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Marketing Opinions: Content

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  • by Lewis Green
    Even the best bread goes stale in a few days. After a year of blogging and sharing marketing ideas, is it possible bloggers go stale, as well? I think the answer is yes. But does that mean we should shut the doors on our blogs and fade quietly into the ... more
  • by Gwyneth Dwyer
    Yes, of course spam is a nuisance, but it can also be a source of inspiration. Take five minutes to scan your junk folder, and you just may find the marketing headline you need. Or at least the start of I harvested 25 headlines with potential. (All of them up ... more
  • by Jennifer Jones
    YouTube's success illustrates just how viral video is. Live, interactive video is even more interesting and has good potential for marketers, in my opinion. Chris Yeh, CEO of , was a recent interview on Marketing Voices, a show I host for We spent some time together talking about how with ... more
  • by David Reich
    There's been some heated discussion lately about licensing of public relations I first heard of it a week ago, in a story about the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) making a push to have PR pros be licensed. (Will we have to be leashed and get rabies shots, The ... more
  • by Gavin Heaton
    There has been a feast of BSP (blogger sensory perception) this week over two converging topics -- and "participation"... and I have been fascinated by the Drew points out that a number of corporations are banning the use of Facebook during work hours. One of those companies is Telstra -- ... more
  • by Sara Holoubek
    Mom. It's one of the first words any of us learns. The concept is universal; motherhood precedes every living being on this planet. So who, I ask, decided that motherhood should suddenly become fashionable? Or that it was at one time unfashionable? And how is it possible that something so ... more
  • by Jeanne Bliss
    Nuts, this is nuts! Anyone who's an early adopter of the iPhone is likely also to be a big user of their phone. So get ready for the bill coming your way - it might be in a Here's the nutso-cuckoo U-tube of Justine Ezarik, who's a graphic designer in ... more
  • by Jim Kukral
    Everyone hated ads on blogs too... years ago. Believe me, I know. I wrote an ebook about how to make money blogging years before bloggers were making money. "Blogging isn't about money," people wrote to me. Countless emails like that. Now look around So are ads in video now bad ... more
  • by Joseph Jaffe
    YouTube this week caved to pressure to turn its consumer-friendly platform into just another intrusive ad vehicle. While some users have reacted positively, most are not * * * * Doctor to I have good news and bad What's the bad You have 1 month to live, give or take ... more
  • by Jeanne Bliss
    Has recognized that they need to go back to the "olden times" of providing people on the phone to talk to customers. The New York pays homage to the I agree. With the world of automation, what was considered to be a move into the future has actually exhausted and ... more
  • by Mack Collier
    Let me know about a Twit from concerning several evangelists for the V1, a three-wheeled alternative energy vehicle, organizing s and attacking a blogger that they felt painted their beloved V1 in a negative While this movement to "defend the honor" of the V1 no doubt made its evangelists feel ... more
  • by Valeria Maltoni
    Technology spoiled us. We're used to things being always on and for the most part, they are. Last week users found themselves unable to login in to their accounts – and thus make or receive calls – for the better part of two business days. When I about it on ... more
  • by BL Ochman
    So this is what mainstream media (MSM) means when they say "the company was not available for comment at press time." Pretty reckless of Whole PR department if you ask The video below, about shopping at Whole Foods, is part of a what appears to be a called The WTF!!? ... more
  • by Jennifer Jones
    Recently for Marketing Voices, a podcast I host for, I interviewed Kevin Anderson, the blogging editor for The , based in London, which is the largest daily newspaper on the web. This paper posted one of the first blogs in 2001, and to me it represents one of the ... more
  • by Ted Mininni
    The increasing impetus to green up corporate modus operandi has companies scrambling to find ways large and small to protect the environment–and to position their businesses to connect with like-minded customers. Let's face it makes good business sense to do this, and it's the right thing to I've blogged about ... more
  • by Jeanne Bliss
    Http:// more
  • by Elaine Fogel
    Unless you're part of the House of Saud, who really books a $30,000 a night room? Brian , the marketing director for the Four Seasons, New York, says there's a small but growing number of super-wealthy globetrotters willing to pay such lofty sums. "Perhaps more than most people realize," he ... more
  • by Mario Sundar
    If you were wondering where does Social Media Marketing fit into the classic "4 Ps of Marketing" model, check this out. Traditional 4 Ps of Marketing encompass Product, Price, Place and Promotion. Social Media as well as social networking sites enable the Promotion aspect, especially the Word of Mouth part ... more
  • by Stephan Spencer
    In answer to the question, "Can one earn a living blogging?" we turn to Chloe Spencer, my teenage daughter, who recently presented her blogging-for-profit story at the Professional Ways and session at the BlogHer conference to an audience of passionate bloggers, business professionals, and savvy SEO acolytes. The focus of ... more
  • by Paul Barsch
    With daily pressures for instant results, deadlines and executive demands for a six- to nine-month return on investment, most marketing executives are challenged to think strategically. A key question confronting marketers is, "Should marketing and the marketing budget be managed for the long-term or the short term?" Your answer probably ... more
  • by Ted Mininni
    "When the going gets tough, the tough get going." Dell has lost significant PC market share to Hewlett-Packard over the past few quarters, so according to industry analysts, Dell has wisely decided to focus on small business users–one of the company's Enter in Vostro–desktop computers, printers and monitors designed with ... more
  • by Elaine Fogel
    The Daily Fix has served as an outlet for many bad customer service stories. And every once in a while, we toast the companies who are doing things right. (Basic psychology - reinforce positively to maintain desired behavior.) Here's a sample of one CEO who's making the grade - and ... more
  • by Cam Beck
    Stanford University researcher Tom Robinson recently published a study linking brands with the perception of quality in children. Apparently kids think McDonald's-branded products taste better than its unbranded (but identical) counterparts. This "revelation" is supposed to make us think that McDonald's is evil because their marketing is responsible for making ... more
  • by Toby Bloomberg
    Get Ready For The Next Hundred is the theme of Chrysler's new advertising . Chrysler itself is revving up by launching a social media initiative that includes a multiple author blog - Voices of , vlogs distributed on YouTube and In our email interview Jackie Headapohl, Editor of Voices of ... more
  • by Ann Handley
    MarketingProfs is holding its 2007 B2B Forum this October 1 and 2 at the swanky Renaissance Chicago Driving What's New, What Works, and What ." It's a top-shelf program .... I know, because I was one of those who planned it .... and I hope to see you there. Let ... more

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