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Marketing Articles: Mobile

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  • Three Ways to Simplify the User's Buying Process
    According to the IBM Institute for Business Value, 60-65% of business leaders think users follow them on social media because they want to be part of a community. But that isn't true: the primary reason users follow companies on sites like Facebook or Twitter is because they want discounts—which isn't ... more
  • Consumers More Willing to Share Info With Retailers Than Social Networks
    Despite privacy concerns, consumers are more comfortable sharing their personal information with retailers than they are with social networks, particularly if sharing such data enhances the shopping experience, according to a survey from MyBuys and the e-tailing Group. more
  • Will Mobile Commerce Overtake E-Commerce? [Infographic]
    How vital is mobile commerce becoming? Worldwide, mobile commerce is set to hit $119 billion by 2015. The projected amount of retail purchases made online by 2014 is 54%. more
  • Laptops, TVs Most Popular Tech Products for College
    Students are most interested in buying laptops, fridges, and large televisions to take with them as they begin college life. Also, though college tech needs are shifting overall—toward products that provide mobility and convenience—the tech items viewed as most essential to college life are still the basics: laptops and printers. more
  • Five Principles for Multiscreen Storytelling [Slide Show]
    by Christian Gulliksen
    Customers learn about brands through an array of devices and media—often simultaneously.That's why your brand needs a strong multiscreen storytelling strategy. Social@Ogilvy offers five principles for getting it right. more
  • Pinterest Lessons for Better Web Design
    We've talked plenty about Pinterest's potential to spread the gospel of your awesomeness, but what about the lessons its success can teach us about creating fashionably cutting-edge Web design? Here's a big one: According to Babar Suleman, writing at The Daily Egg, "Pinterest's meteoric rise to social media ubiquity is powered by its ... more
  • Seven Rules to Cultivate Deep Mobile Relationships
    by Brent Hieggelke
    For marketers, mobile apps present an unprecedented opportunity to always be a mere arm's length away from customers. And we can know more about them than ever before. But how do you ensure a lasting mobile relationship? more
  • Americans Watching TV With Mobile Phone in Hand
    Most cell phone owners in the US use their devices while watching TV, often to get more information about televised content: Some 52% of all adult cell phone owners and 76% of those age 18-34 incorporate mobile phones into their television watching experience, according to a report by Pew Research. more
  • The Facebook Toolkit You Just Can't Live Without
    Facebook remains the hottest socnet on the block, but its marketing options are so sprawled that it's hard to decide where to begin—or how. Which is why Mashable has compiled a list of nine essential Facebook tools that'll help you get a grip on everyone's addiction of choice. Here are a ... more
  • Mobile Subscriptions to Surpass World Population by 2013
    As of early 2012, more than six billion mobile subscriptions were in use around the world (pre-paid and post-paid), providing mobile access for more than three-quarters (75%) of the world's inhabitants, according to a report by the World Bank. more
  • Paid Video Viewing on Tablets, Phones Up; Viewing via Computers Down
    As paid video content becomes more available via different channels, tablet and wireless phone viewing of paid video has increased from 2011 levels, while viewing via PC/Mac has decreased, according to the J.D. Power and Associates 2012 US Residential Pay-to-View Study. more
  • Five QR-Code Marketing Mistakes and How to Fix Them
    Marketers remain bullish on the potential of QR codes, but a Temkin Group study in April found that only 24% of US adults are actually using them. So notes Dan Wilkerson in an article at Mashable. According to Wilkerson, there are five common mistakes being made by QR-code marketers that are turning ... more
  • Apple's Smartphone Subscriber Share 1 in 3; Google Android's, 1 in 2
    Both Google Android and Apple continued to increase their share of US smartphone subscribers in the US: Android reached nearly 51%, while Apple captured 32%, according to data from the comScore MobiLens service for the three-month period ended May 2012. more
  • Five Tips for Case-Study Videos That Get Results
    We have short attention spans, and we don't have a ton of time to learn. Plus, the success models of companies like Kickstarter make it clear that the case-study video plays a pivotal role in today's business success stories. So how do you make a crowd-pleaser video that gets real results? ... more
  • 7 in 10 Use Only Mobile for at Least One Web-Based Activity
    Mobile devices have a strong hold on today's consumers, so much so that some users are becoming totally mobile dependent, whether at home or on the go: Half of smartphone and tablet users (51.1%) say they now check their email using only their mobile device, according to a recent survey ... more
  • Make a Picture Worth a Thousand Conversions
    Websites are great ways to relay lots of information—and that's a blessing and a curse, as business sites pack in as much about themselves, their products, their customers, their services, as they possibly can. Against that daily data barrage, the use of imagery can pay off big, KISSmetrics tells us in ... more
  • 10 Reasons Why You Need a Mobile Site [Infographic]
    by Alex Matjanec
    With smartphone’s taking the majority share in mobile phone usage in America this year, it’s easy to see that the future of the Web is mobile. No one can afford to ignore it. more
  • B2B Mobile Marketing: Mobile + B2B = BFF! [Video]
    by Christina "CK" Kerley
    Anytime-anywhere media provide B2Bs new ways to create, develop, and sustain ROI-rich relationships. Yet, the majority of B2Bs aren't using mobile to bolster their marketing. So, how can mobile be your B2B's BFF? more
  • Tracking Traffic From Pinterest: Three Measurements
    Pinterest serves more than 11.7 million US users monthly. But how do you know how many of them are checking out your Pins? While Pins and Repins of photos from your site are great in theory for generating traffic, how do you actually track those numbers? Jim Gianoglio shares four ways ... more
  • Top MBA Schools Taking to Social Media Channels
    Virtually all of the nation's top MBA schools are using popular social media channels to promote their programs and recruit students, according to a study by the Center for Marketing Research at the University of Massachusetts at Dartmouth. Moreover, 82% of the MBA schools surveyed plan to increase their investment ... more
  • Five Components of the Ideal Enterprise Sales App
    by Jim Steger
    Enterprise-grade mobile apps can equip sales teams with a set of high-impact selling tools. But not all apps are created equal. Learn the five essential elements of an effective sales app. more
  • Seven Mobile Marketing Best-Practices
    by Igor Faletski
    If you aren't tailoring your marketing for a mobile audience, you could be selling your efforts short—and missing a huge opportunity to get results. Here are seven best-practices for reaping the most benefit from mobile. more
  • Four Tips for Turning a Website Design Into a Brand Experience
    Small businesses can learn lots from design firm Method's socially appealing philosophy. Case in point: Method's Interaction Design Director Ben Fullerton recently wrote an eloquent article for Fast Company about turning website design pixels into a brand experience for users. Here are our favorite bits of advice from the article: Embody what you ... more
  • Four Tips for a Common-Sense Approach to Mobile Marketing
    by Jeff Hasen
    Want to enhance your mobile marketing efforts? Rather than undergoing dreaded technical training, apply a common-sense approach to mobile. Learn four practical tips from four marketers in the trenches of mobile marketing. more
  • Seven Effective Ways to Integrate Social, Local, and Mobile
    by Tom Shapiro
    Have your marketing efforts gone "SoLoMo" yet? Learn why combining your social, local, and mobile marketing efforts are critical in today's market—and how you can go "SoLoMo" in seven ways. more

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