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Marketing Opinions: Content

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  • by Ann Handley
    Last week, my friend and colleague Susanne Sicilian sent an email highlighting the 5 Reasons Your Boss Needs to Send You to . Among the One-on-one time with our speakers, exclusive (and free) research, "Usability Labs" on your Web Site, Email campaigns, and Social Media efforts that essentially amounts to ... more
  • by John WallChristopherPenn
    In this Marketing Over Coffee we discuss 3 things to make your News Releases more effective, what to consider when adding "new media", and sales vs. marketing..... all that and more in this Marketing Over Coffee, a weekly audio program sponsored by MarketingProfs that covers classic marketing tactics and what's ... more
  • by Ted Mininni
    Business is running a series of what you might call "self-help articles for businesses." Before you yawn and think it's the same old, same , you might want to check this out. In an April 28th article Finding Your Company's Great , I was pleasantly surprised by the content. I ... more
  • by Paul Dunay
    When marketers design a marketing campaign .... we typically design them for "rational" buyers. But do buyers act rational? And what about When we make decisions we think we're in control and making rational choices. But are Dan Ariely a faculty member at MIT's Sloan School of Management and member ... more
  • by Elaine Fogel
    I am frustrated and I can't be the only one. I've written about this topic before and it isn't improving. Either companies should bring their call center staff back to North America or develop better protocols to handle North American I recently discovered that I must add a state tax ... more
  • by Paul Dunay
    My wife loves to travel, and spring break for my kids is always the perfect excuse to get away. But this time was different; for over a year my wife had been planning a trip to Turkey with a family we tend to travel well Of course April is always ... more
  • by Spike Jones
    Let's talk about putting up barriers of entry to your latest Web 2-point-ohhhh project. I don't know about you, but I'm getting invited to web apps and social networks that I've never even heard of before (and a lot of them sound the same to me). Signing up is all ... more
  • by Drew McLellan
    I've thought of myself as a writer since I was a little kid. I can get absolutely enthralled with how words sound in certain combinations and how they wrap around ideas and bring them to life. But today, I fear for them. Because I think we are wearing them I ... more
  • by Paul Dunay
    Over the past few years marketers have been working on tracking conversations about their brands on the Web. (You are tracking and listening, aren't you?) But once you have that in place, then Strategies for understanding and dealing with the flow of all these conversations are the natural next step. ... more
  • by John WallChristopherPenn
    In this Marketing Over Coffee we discuss buying lists, Google Audio Ads, the fishbowl and applying Marketing 2.0 strategies to local markets..... all that and more in this Marketing Over Coffee, a weekly audio program sponsored by MarketingProfs that covers classic marketing tactics and what's new on the technology Direct ... more
  • by Ted Mininni
    A short, interesting piqued my interest in Packaging World recently. The "Braille 'signed' on sleeved bottles" simply discloses how Italian milk producer Milk Depot, based in Brescia, Italy, has added expiration dates on its packaging in Braille. While this may not seem like much to some, the addition of Braille ... more
  • by Paul Barsch
    Many marketers believe that innovation and competitive differentiation arise from giving customers more choices and options. But through the strategy of "offering more choice", marketers may actually end up increasing complexity, costs and causing customers "mental fatigue." Is there a better way to win over A typical big box retailer ... more
  • by Paul Dunay
    Lots of brands are finding out the hard way that there are plenty of conversations taking place about them online. For good or bad. Many brands choose to ignore this. But hope is not a Since consumers rely heavily on the Web as an authoritative source of information, managing a ... more
  • by Valeria Maltoni
    By raise of hands, how many of you think that Web sites are going to go away? With all this talk of social media on one hand, and the clicks version of bricks on the other, there might remain little appeal for a static, brochure-like online presence. Business directories and ... more
  • by Mack Collier
    I attended a conference in Houston this week and I lost count on how many times I heard "I don't know what I'd say" in response to why that person wasn't blogging or on Twitter. But by the end of the conference on Tuesday, I was talking to many of ... more
  • by Tangerine Toad
    Rubicon Consulting came out with an interesting earlier this month about the iPhone and how people are using it. There were a number of key findings you can read about there or on . But the one I want to focus on–because I see it happening more and more–is that ... more
  • by Ted Mininni
    It seems that department store retailers, faced with sagging sales and a slumping economy, have made what appears to be a logical Re-brand and reposition teen apparel to capture that Of course, this is a tall order. Teens have long eschewed department stores in favor of shopping at hip, trendy ... more
  • by Cam Beck
    Against the backdrop of incessant about record reductions in newspaper subscriptions and advertising revenue, I read a recent that stated the Pittsburgh is losing about $20 million per This made me wonder about not only newspapers, but also all content publishers in a world filled with information foragers who are ... more
  • by Mark Goren
    Http:// more
  • by Ted Mininni
    The automotive industry's first Customer Advisory Board (CAB) has arrived. Thanks to Palo Alto, California-based Passenger, a technology company, which created the platform for Chrysler's CAB virtual forum. to invite 2000 consumers as well as Chrysler vehicle owners via a new consumer web , which is being promoted via a ... more
  • by Paul Dunay
    Ok, here is something I'm wrestling Can a community be successful with low brand awareness? If you are a big tech brand like Dell or Microsoft, you have no problem launching a community. In fact, many of these organizations have several But what if you are a small SaaS vendor? ... more
  • by Lewis Green
    As America seems to be less and less about values in the eyes of most of my boomer friends, one has to wonder if they matter in business. I call my business a values-based business, because we stated the values that underpin the business in our business plan before the ... more
  • by Paul Barsch
    Imagine walking down a busy street when suddenly you hear a voice in your head. Is it schizophrenia? The demonic? No, you've been subjected to modulated ultrasound from an advertiser, a beam of sound directed only at you. Is this the beginning of the end of mental Frequent columnist Clive ... more
  • by Stephen Denny
    Dear When we think of our relationships to institutions, we can categorize them in one of several ways. There are brands, and we talk a lot about them here and elsewhere. There are causes. There are memes, ideas, manifestos, and viruses. And then there are All of these are pushed ... more
  • by Elaine Fogel
    White papers and webinars proliferate now, a common lead generation tool for many companies. This week's free download from is an excellent example of viral marketing that uses a free download to gain attention for its advocacy I received the link in an e-mail from a friend in Chicago. With ... more

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