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Marketing Articles: Mobile

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  • Why Won't Mobile Marketing Learn From Online's Lessons?
    by Bob Walczak
    Mobile advertising is deemed complex for the same reason online used to be: Standards are murky at best. Online advertising evolved because online dashboards allowed agencies to monitor and optimize their digital campaigns in real time. Why doesn't mobile do this? more
  • Mobile Marketing: What is UR txt msg str@tegy?
    by Alan Berrey
    Where R U? In other words, where is your text message strategy? When will your organization begin using text messaging and other mobile messaging services in your marketing, customer care, and collections processes? more
  • Extending and Enhancing Closed-Loop Marketing via the Mobile Channel
    by Stephan Dietrich
    While mobile marketing can be invasive on its own, integration with the larger marketing campaign mix and proper tracking of customer response can ensure that customers are drawn in, rather than turned off, by mobile messages. The mobile medium has achieved staying power as a gateway for marketers to reach customers ... more
  • by Paul Barsch
    Ever wondered what the "rhythm" of your city looks like? In cities like Rome and New York, aggregated real-time data from mobile providers is helping government officials monitor traffic flows, efficiently utilize transportation networks, and even plan for large-scale events helping to improve overall "citizen satisfaction." Is real-time data visualization ... more
  • by Chris Lovejoy, Andrew Osterday
    Mobile technology continues to develop. The number of consumers with mobile devices capable of retrieving and viewing email continues to increase rapidly. The early adopters of the Blackberry have given way, in numbers at least, to those using what are fast becoming fully functional internet-ready devices. With multiple mobile platforms ... more
  • by Paul Dunay
    You can't hop into a cab, step into an elevator or walk down the street without passing someone using a Blackberry, iPhone or other type of mobile device. Business professionals, students, police and even your kids are connected every second of the As a result, more and more carriers are ... more
  • Case Study: How a Software Company Became a Marketing Partner By Adding Mobile Data
    by Kimberly Smith
    When the clients of SalesTrac, Inc., were looking for more in-depth consumer insight to determine the effectiveness of their promotional events, SalesTrac seized the opportunity to provide increased value through an all-in-one system that added survey management and real-time reporting of consumer feedback to its services. Check out the results. more
  • by Hank Stroll
    Should your organization get into mobile marketing? The evidence shows that mobile marketing skews toward the business-to-consumer segment, and (slowly but surely) it is starting to gain momentum. Read on to find out whether the vehicle might be right for you. more
  • by Ted Mininni
    Verizon Wireless and LG Wireless's much-anticipated new chocolate phone was recently unveiled to lots of oohs and Now that the phone has come off the fashion runway, and cell phone connoisseurs have had a chance to handle the new beauty, the comments are coming in. And they seem to be ... more
  • by Ted Mininni
    Apparently, this is a brave new world, that is, we're boldly going where no man has gone before. more
  • by Roy Young
    Are you up in arms about the increasing number of unsolicited and pre-recorded telephone calls you I am. It may work -- why would they do it if it did not? -- but it gives marketing a bad Just this morning, I had two come in to my business phone. ... more
  • by Scott Petinga
    Virgin Mobile will launch a program dubbed "SugarMama" that allows customers to get 75 minutes of airtime For those of you who are not familiar with Virgin Mobile, that basically equates to $7.50 or $0.10 per minute for the In order to obtain thier FREE minutes, a customer will have ... more
  • by Ann Handley
    Yesterday, Verizon launched a new cell-phone service that will chaperone your kids (and alert you if they wander beyond a perimeter that you set for them, Poynter's Al Meanwhile, the Boston ast week ran a piece about how state and national ruling bodies for youth soccer leagues have recommended that ... more
  • by Eric Frenchman
    I saw this post over at Reuters this week titled Virgin Mobile Introduces Ad-Subsidized Calls and my initial reaction was that it is a lame It conjured up memories of . After I ignored the sick feeling in my stomach, I thought about it for a few minutes and decided, ... more
  • by Scott Petinga
    As the adage goes there's always a first time for So today all the advertisers out there who are responsible for allowing so much #@$& crap to get by can actually take a deep breath and relax as I focus my attention on what I consider to be one of ... more

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