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Marketing Articles: Advertising

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  • Social Media Marketing Disclosure Rules: Five Ways to Steer Clear of Trouble [Slide Show]
    by Malcolm Faulds
    When you're driving along a cliff at 100 MPH, it's nice to have guardrails. So for those in the fast lane of social media marketing, here's some advice on how to avoid collisions with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and others. more
  • Five Tips for Engaging Customers With Video Ads This Holiday Season (and Most Any Other Time)
    by Kelly Ford
    You still have a small window of time to enhance your holiday marketing initiatives before shoppers start checking off their wish lists. The most engaging medium to use with those initiatives is online video advertising. Here are five tips for smart video ads that will make the most of this ... more
  • How to Mimic Google's Personalized Search to Laser-Target Web Audiences
    by Alesia Krush
    That Google personalizes your search results is no secret. What that means for SEO is the inability to target particular groups of customers. But what if you could "fake" Google personalization to step into your customers' search shoes? more
  • Interactive Display Media Forecast: $28B by 2017
    Online display ad spending in the US is forecast to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 17% over the next five years, from an estimated $12.8 billion in 2012 to $28.0 billion in 2017, according to a report by Forrester Research. more
  • Five Critical Elements in a Successful PPC Campaign
    "PPC campaigns can be a costly game when they aren't well-planned and wisely implemented," writes Charles Dearing in a guest post at Brandignity. "So, don't waste your time and money on ads or landing pages that don't do what they were designed to do." To help you get the best ROI ... more
  • Tech Marketing Budgets Under Pressure
    Tech companies are increasing their marketing budgets a paltry 1.7% in 2012, roughly one-half the 3.5% bump they reported in 2011, according to the "2012 CMO Tech Marketing Benchmark Study" from IDC. more
  • The Four Relevancy Commandments of Lead-Gen Marketing
    by Sean Shoffstall
    People hate push marketing: It interrupts their favorite shows. It clutters their screens. And too often it has nothing to do with their interests. But customers don't mind messaging that's relevant to their needs. These four commandments will keep relevancy central to your messages. more
  • Should You Optimize for Bing and Yahoo?
    It's no secret that Google controls the vast majority of online searches. Your company obviously optimizes your Web pages for peak Google performance. But there's a catch: Not everyone searches on Google. And there's a complication: Bing and Yahoo use their own algorithm to rank pages in a user's SERP. That means ... more
  • 10 Reasons to Hire YouTube Stars for Your Brand
    by Adam Graves
    Need a celebrity spokesperson? Bypass Hollywood and turn to YouTube. Established brands have been on a hiring wave of YouTube video stars, such as Toby "Tobuscus" Turner and iJustine, and there's no reason you shouldn't consider YouTube video stars, too. more
  • 16 Smarty-Pants Who Changed Marketing [Slide Show]
    by Verónica Jarski
    To inspire you in your marketing, we've put together a roster of 16 remarkable smarty-pants who over the past few centuries changed marketing—and, often, business itself. more
  • Earned, Owned Media More Trusted Than Paid
    Personal recommendations and branded websites are more trusted than paid advertising in all its forms, including digital, mobile, TV, and print media, according to a report by Nielsen, which surveyed consumers worldwide. more
  • Online Deals Forecast to Reach $3.6B in 2012
    US consumer spending on online deals (daily deals, instant deals, and flash sales) is forecast to reach $3.6 billion in 2012, up 86.9% from the estimated $1.8 billion spent in 2011, according to a report by BIA/Kelsey. However, the forecast signals a maturing market. more
  • Top 50 Websites: Google No. 1, Instagram Makes Debut
    Google Sites was the top-ranked Web property in August 2012, attracting some 187 million unique visitors, followed by Microsoft Sites with 170 million and Yahoo Sites with 164 million, and making its debut to the Top 50 was Instagram, at No. 48, with 26.0 million unique visitors, according to data ... more
  • Blue America Watches More Online Video Than Red
    Online video viewers living in blue states watched 26% more video content than those living in red states during the second quarter of 2012, according to Ooyala's Q2 Global Video Index Report, which also found that the proportion of time tablet viewers spent watching premium, long-form video jumped 47% over ... more
  • Mobile Web Users: Media Consumption, Mobile Activities, Ad Tolerance, Demographic Profiles
    Among mobile Web users in the US, mobile media (via phones and tablets) was the the most popular way to consume media content in the second quarter of 2012: Mobile media accounted for 2.97 hours of the total 9.00 hours spent consuming media via all platforms during the day, outpacing ... more
  • Google's Top SEO Tips for Startups
    As SEO credibility goes, it doesn't get much better than Google's Developer Programs Tech Lead Maile Ohye. In a 10-minute video, she adopts the role of a consultant to deliver all the advice she'd give to a startup whose website has no more than 50 pages of primary content, and ... more
  • Movie Rentals Down 10% in First Half of 2012
    People are renting fewer full-length movies as they shift from physical to digital media, according to a report by The NPD Group: The total number of movies rented by Americans in the first half of 2012 fell 10% from the same period a year earlier. more
  • Facebook Beats Yahoo to Become No. 2 Video Site
    Facebook overtook Yahoo as the second most popular website for online video viewing in July 2012, attracting some 53.0 million unique viewers during the month, compared with 48.7 million for Yahoo, according to data from the comScore Video Metrix service. more
  • Purchases via Smartphone Have Highest Average Order Value
    The average order value (AOV) of smartphone traffic to online retailer websites reached $97.39 in the second quarter of 2012, higher than that of tablets ($96.11) and traditional devices ($91.86), according to a report by Monetate, which analyzed a random sample of more than 100 million online shopping experiences for ... more
  • Four Tips for the Perfect PPC Landing Page
    Five years ago, Joel Chudleigh's team managed to boost a client's online conversion rate by 11% over a six-week period. "After seeing those results it is fair to say that I have been interested to the point of obsession in how much difference the right layout, the right copy, and the ... more
  • Facebook and Mobile App Users Prefer Interactive Ads
    When using Facebook apps, only 28% of people prefer to view standard banner ads, whereas 72% prefer viewing immersive and integrated ads—those that offer virtual rewards or currency, or interactive video ads that occur during natural breaks in an app or game—according to a survey conducted by Harris Interactive on ... more
  • Brands Missing Out on Mobile Ad Opportunities
    Smartphone users who are familiar with mobile ads appear to be comfortable making a purchase or recommendation as a result of an ad, but many others still haven't viewed a mobile ad, according to a survey from Hipcricket Inc. more
  • Consumers More Willing to Share Info With Retailers Than Social Networks
    Despite privacy concerns, consumers are more comfortable sharing their personal information with retailers than they are with social networks, particularly if sharing such data enhances the shopping experience, according to a survey from MyBuys and the e-tailing Group. more
  • Is Outsourced PPC Right for You?
    Have you considered using an agency to handle your PPC campaigns? "Knowing what to expect, and what not to expect can help you judge whether or not outsourcing this work is a good fit for your organization," writes Nathan Pabich at the Renegade Search blog. Pabich offers nine points to consider ... more
  • Laptops, TVs Most Popular Tech Products for College
    Students are most interested in buying laptops, fridges, and large televisions to take with them as they begin college life. Also, though college tech needs are shifting overall—toward products that provide mobility and convenience—the tech items viewed as most essential to college life are still the basics: laptops and printers. more

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