leads and real ROI. Here's how to use email and marketing automation to ensure you do exactly that.
by Trisha Winter
In B2B organizations, aligning sales and marketing goals with your current customers in mind can make the difference between meeting your quarterly goals and hoping next quarter will be better.
by Darren Hill
B2Bs should consider having the same selling best-practices that their B2C counterparts already mastered—or fear consumer abandonment for the better experience on the market.
by Maribeth Ross
Top-of-funnel marketing is all about engaging prospects with thought leadership and content marketing—not beating them over the head with hard-sell tactics. So how do you get the word out about your product?
by Verónica Jarski
In today's always-connected digital world, you probably assume that brick-and-mortar retailers aren't as popular as online ones.
by Doug Bewsher
Identifying the prospects most likely to convert and generate long-term value requires thinking beyond the business card. Keep the following in mind when looking for your best customers.