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- With the Oscars all but here, audiences have been taking to social media in the past month or two to cast their "votes" for their choices of award winners.These two infographics assess that buzz from different angles, with some surprising results. more
- Offer Extensions are a new ad format Google is rolling out to AdWords advertisers, who can now add a coupon or discount to their Google search ad, merging special offers with search. more
- He is, of course, David Ogilvy, who was given the educational opportunity of a lifetime at the University of Oxford, then expelled (for undisclosed reasons). Here are some lessons you can learn from his life and work. more
- Video viewing via mobile devices (smartphones, tablets, game consoles, etc.) rose dramatically in 2012, accounting for 12% of total video viewing in the fourth quarter, up 10 percentage points from 2% a year earlier, according to a report by FreeWheel. more
- Ad clicks via tablet devices are projected to account for 20% of Google's paid-search revenues in the US by December 2013, up from 10.7% a year earlier, according to a new report from Marin Software. That would amount to roughly $5 billion in revenues from tablet ads alone for the ... more
- When you see a screen displaying some type of message, image, or video, you are seeing a digital sign. These design tips will help you with your first digital display, and these marketing tips will help you create an ongoing digital display strategy. more
- Find out how Twitter's getting into e-commerce and why Vine may unseat Instagram as the go-to app for live events. Learn how to use Vine for campaigning, how to maximize content marketing with Pinterest's Secret Boards, and what elements leaders need to create a social business. #Skim for social transcendence! more
- Despite its wealth and stronger economic growth, the US is adopting new media technologies —smartphone, tablet, and IPTV (Internet protocol television)—at a slower pace than other countries. The US now ranks No. 12 in the adoption of new media technologies, and it's expected to slip to No. 14 by 2015. more
- Super Bowl XLVII could be called the "Super Bowl of the Third Screen." Viewers turned to their laptops, smartphones, and tablets to comment via social media on ads, the half-time show, and the blackout. The following two infographics break down the social media buzz during the Super Bowl. more
- Like a good how-to lesson? We know we do, and this week in social media is packed with piles of 'em. It's all here, and then some. Skim for experience! more
- Mobile marketing changes so rapidly that every day brings new developments, but some trends are here to stay, including the steady growth of mobile apps. To stay at the top of the mobile marketing game, you have to stay on top of these four trends. more
- This year's Super Bowl advertisers' near total failure to engage viewers beyond the TV screen led me to distill seven marketing lessons for any marketer looking to get more ROI from marketing investments. more
- Today (Feb. 6, 2013) Google announced some major upcoming changes that will make mobile ad campaign management exponentially simpler in AdWords. The new "Enhanced Campaigns" will be available as an upgrade by late February and become the default for all campaigns by June or so. more
- China has become one of the most competitive consumer markets in the world. In such a dynamic market, building a strong brand is imperative if you are to be picked out from the clutter of products. But how, exactly? more
- Every industry has its version of "buffalo chicken dip," a product or concept with big seasonal peaks. By anticipating those keyword trends and having your search marketing campaigns at the ready, you could hatch the same kind of profits as chicken farms do on Super Bowl Sunday. more
- American adults prefer Super Bowl commercials over any other part of the event, including the game itself: 38.8% of those surveyed cite commercials as their favorite part of the Super Bowl, whereas 28.8% cite the game itself, according to a survey from Lab42. more
- From stats and scores to game footage, mobile devices played a huge role in sports content consumption in 2012, according to Nielsen's 2012 Year in Sports summary, including its annual list of the year's most marketable athletes. more
- Facebook's Graph Search tops this week's buzz list. In campaigns, we've got VSP and fashion icon Diane Von Furstenberg's #PinToGiveAndGet (remember Pinterest? It's still hot...). And you'll love this week's featured tool, Dropify. more
- Advertisers invested more in paid search ads served via tablet devices than via smartphones in the fourth quarter of 2012, according to the Global Online Advertising Trends quarterly report, a study of key trends in paid search, mobile, and social advertising by Marin Software. more
- More than three in four consumers say most of the claims that brands make in advertisements are somewhat exaggerated (57.4%) or very exaggerated (19.0%), according to a study by Lab42. Only 2.8% of consumers surveyed say the claims in various ads are very accurate. more
- Before SMBs embrace new advertising opportunities offered by social networks, they need to seriously consider how to go about measuring the ROI impact of such ad investments. more
- Whether you're looking to move beyond the occasional tweet or you're aiming to further polish your approach, here are some tips for how you, as a B2B marketer, can take full advantage of Twitter as a marketing tool. more
- Only one-third (35%) of small business owners cite social media as a beneficial tactic for their business, though views about the benefits of social marketing vary by industry, according to a survey from Hiscox. more
- Bolstered by Internet advertising—particularly social media and online video—global ad spend growth is forecast to strengthen over the next three years, rising from an estimated 3.3% growth in 2012, to 4.1% growth in 2013 and 5.6% growth in 2015, according to projections by ZenithOptimedia. more
- Your banner ads aren't all about the click-throughs and immediate purchases. Brand retention and recognition are key goals of online advertising, because you want customers to seek you out when ready to make purchases. more