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- Need to convince company higher-ups to invest more in PR? Here's some help for proving your PR efforts are worth more than they think. more
- For the PR industry to grow and thrive, it needs to prove its direct value in the most tangible ways possible. Doing so is difficult, but, fortunately, not impossible. more
- Many of today's PR professionals are too focused on brand awareness, the ROI of which is hard to prove. Instead, PR pros should focus on these areas, which can be tied back to ROI. more
- Many companies rely on an ad or marketing agency to fulfill their content needs. But there are advantages to building your own, internal "brand newsroom." Here are five of those advantages. more
- B2B PR focuses on earning results that change perceptions, shape opinions, drive brand preferences, and create opportunities. It's gone far beyond impressions and other vanity metrics. more
- When you hired your PR agency, you were excited and hopeful. But now, you're wondering whether you made the right decision. Check out these signs that you may have chosen the wrong PR agency. more
- Most marketers feel lost when measuring their PR. After all, PR is too unpredictable, right? Not exactly. You can track your PR performance by using the right tools and best-practices—and knowing the following secrets. more
- The ROI of a press release isn't measured by the number of views it received. more
- Is your PR agency in danger of becoming obsolete? Here's a look at five areas that you should update immediately and reasons why those areas will emerge as influential in the next 12 months. more
- Recently, a MarketingProfs article claimed the information age killed public relations. Sure, PR is at an all-time low, but instead of blaming something for the demise of PR, we should be looking in the mirror. more