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by Lenna Garibian
Saving money has become second nature for many Americans, but the South and Midwest still have a leg up on the rest of the country, according to the 2012 Savings Index by Coupons.com, which ranks US cities by their use of digital coupons in 2012.
by Jeffrey K. Rohrs
This year's Super Bowl advertisers' near total failure to engage viewers beyond the TV screen led me to distill seven marketing lessons for any marketer looking to get more ROI from marketing investments.
by Lenna Garibian
Only 51% of US consumers are aware of digital wallet providers other than PayPal, even as electronic payment providers, mobile phone carriers, banks, and retailers themselves line up for a piece of the emerging digital wallet market, according to new data from comScore.
by Larry Kim
Today (Feb. 6, 2013) Google announced some major upcoming changes that will make mobile ad campaign management exponentially simpler in AdWords. The new "Enhanced Campaigns" will be available as an upgrade by late February and become the default for all campaigns by June or so.
by Verónica Jarski
More chief technology officers are making mobile a priority and dedicating greater resources to it. The following infographic from MutualMobile details how CTOs are thinking about mobile and why it matters to business.
by Tara Banda
If you need some help with your online presence (think social media, blogs, local listings, and more...) here's a list of 10 do's and 10 don'ts to keep your marketing on the right track in 2013.
by Angela Natividad
This week: How brands are already using Vine. And useful tools--for memes, for tracking analytics by phone, for funner presentations, for better gauging the usefulness of Pinterest, and for improving your company culture. Plus the usual grab bag of B2B-relevant news, stats, how-tos and buzzworthy campaigns.
by Lenna Garibian
Most digital news consumers find news information from Web-native sources such as The Huffington Post and Yahoo, but they rely on more traditional news outlets such as the New York Times and CNN for breaking news stories and for news consumed via mobile devices, according to a report by The ...
by Angel Morales
It's time to get serious about your strategies for 2013. How will you treat your customers? How will you acknowledge their experiences and build their brand loyalty? How will you encourage interaction with multiple channels? The short answer: listen to them. The long answer: read this article.
by Lenna Garibian
Facebook closed out 2012 with good news on the mobile front: Ranked by audience size, Facebook captured the No. 1 spot from Google Maps as the top US mobile app as of December 2012, according to data from the comScore Mobile Metrix.
by Lenna Garibian
Nearly two-thirds (63%) of smartphone owners expect to be shopping more via their mobile device over the next couple years; moreover, among such mobile devotees, saving time and money are key motivators for shopping with their device.
by Verónica Jarski
Smartphones and tablets are growing in popularity, so you might be assuming that they are completely transforming how folks shop. Transforming? Yes. Completely? Not quite. This infographic shows how mobile devices are really affecting the shopping experience.
by Lenna Garibian
From stats and scores to game footage, mobile devices played a huge role in sports content consumption in 2012, according to Nielsen's 2012 Year in Sports summary, including its annual list of the year's most marketable athletes.
by William Arruda
In Part 1 of "10 Personal Branding Trends for 2013," I shared five important personal branding trends for the New Year. In this second installment, I have five more trends for you to include in your personal branding strategy to make you stand out and achieve your goals.
by Verónica Jarski
On this Free Friday, we welcome you to check out the engaging, info-packed (but never-snoozy) videos on the MarketingProfs website.
by Angela Natividad
Facebook's Graph Search tops this week's buzz list. In campaigns, we've got VSP and fashion icon Diane Von Furstenberg's #PinToGiveAndGet (remember Pinterest? It's still hot...). And you'll love this week's featured tool, Dropify.
by Lenna Garibian
When making purchasing decisions about tech products and services, business and IT professionals are turning to social, mobile, and video content in a big way in the United States, according to a report from IDG Research Services.
by Kim Ann King
Whether you've been testing for years or you're just getting started, your optimization program's success depends on careful planning, implementation, and measurement. This is the first in a three-part series of articles that looks at the steps involved.
by Lenna Garibian
The Internet, social media, and mobile connectivity now permeate the operations of US-based arts organizations changing the way they stage performances, mount and showcase exhibits, engage audiences, sell tickets, and raise funds, according to new report by Pew Research.
by Lenna Garibian
Google Android widened its lead over Apple in the US smartphone market: Google captured 53.7% of smartphone subscribers in the US, while Apple secured 35.0%, according to data from the comScore MobiLens service for the three-month period ended in November 2012.
by Christian Gulliksen
You can't ignore Android's astonishing gains in the mobile market, even if your customers are still using iPhones and iPads in greater numbers.
Consumers continue to spend more time on social networks than on any other category of websites—roughly 20% of their total time online via personal computer (PC) and 30% of their total time online via mobile—according to a report by NM Incite and Nielsen.
by Lenna Garibian
Email, social media, and mobile rank as marketers' top spending priorities for 2013, according to a survey from StrongMail: 55.5% of marketing executives say they plan to increase spending on email campaigns in 2013; 51.8% plan to boost spend on social media; and 42.8% plan to up their spend on ...
Overall, consumers are unimpressed with their mobile shopping experiences at the top 20 brick-and-mortar retail brands: Retailers' apps and mobile sites are often too slow to load, challenging to navigate, and error-prone at checkout, according to a survey from Mobiquity.
Consider this: Three-quarters of the world's population has a mobile phone, and within the next two years the number of mobile subscriptions will outnumber the number of people.