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by Disha Dinesh
Over 2 million blog posts are published each day. No wonder many marketers struggle with generating fresh content ideas to fuel their marketing efforts. Here are seven tactics to overcome your idea-generation hurdles.
by Peter Szanto
A good content workflow makes your publishing process a lot more effective. Here's how you can organize the work of your content team and simplify the production and distribution of marketing content.
by Ayaz Nanji
One in four Americans has listened to at least one podcast in the past month, according to recent research from Edison Research and Triton Digital.
by Christian Neri
Facebook and Twitter dominate the social conversation: Twitter's 24/7 news livestream and live shows; YouTube's new design; Facebook's QR codes for in-store rewards, Instant Games on Messenger; Google+'s searchable topics and themes.
by Shachar Orren
Many components of content marketing are controllable and predictable. What isn't? Your audience's response. Here's what you can do when a piece of content you've created simply doesn't produce the right results.
by Ayaz Nanji
Which words are most effective in encouraging consumers to click on mobile push notifications? To find out, Leanplum examined more than 2.6 billion mobile push notifications sent by brands between January 1 and December 31, 2016.
by Laura Forer
Love it or hate it, PowerPoint is a fundamental tool for most marketers and salespeople. On its 30th birthday, check out how it has evolved from overhead-projector assistant to ubiquitous presentation tool.
by Ilana Plumer
Here's what you need to know about fake news, why you should consider fact-checking in your own content marketing, and how to implement a fact-checking process.
by Laura Forer
No reason to burn the midnight oil, especially if you're writing marketing emails. A study by Grammarly looked at when mistakes are made, and it found the best times for error-free writing. Check out the findings.
by Nadya Khoja
Instead of hypothetical ways that might increase your site's organic traffic, here are proven approaches that 17 SEO experts themselves use.
by Christian Neri
This week: LinkedIn hits half a billion users, rolls out new Matched Audience ad targeting; Instagram's growth accelerates, nears 1 billion users; Twitter reports growth, plans to livestream content 24/7; Pinterest quits social networking; much more!
by Ayaz Nanji
Nearly one-third of Americans think ads adjacent to offensive online content imply that the advertiser endorses or approves of that offensive material, according to recent research from YouGov.
by Michael McCunney
Just 18 words. Marketing and Sales pros who know this powerful stat, fly; and those who don't, die. (Well, their emails do.)
by Jim Rudden
From the tiniest startups in Silicon Valley to the largest global organizations, consumer and B2B marketers are pouring more resources than ever into video. But if you're just now getting into video marketing, these tips will help you catch up quickly.
by Christian Neri
This week: Facebook's suite of new apps, tools, and features; YouTube's 'adpocalyptic' algorithm change; LinkedIn's new privacy policy; Snapchat's impressive augmented reality Lenses and self-serve ad platform; 20 video content ideas; much more!
by Ashley Walsh
Let's be honest: Website visitors hate to fill out your lead generation forms. Luckily, there are proven ways to reduce form friction and get prospects to hand over their valuable information.
by Laura Forer
As content and influencer marketing continue to reap big rewards for brands, this infographic looks at the state of the "creator economy," including how much is being spent and how brands can best use content and influencers.
by Stephan Spencer
Between two similar videos, what makes one buzz to the top of the YouTube charts, and one languish in obscurity? Experts weigh in.
by Ayaz Nanji
Lead generation landing pages that are short and use simple language have significantly higher conversion rates, according to recent research from Unbounce.
by Laura Forer
After seeing a product video, consumers are 46% more likely to do an online search about that product, according to an infographic that's chock full of 40 stats about video use in e-commerce. Check it out to get some ideas for how you can use video.
by Ayaz Nanji
Most companies that pay influencers to create content also repurpose those pieces for their own brand channels, according to recent research from Linqia.
by Jacob Warwick
Whether you're focused on building a content strategy, creating and distributing content, or measuring content performance, even one-person teams can achieve content marketing success.
by Ayaz Nanji
Marketers with digital skills, especially those with digital advertising and content expertise, are most in demand by employers, according to research from McKinley Marketing Partners.
by Christian Neri
Instagram Stories surpasses Snapchat's user base (in 9 months!); Facebook introduces a free version of its work collaboration tool; Twitter launches a data-light version; LinkedIn changes its revamped desktop design; much more!
by Laura Forer
Most marketers say presentations are critical to their jobs, but must also say they have anxiety about public speaking. What's a marketer to do? This guide offers helpful tips for honing your presentation skills and winning over audiences.